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Thread: additional breakfest ideas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    additional breakfest ideas

    hey guys, listen i know eating 7 egg whites and 2 eggs and 1 cup oatmeal in the morning is ideal, but if you eat eggs everyday, those things arent very cholesterol friendly right??

    are there any other good combos for a good breakfest that will yield the same nutrient level as that?? the macro i am looking for are

    470cals (around)/ 10-12g fat / 45-50carbs / 40-50g protein??

    the oatmeal i can deal with, but the eggs, not so much. What else can you guys recommend as a good carb/cal/protein/fat bfest?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    thats why you eat the egg whites, the yolk is your tasty enemy

    I love eggs, I've never thought of eating anything else for breakfast. Try spicing them up with some peppers and onions, IDK look up some egg recipes it's a very versatile little guy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    hey, thank man, i know they r, but to eat em every morning gets to be old ya know? im thinking wheat toast, cottage cheese,natty peanut butter, egg whites?? hmmm anyone else got any suggestions???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    That's my go to breakfast pasturized egg whites. W minced garlic, onjion, and bellllll pepa. Or left over steak, chx, or pork sautee srambled whole grain wrap dat free cheez... Actualy if you don't eat to many eggs it has a built in cholest blocker and if that don't work oatmeal lowers cholest. If it aint broke don't fix it lol!

  5. #5
    U can always do fat free deli meat and oatmeal...

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