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Thread: ON Serious Mass

  1. #1

    ON Serious Mass

    I want to gain some mass .. well a lot of mass actually .. I invested in this to help me out a bit and was wondering when the best time would be to take it? I know diet and whole foods are important and am working on perfecting my diet which is why I'm asking this question.. and will post it up when it's done.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    that stuff is pretty good, you can take it anytime i take it in the am my frien takes it like 3 times a day plus 5 meals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    For me i think 1300 cals is a bit excessive, I just bought ON Pro Complex gainer. 650 cals, 60g protein, 85g carbs. As far as when to use it 3 times A say will put on, well, SERIOUS MASS. I am going to drink 1 for breakfast, 1 for PWO, and one before bed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    get a good cutting diet ready cause u guys are gonna need it---if its too easy it usually aint gonna work

  5. #5
    haha screw it im taking the chance i have no problem cutting but i have a problem with gaining weight so meh .. my diet besides this is going to be extremely clean

  6. #6
    i'll probably only take 1 scoop at a time anyways .. i doubt ill be able to handle two .. protien is bad enough and you'd figure i should be use to that after like 4 or 5 years .. maybe i'm just a sissy

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    think about it---there are hundreds of those mass shakes everywhere u look--if they put quality weight on u then everybody would b walkin around jacked

  8. #8
    thats like saying think about it there is tons of chicken in stores everywhere u look .. if it put quality weight on everyone would be walkin around jacked..

    obviously proper nutrition and a good workout routine and hard work and dedication will get you jacked .. nobody said this was some sort of magic powder to get huge and jacked .. but i think it will help to add a little more calories and mass for someone who has a hard time gaining that ..

    sorry to be rude but your comment is idiotic

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    good luck fat boy

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    not trying to b a dick---my test must b kickin hard---i would take it pwo only

    and if u ate the extra amount of calories in chicken and rice as are in that shake u would def b better off---

    anyway good luck for real

  12. #12
    alright thanks .. i find it hard to eat so much which is probably why i can't gain as much as i'd like , right now i'm thinkin pwo and half a serving in the morning

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post

    and if u ate the extra amount of calories in chicken and rice as are in that shake u would def b better off---

    To the OP - this is a bodybuilding forum where anyone who actually knows anything has already learned the value of eating whole food meals over these products. You can't get hurt when someone calls you out on a shortcut that simply isn't as effective.
    Justify taking in 250g of simple carbs and a good bit of sugar with fast-digesting whey/egg protein blend instead of 3 meals (1.5 cup basmati rice, 8 oz. chicken, asparagus for example) over the course of the day in addition to the rest of your diet. Save the money you spend on weight gainers and use it on some Tupperware and groceries.

  14. #14
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    if he is a hard gainer and is STILL eating his whole food meals the weight gainer isn't going to hurt. hes not a fat guy to start with so i think he will be ok.

  15. #15
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Dont bother with any weight gainers, save your money and spend it on extra whole foods.

    IMO you should only take a shake PWO or as a last resort to get a meal in.

    Make your own Gainer Shake anyway;

    Some Whey, Peanut Butter, Cottage Cheese, Milk, Oats, BCAA's, EFA's,,, now thats a kick ass shake, hell, I would even count that as a meal

    Cheaper and better for gaining 'cleaner' weight.

  16. #16
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjoe30 View Post
    if he is a hard gainer (Meaning he doesnt eat enough) and is STILL eating his whole food meals the weight gainer isn't going to hurt. hes not a fat guy to start with so i think he will be ok.
    If he is eating his whole food meals and isnt gaining weight the answer is simple, to me anyway, he needs to eat more!

  17. #17
    i'm far from hurt.. this will not be a replacement for any meals, i'll steal eat my 7+ healthy meals a day besides whenever i take this .. it may replace my pwo shake but that's it ...anyways i have my answers, thanks

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjoe30 View Post
    if he is a hard gainer and is STILL eating his whole food meals the weight gainer isn't going to hurt. hes not a fat guy to start with so i think he will be ok.
    Why not just eat larger portions or add in more meals then? I'm not saying it will hurt or make you fat overnight - I'm just saying eat more food instead! Eat nuts, eat meat, eat vegetables, eat complex carbs by the truckload and you will be gaining better! It's like shakes vs. whole food. I'm not some fascist who believes your diet sucks if you have more than 1 shake, but it's never the same as a real meal.

  19. #19
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    ^^^^ true,whole foods over shakes but if you did want a shake here and there i would make my own.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    If he is eating his whole food meals and isnt gaining weight the answer is simple, to me anyway, he needs to eat more!
    LOL true!! but i still say it won't hurt

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Why not just eat larger portions or add in more meals then? I'm not saying it will hurt or make you fat overnight - I'm just saying eat more food instead! Eat nuts, eat meat, eat vegetables, eat complex carbs by the truckload and you will be gaining better! It's like shakes vs. whole food. I'm not some fascist who believes your diet sucks if you have more than 1 shake, but it's never the same as a real meal.
    real meals are best !im just saying it wont hurt, maybe help with time and money too i guess.

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