Took me a while to do this properly (I hope it's right) But this is the God's honest truth-My diet
24yrs old
Aprox 26%BF
Goal is to lose weight. Would love to get down to 220. Need to lose a lot of weight by middle of July though.
8am- whole wheat bagel with 3 egg whites, turkey, and a slice of swiss
Or 1.5 cup oatmeal /w milk
12am- Gyro
Or a burger
2pm- protein bar
2:30pm- Gym
4pm-PB&J on whole wheat breat
630pm-Chicken parm or something equally as bad with rice or fries
I did go to the gym and was working out hard with only 20 min of fast walking (4.3mph). I was eating A LOT healthier with chicken wraps and protein powder and veggies but that didn’t last long.
What I typed above as far as my meals go were what I was really eating all the time. Although I did change my diet drastically, its has only been for a short time (about 4 days so I won’t include them.
I finally accepted that you cant lose weight and bodybuild at the same time so I want to concentrate on just losing weight for now. I go to the gym now 4 days a week and do the treadmill for 30-40 minutes. I start off with a 3.5mph walk for 5 minutes then go to a 4.3mph walk for 5 minutes. At that point i'm dripping in sweat and my hearts pumping really good. I then keep walking at 4.6mph but at a 15degree incline for 3 min to get my heart exploding. Then I bring it down to a 3.5mph walk for 3 min for a cooling period. I then run for 2 min at a 7.0mph run. then back down to the walk and mix it all up again with different things. I dont really give my heart rate a chance to slow. Once I fee it slowing,I increase the intensity. I dont know if this is HIIT or if what Im doing is the right thing to lose weight.
I know my diet is horrible. Some of you are going to make fun of me but I accept it.