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Thread: lo carb diet.... running out of options

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    lo carb diet.... running out of options

    I have been maintaining a low carb diet for years now. I just recently finnished a bulking cycle where i was taking in more carbs than i normaly would... .I am now having a hard time dropping carbs out of my diet as i want to cut..

    I basically am loooking for some meal ideas which would help eliminate most of my carbs.... I have a hard time eating in the morning, especially eggs. so, my breakfast is usually made up of oatmeal and a protine shake... I eat a lot of chicken... some tuna, some lunch meat, peanuts, and protine shakes.... anyway if anyone has anyother low carb ideas especially for breakfast, i would appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    whats your max carbs for the day?

    Its so hard to figure out food especially in the morning. i will try to find you something in my cook book.

    Hey tobey, you still around? the iron chef is great at ideas.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i dont really count the carbs... i just know what to avoid.... im not totally converted over yet... but hope to be with in a month... maybe 50g of carbs a day...?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You want to go 30g to stay in Ketosis...Plus your brain needs that much to function properly..

    Make big old omlettes for breakfast with bacon and sausage. ( Watch the sugar in sausage)

    Eat beef,meatloaf, whatver...

    Mix it up.
    Stuff chicken breasts with spinach and cream cheese. ( very good) No carbs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    In the mornings you can mix oatmeal with protein powder and or peanut butter to make a real rich mixture that can fill you up for many hours.

    You can try homemade protein shakes made with eggs sweetener a bit of oatmeal etc.

    Whole wheat toast on peanut butter.
    Whole wheat bagel on peanut butter. Hell the list is probably endless!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    thats what i do oatmel + pb... but if im trying to avoid carbs, shouldnt i skip the oatmeal ??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    There is avoiding carbs and also neglecting carbs.
    You can if youre not in a keto diet consume up to 50-150g carbs.
    So oatmeal is fine in the morning.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Big_Dan
    There is avoiding carbs and also neglecting carbs.
    You can if youre not in a keto diet consume up to 50-150g carbs.
    So oatmeal is fine in the morning.
    hey... can you explain the keto diet to me a little... the theory behind it... how to run it.....

    so its basically a low carb diet right? maybe a step up from the atkins? I eat basically the same thing every day...

    oatmeal and pb for breakfast... occasionally a protine shake
    few handfulls of peanuts
    turkey sandwich
    protine shake
    lunch: chicken breast or tuna or ground turkey
    protine shake
    dinner... chicken, fish, omlett

    i cheat on weekends and drink some on weekends.... but all in all the diet is pretty clean.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hm by your lifestyle it seems the keto diet is not for you.
    In the keto diet, you eat below 20g carbs a day and you go into ketosis, where your body burns ketones which are the byproducts of fat metabolism for energy. You get bad breath, but it works and is a great diet. You lose a lot of water weight to start, and this gets ppl motivated erroneously. But it works.
    If you train, you can do a CKD, which includes carbs during the weekends, and this one might apply to you. Now there are many tricks to the keto diet and you have to obsess about the labels (you have to make sure you dotn go over 20g carbs a day,otherwise its useless!) and with the bad breath it can be a drag.
    You eat moderate protein to prevent glucogeonsis(sp) which is protein being converted to energy and plenty of fats (eggs and bacon, tuna with whole mayo, steak, protein shakes with flax etc) - just that the portions are small.
    Thats what i can sum up for you. There are good articles in ef by this guy called Mr. X. He is EXTREMELY knowledgeable and has a few stickys at the top.
    GOod luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Do a 403030 or a zone diet - its what seems most fitting to your habits.
    50-150g g carbs is what id shoot for, 1-1.5g per pound of protein

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Baltimore, MD
    Hey bro, email me if ya want, ive had mikexxl make me a keto diet that u can look at to see if you like. ITs 6 meals a day with alot of eggs and chicken breast mostly. It has the times and how much of each. Im gonna start on it on monday.

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