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Thread: New Way of Life

  1. #1

    New Way of Life

    I just joined but I have been on the site all day and reading up on diets and watching the videos from the diet sticky. I am looking to cut fat and gain muscle.
    Age: 24
    Height: 6' 0"
    Weight: 240 lbs
    I have been working 12 hr days which involve me setting on my butt the entire time. I want to do a high protein low carb diet. My ultimate goal will be to get down to 220 in 5 months by losing 30 pounds of fat and gain ten pounds of muscle. Once i get there then i want to keep going until i am as lean as i can get naturally then i might turn to other sources of help.

    This is my general diet plan
    240g of Protein, 120g of Carbs, as little Fat as possible.

    5:15 6 egg whites and either whole wheat toast or whole oats
    8:15 5 oz chicken breast and 4g fish oil
    10:30 whey protein shake 26g protein
    1:00 5oz Sirloin Steak
    4:00 5 oz chicken breast
    7:00 5 oz Chicken or fish or steak
    8:15 30 min work out and 45 min cardio
    9:30 Post work out whey protein shake

    I know carbs are missing but i figured i would eat vegetables as needed for energy. I would really appreciate any help from the experienced ones here and sorry for such a long post. I will post current pics and an update every two weeks. i am prepared to work my butt off to lose all this fat.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Slothinator View Post
    I just joined but I have been on the site all day and reading up on diets and watching the videos from the diet sticky. I am looking to cut fat and gain muscle.
    Age: 24
    Height: 6' 0"
    Weight: 240 lbs
    I have been working 12 hr days which involve me setting on my butt the entire time. I want to do a high protein low carb diet. My ultimate goal will be to get down to 220 in 5 months by losing 30 pounds of fat and gain ten pounds of muscle. Once i get there then i want to keep going until i am as lean as i can get naturally then i might turn to other sources of help.

    This is my general diet plan
    240g of Protein, 120g of Carbs, as little Fat as possible.

    5:15 6 egg whites and either whole wheat toast or whole oatsadd 2 whole eggs
    8:15 5 oz chicken breast and 4g fish oiladd 1/2 cup oats with water
    10:30 whey protein shake 26g proteindo casein here instead of whey--add 1/2 cup oats or sweet potato
    1:00 5oz Sirloin Steak 1/2 cup oats or sweet potato
    4:00 5 oz chicken breastdo fibrous veggies from here out
    7:00 5 oz Chicken or fish or steak
    8:15 30 min work out and 45 min cardio
    9:30 Post work out whey protein shakedo 1 sc casein and 1sc whey with a good fat source

    I know carbs are missing but i figured i would eat vegetables as needed for energy. I would really appreciate any help from the experienced ones here and sorry for such a long post. I will post current pics and an update every two weeks. i am prepared to work my butt off to lose all this fat.

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    see bold---i would start like that

    need to know ur tdee and macros for each meal to help much more

  3. #3
    See bold??? TDEE is 3853. And I need help with where to put in my carbs. I chose 5 oz servings of steak and chicken for 30g of protein each. Just want guidance on when to have veggies and fish oil? Thanks

  4. #4
    Nevermind just saw what you meant by bold.

  5. #5
    Thanks for your help but that seems like a lot of carbs. Is this going to be good for losing weight quick?

  6. #6
    God I have so many questions!!!!! Is a good fat source the fish oil and how many grams do I take. I thought the video said 10 grams a day of omega 3

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Sloth - if you want to go extremely low to no carb, consider a CKD diet. Otherwise, if you're going to be on a very low fat diet you will need carbs for energy. The energy has to come from somewhere!

    Stick with carbs in the 1st half of your day like MG's corrections suggest. Fill out the rest of the day's meals with fiberous veggies. Your proposed diet plan isn't much more than 1500 calories a day - too low. Your protein intake is good, you just need to add some more carbs (maybe 200g total) and 40-50g of fat per day.

  8. #8
    I know I am asking a lot but can you explain what type of food for 40-50g of fat. Also do yall eat oats and water cold? I am asking cause I don't have a microwave source at work and want to do this right. Thanks and sorry for all the beginner questions

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Slothinator View Post
    I am asking cause I don't have a microwave source at work and want to do this right. Thanks and sorry for all the beginner questions
    Cook all ur meals either once a week or night before work and invest in tupperware...lots of it...I work on the road all day long so i dont hav a micro either so i make foods that can be eaten at room temp...examples canned chicken breast/wheat pasta/balsamic vinegar, tuna/brown rice/mustard...list goes on and on. Dont make excuses just cuz u dont hav a micro at work...Work it out and make it happen. U want a "NEW LIFE" then u got to start getting rid of the excuses and bad habits from before......

    For good fats most of the ppl here do flaxseed oil or fish oil...Tuna and salmon hav good fats in them aswell...

  10. #10
    All of my info is coming from the Milos video and he states that if you aren't needing energy then just eat fibrous vegetables and then before a good workout or whenever you do need energy then eat carbs which I guess yall like the oats and sweet potato route. I know you two are way more knowledgable on this subject than me but what you say and what he says isn't matching?? I know my diet will be the key to my weightloss, that is why I am trying to make it perfect

  11. #11
    I wasn't making an excuse I was planning on eating them cold but was wondering if that is how anyone ate them. I cooked a ton of chicken and steak and have it in Tupperware. I am just worried I don't know enough about carbs and different varieties of food that will be ok for me to eat. I am fine with just eating chicken steak eggs and oats

  12. #12
    The 5 staple complex carbs for me are sweet potatoes, brown rice, wheat pasta, oats and home made hummus(have the recipe in the recipe forum). These are the ones i found were most convenient for me...

  13. #13
    So you mix oats with cold water? Also did you see my question about me having carbs throughout the day since I just set on my butt? That video says only to eat carbs as needed for energy. Thanks!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    milos also said he ate 500gr of carbs per day

    those videos are to give u a better idea of how ur body works and an idea of how and when to eat---u dont have to follow it to a T

    Good meats/protien to eat..

    Chicken Breast
    Turkey Breast
    Eggs/Egg Whites
    Bison/Deer Meat
    93% and up lean beef (ground beef, roast beef, london broil are just a few examples)
    Fish (tuna, salmon, talipa etc..)
    Whey (PWO ONLY)
    Casien (BEDTIME ONLY)

    Good Complex Carbs

    Oats (not that instant crap, all natural steel cut/rolled oats)
    Sweet potatos
    Wheat Bread (no, not the enriched type)
    Ezekiel Bread
    Glutin Free Bread

    Good Essential Fatty Acids

    Avocado (my fav)
    EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
    Fish Oil

  15. #15
    Ok thanks for the explanation. As for today I am going to have to stick with what I brought to eat. I will have the oats ready for tomorrow but where would carrots fall In as fibrous????

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    dont do carrots--brocolli, cauliflour, asparagus,zuchinni

  17. #17
    Lol my first day is all screwed up. But I am still calling it day one of diet. It is better than what I was doing before. Ok MG do you recommend me get rid of the noon shake and only do one after workout?? Can I double my shake after workout for 52g of protein or do you still suggest getting casein and mix it?? Thank you for your help!!!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Slothinator View Post
    Lol my first day is all screwed up. But I am still calling it day one of diet. It is better than what I was doing before. Ok MG do you recommend me get rid of the noon shake and only do one after workout?? Can I double my shake after workout for 52g of protein or do you still suggest getting casein and mix it?? Thank you for your help!!!!
    preferably do real food instead of that shake--but if u cant, make it casein

    u would do better doin real food pwo too, since its ur last meal---or u could do the shake immediately following workout and then real food 1hr later

  19. #19
    I won't be able to do a late meal but I can replace the noon shake with real food. Will the pwo be fine with just protein or do I need to go buy casein? I added up my macros for today and I am way away from where my diet needs to be if I need to do 40/40/20. Is the 40/40/20 designed to cut fat? Here are my end of days results.
    218P/42C/69F/1800CAL. If I go buy your bold guidelines exactly will that get me where I need to be diet wise?? Thanks

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Slothinator View Post
    I won't be able to do a late meal but I can replace the noon shake with real food. Will the pwo be fine with just protein or do I need to go buy casein? I added up my macros for today and I am way away from where my diet needs to be if I need to do 40/40/20. Is the 40/40/20 designed to cut fat? Here are my end of days results.
    218P/42C/69F/1800CAL. If I go buy your bold guidelines exactly will that get me where I need to be diet wise?? Thanks
    it will get u alot closer---redo macros with the changes and post em up and we can further tweak if need b

    yes get casein and do 1sc of casein and 1sc of whey

  21. #21
    Revised but still doesn't include casein.


    what about this???

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    post it up with each meal and macros for each

  23. #23
    Is it normal that after you eat the oats you have to force down the chicken. Feels like I am eating way to much.

  24. #24
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    Feb 2009

  25. #25
    Usually my mid day meals like meal 4 and 5 i have to force myself to eat..Those usually take longer to get down. Force it down or try putting some cal and carb free condiments on them to make it better...

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Wales, UK
    Sloth, I was pretty much the same for a week or two, It felt like I was eating too much to be cutting fat. The weights dropping off me now & I'm building muscle underneath the fat too

    Stick at it and listen to this "mg" guy, he's a god of diets :P

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by showtimee View Post
    Sloth, I was pretty much the same for a week or two, It felt like I was eating too much to be cutting fat. The weights dropping off me now & I'm building muscle underneath the fat too

    Stick at it and listen to this "mg" guy, he's a god of diets :P
    dont know about all that--but thanks anyway^^^^

    the first 2-3 weeks of my cut i had to literally force it down--once ur metabolism gets goin u will b hungry every 2 hours--u can set ur watch to it

  28. #28
    Ok thanks. The only problem is my energy level is very low when I am trying to work out and run. What can I eat/drink 45 minutes to an hour before to boost my energy thanks!!

  29. #29
    Also can I take a 5 hour energy drink in the morning. I have an hour and half commute to work and the last two mornings I have been dangerously tired. Just need a quick pick me up so I don't have to keep holding my eyes open. It is because of my crazy work schedule I get only 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night through the weekday

  30. #30
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Slothinator View Post
    Ok thanks. The only problem is my energy level is very low when I am trying to work out and run. What can I eat/drink 45 minutes to an hour before to boost my energy thanks!!
    dont u have a meal 1hr before workout?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    ok i see--do 1/2 cup oats or a sweet potato with ur 7pm meal

  32. #32
    Thanks I feel like this is going to work for me the only problem is Saturday is river day on my boat which means around 1200 calories of beer. I will try to cut that in half I am just worried I will waste all my hard warned work

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    hope river day aint every saturday, Lol

  34. #34
    Haha I know it's bad and I was prepared to give up drinking but my wife gave me the "it's the only fun we get to have" guilt trip. It will be a lot of Saturdays but I still should see one hell of a difference cause I went from not running not working out and not caring what I ate to this. So I am crossing my fingers. This might be a dumb question but do people do this diet for month an then switch to something else? Or is this why I am doing from here out? Thanks mg I hope your getting paid for the time you put in to this forum

  35. #35
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    Feb 2009
    yea u will b fine---i dont know about other people here but i started eating like this in feb 09 and havent looked back---its just how i eat now---i just eat more or less of the same foods depending on what goals i got--

    and no i dont get paid for the help(nor do i want paid)---im just paying forward what some of the guys on this site did in educating me---changed my life

  36. #36
    Wife is wanting me to eat a banana a day because she is worried about my potassium levels. Do I need to?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    i dont--u got low potassium levels?

  38. #38
    No clue, I guess she thinks if I don't eat anything that has potassium then I they will get low. She is a nurse and is always worried about something

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Slothinator View Post
    No clue, I guess she thinks if I don't eat anything that has potassium then I they will get low. She is a nurse and is always worried about something
    Take a multi vitamin everyday....Then u should be covered...

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