Damienm05 Thanks for taking the time to cut through my diet plan. I have addressed somethings that you said.
Bfast - OK
Meal 2 - I read on here to add the Full mayo to help with fats. I usually used lite mayo but thought I should add the full. Also, What is Ezekiel bread?
Some mayo is better than others. Duke's Om*ga 3 mayo is a good or you can make your own with evoo and a couple egg yolks/apple cider vinegar. In general however, I would look to get fats from pick/grow foods like nuts and avocados. Regardless, I do think just by having some egg yolks in the morning, healthy oil with meats/veggies in late pro/fat meal, and casein/pb before bed you'll be too low on fat. Let's see where we can add some.
Meal 3 - Turkey has 460mg (`19%) per serving... I use 2 servings. Is the sodium a big deal because of water retention?
Yea, sodium won't actually make you fat just a main cause of bloat. 40% from the pro source in one meal is high imo.
Meal 4 - Pnut = Peanuts not peanut Butter. I thought they were a good source of fat? Am i wrong?
Yeah, they are a good fat. Natural PB is mainly just roasted peanuts and I'm used to seeing a lot of that in proposed diets. Keep 1/4 cup peanuts, almonds, cashews, or avocado in your pre-workout meal. It isn't necessary to separate pro/carb and pro/fat meals. Call it a power meal I guess.
Pre Workout Shake: I added the times I eat about an hour b4 lifting. That ok? I'll go back and look. It will be helpful, for sure.
PostWorkout Shake- The shake is 2 scoops whey (44g) and 2 scoops Simple Carbs (70g) What don't you like about it?
Someone had a good post the other day but I can't recall who it was. Unless you've just balled through 6 overtimes or ran a marathon, your glycogen stores will not be depleted to the extent where simple carbs are necessary. And regardless, depleted glycogen is great for fat loss. Insulin spikes tend not to be. Fats can stimulate protein synthesis very well and are viable PWO when cutting. Complex carbs are good too - there's many options. I'd just do some oats and taper off to protein/fat. If you need more fat, you could add some to the cocktail.
Meal 5 - Finally a good thing

Meal 6 - OK
Also, I am in the military and work from basically 0700 - 1600 with an hour lunch. So packaged turkey was easy for me. Think it would be better to make chix, steak, turkey, etc and have it in the fridge for the whole week?
Now you're talking. That's what I do.