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Thread: Cutting Diet Help

  1. #1
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    Cutting Diet Help

    Here is my meal I am eating. 6'0, 240lbs, 13.5% bf, 24, no gear. Any advice
    or changes? I feel like I am a little high on my nutrition... let me know. I tried to base it off of what I have read on here and the sample one from the "unoffical cutting thread".

    Also, I workout during lunch time... should I move around any meals?


    Calculated Cals
    BMR= 2280.609091
    Tot Cal [[Moderately Active]] [[Very Active]]
    Needs= [[3535]] [[3934]]

    Meal (Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal)
    Bfast (Meal 1) 0630
    [Protien Shake(PS): 22/15/6/200][1/2 Cup Oatmeal w/ 2TBSP Nat. PB w/ 1TBSP Br. Sugar: 13/47/25/370]
    [Egg Beaters:12/2/0/60] Total: 47/64/31/630
    Meal 2 0900
    [Protien Shake(PS): 22/15/6/200][Tuna 1/2 Large Can w/ 1TBSP Mayo (full): 8/6/24/260] Total: 30/21/30/460
    CARDIO 1100-1230 (approx 30 - 45 min)
    Meal 3 1300
    [1/2 Can Gr. Bean: 2/7/0/35][Turkey on Honey Wheat: 21/36/65/290] Total 23/43/6.5/325
    Meal 4 1530
    [Tuna 1/2 Large Can w/ 1TBSP Mayo (full): 8/6/24/260][1/2 cup Pnut 16/12/28/340] Total 24/18/53/600
    [PREWORKOUT 1600 Protien Shake(PS): 22/15/6/200]
    LIFT 1630
    [PWO Shake: 44/100/12/650] 1830
    Meal 5 2100
    [8 Oz Chix: 50/0/5.5/220 + 1TBSP Olive Oil [0/0/14/120][1/2 Can Gr. Bean: 2/7/0/35] Total: 52/7/19.5/275
    Meal 6 2230 - 2300
    [Casien Shake: 48/6/2/240]

    Day Total: 290Pro/274Carb/160Fat/3380Cals
    Last edited by ArmyMan04; 03-29-2010 at 04:37 PM. Reason: clarification

  2. #2
    Looking at each meal, I will say that you have your scheduling a bit backwards. Why do you have 650 calories as your post work out meal but only 200 before? And how do you have 650 calories in a shake?

    You need to adjust your caloric intake for activities that you will be doing, not activities already done.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Why do you have 650 calories as your post work out meal but only 200 before? And how do you have 650 calories in a shake?.
    The 200 comes from the Pre workout protein I take about 30 min prior to lifting. I have a meal about an hour before lifting as well. And as for post workout I take 50g Protein and 70G simple carbs in a shake.


  4. #4
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    To many shakes in my opinion, you should be aiming for some real foods rather than substituting them for shakes eg. breakfast rather than a shake, you could have 2 whole eggs, 6 to 8 white, and a cup of oats. Have a look around at some of the diets on the forum see if you can pick up a few things then repost your diet with macros, also calculate your TDEE, if you want to cut you need to be measuring against your TDEE

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyMan04 View Post
    The 200 comes from the Pre workout protein I take about 30 min prior to lifting. I have a meal about an hour before lifting as well. And as for post workout I take 50g Protein and 70G simple carbs in a shake.

    That is alot of sugar. That is 8 teaspoons of sugar in your shake alone. You need to have a larger meal before the gym not after. However, seeing as that your meal is 1 hour prior to lifting then that changes things. It would be better if you had times listed for a more accurate critique.

    5 shakes is over the top.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyMan04 View Post
    Here is my meal I am eating. 6'0, 240lbs, 13.5% bf, 24, no gear. Any advice
    or changes? I feel like I am a little high on my nutrition... let me know. I tried to base it off of what I have read on here and the sample one from the "unoffical cutting thread".

    Also, I workout during lunch time... should I move around any meals?


    Calculated Cals
    BMR= 2280.609091
    Tot Cal [[Moderately Active]] [[Very Active]]
    Needs= [[3535]] [[3934]]

    Meal (Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal)
    Bfast (Meal 1)
    [Protien Shake(PS): 22/15/6/200][1/2 Cup Oatmeal w/ 2TBSP Nat. PB w/ 1TBSP Br. Sugar: 13/47/25/370]
    [Egg Beaters:12/2/0/60] Total: 47/64/31/630 Take out the peanut butter and sugar. Make it a full cup of oats and use artificial sweetener. I'd also suggest dropping the shake and having 40g of protein via egg whites and a yolk or two for a complete protein source.

    Meal 2
    [Protien Shake(PS): 22/15/6/200][Tuna 1/2 Large Can w/ 1TBSP Mayo (full): 8/6/24/260] Total: 30/21/30/460 Drop the shake and have a full serving of tuna instead. No mayo, use fat free italian dressing or some lemon juice and a small dash of oil to get it down. Why do people bother with tuna on cutting diets if it entails a tbspn. of mayo? Beats me. Add a complex carb. Maybe 2 slices of ezekiel bread for your tuna.


    Meal 3
    [1/2 Can Gr. Bean: 2/7/0/35][Turkey on Honey Wheat: 21/36/65/290] Total 23/43/6.5/325 1- I'm sure this turkey is packed with a day's worth of sodium and is heavily processed. 2- I'm sure that bread is an awful carb source. Example of a better meal: 6 oz. fresh cooked turkey breast (40g protein), large sweet potato (40g complex carb), green beans.

    Meal 4
    [Tuna 1/2 Large Can w/ 1TBSP Mayo (full): 8/6/24/260][1/2 cup Pnut 16/12/28/340] Total 24/18/53/600 Another bad meal. A day's worth of fat, not enough protein, no carbs. Again, double the tuna and drop the mayo or choose another protein source. Drop the peanut butter, add 2 slices of Ezekiel bread, 1/2 cup oats, sweet potato, 1 cup brown rice, etc.

    [PREWORKOUT Protien Shake(PS): 22/15/6/200]
    RoadToRecovery has a good point, this should be a big whole-food meal and it needs to have carbs. Example: 6 oz. flank steak, 1 cup cooked quinoa.


    [PWO Shake: 44/100/12/650]
    I dunno wtf kinda shake this is, but stop having it. Do 1 scoop of whey and 1/2 cup oats 15 mins PWO.

    Meal 5
    [8 Oz Chix: 50/0/5.5/220 + 1TBSP Olive Oil [0/0/14/120][1/2 Can Gr. Bean: 2/7/0/35] Total: 52/7/19.5/275 Very nice.

    Meal 6
    [Casien Shake: 48/6/2/240] Add 2 tbspn. natural PB I removed from meal 1.

    Day Total: 290Pro/274Carb/160Fat/3380Cals
    Protein can go as high as 400, carbs ideally around 250, fat 100. That would be a great cutting diet for you and the above changes should have you sitting somewhere close.

    Are you sure you're actually 13.5% body fat? Because that would mean you're a beast like most men could never dream of becoming. More power to ya if that's the case but an accurate body fat percentage is essential for proper micro-calibration.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by frodo89 View Post
    To many shakes in my opinion, you should be aiming for some real foods rather than substituting them for shakes eg. breakfast rather than a shake, you could have 2 whole eggs, 6 to 8 white, and a cup of oats. Have a look around at some of the diets on the forum see if you can pick up a few things then repost your diet with macros, also calculate your TDEE, if you want to cut you need to be measuring against your TDEE
    He posted his tdee as well as a pretty well laid-out diet with macros that was somewhat well thought out...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Protein can go as high as 400, carbs ideally around 250, fat 100. That would be a great cutting diet for you and the above changes should have you sitting somewhere close. Thanks for the advice.

    Are you sure you're actually 13.5% body fat? Because that would mean you're a beast like most men could never dream of becoming. More power to ya if that's the case but an accurate body fat percentage is essential for proper micro-calibration. Ill do a re-check. I used a machine but it could be off. Whats a good way to check. A friend has some calipers, I was going to look at those to double check it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    He posted his tdee as well as a pretty well laid-out diet with macros that was somewhat well thought out...Thanks.
    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    That is alot of sugar. That is 8 teaspoons of sugar in your shake alone. How do you figure? Each of my morning and PRE workout Shakes has 2g sugar and my POST Shake has 4.You need to have a larger meal before the gym not after. However, seeing as that your meal is 1 hour prior to lifting then that changes things. It would be better if you had times listed for a more accurate critique. Times added.

    5 shakes is over the top. Well I def have one b4 and after workout and one b4 bed.. .so that is 3... should I take 1 away in the morning or both?
    Quote Originally Posted by frodo89 View Post
    To many shakes in my opinion, you should be aiming for some real foods rather than substituting them for shakes eg. breakfast rather than a shake, you could have 2 whole eggs, 6 to 8 white, and a cup of oats.I have Egg beaters and Oats in the morning with the shake. I can take away the shake for breakfast should I keep the one in my second meal?. Have a look around at some of the diets on the forum see if you can pick up a few things then repost your diet with macros, also calculate your TDEE, if you want to cut you need to be measuring against your TDEE TDEE is already Calc'ed I colored it in RED for easier read.
    Thanks to everyone keep the advice coming!
    Last edited by ArmyMan04; 03-29-2010 at 05:20 PM.

  9. #9
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    Damienm05 Thanks for taking the time to cut through my diet plan. I have addressed somethings that you said.

    Bfast - OK
    Meal 2 - I read on here to add the Full mayo to help with fats. I usually used lite mayo but thought I should add the full. Also, What is Ezekiel bread?
    Meal 3 - Turkey has 460mg (`19%) per serving... I use 2 servings. Is the sodium a big deal because of water retention?
    Meal 4 - Pnut = Peanuts not peanut Butter. I thought they were a good source of fat? Am i wrong?
    Pre Workout Shake: I added the times I eat about an hour b4 lifting. That ok?
    PostWorkout Shake- The shake is 2 scoops whey (44g) and 2 scoops Simple Carbs (70g) What don't you like about it?
    Meal 5 - Finally a good thing
    Meal 6 - OK

    Also, I am in the military and work from basically 0700 - 1600 with an hour lunch. So packaged turkey was easy for me. Think it would be better to make chix, steak, turkey, etc and have it in the fridge for the whole week?


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyMan04 View Post
    Damienm05 Thanks for taking the time to cut through my diet plan. I have addressed somethings that you said.

    Bfast - OK
    Meal 2 - I read on here to add the Full mayo to help with fats. I usually used lite mayo but thought I should add the full. Also, What is Ezekiel bread?
    Some mayo is better than others. Duke's Om*ga 3 mayo is a good or you can make your own with evoo and a couple egg yolks/apple cider vinegar. In general however, I would look to get fats from pick/grow foods like nuts and avocados. Regardless, I do think just by having some egg yolks in the morning, healthy oil with meats/veggies in late pro/fat meal, and casein/pb before bed you'll be too low on fat. Let's see where we can add some.
    Meal 3 - Turkey has 460mg (`19%) per serving... I use 2 servings. Is the sodium a big deal because of water retention? Yea, sodium won't actually make you fat just a main cause of bloat. 40% from the pro source in one meal is high imo.
    Meal 4 - Pnut = Peanuts not peanut Butter. I thought they were a good source of fat? Am i wrong? Yeah, they are a good fat. Natural PB is mainly just roasted peanuts and I'm used to seeing a lot of that in proposed diets. Keep 1/4 cup peanuts, almonds, cashews, or avocado in your pre-workout meal. It isn't necessary to separate pro/carb and pro/fat meals. Call it a power meal I guess.
    Pre Workout Shake: I added the times I eat about an hour b4 lifting. That ok? I'll go back and look. It will be helpful, for sure.
    PostWorkout Shake- The shake is 2 scoops whey (44g) and 2 scoops Simple Carbs (70g) What don't you like about it? Someone had a good post the other day but I can't recall who it was. Unless you've just balled through 6 overtimes or ran a marathon, your glycogen stores will not be depleted to the extent where simple carbs are necessary. And regardless, depleted glycogen is great for fat loss. Insulin spikes tend not to be. Fats can stimulate protein synthesis very well and are viable PWO when cutting. Complex carbs are good too - there's many options. I'd just do some oats and taper off to protein/fat. If you need more fat, you could add some to the cocktail.
    Meal 5 - Finally a good thing
    Meal 6 - OK

    Also, I am in the military and work from basically 0700 - 1600 with an hour lunch. So packaged turkey was easy for me. Think it would be better to make chix, steak, turkey, etc and have it in the fridge for the whole week?
    Now you're talking. That's what I do.

    Lookin nice

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    He posted his tdee as well as a pretty well laid-out diet with macros that was somewhat well thought out...
    lol, that's the last time I look at a diet late at night... never saw his TDEE, because it was not labeled under TDEE, screwed that one up. But your putting him on the right path, keep up the good work damien

  12. #12
    Simple carbs = sugar

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery;5127***
    Simple carbs = sugar
    so take them out altogether correct?

    Great Post man thanks. Based on your input I will cut out the simple carbs (was using Virtigo S2 - expensive) after workout and based off RTR I will cut them out altogether(?).
    I will finish out my Turkey I bought and then start just cooking it all up and putting it in the fridge.
    What is this Ezekiel bread you speak of? and Why is it so great?
    Is Egg beaters ok? or not?
    I have usually 2 workouts, cardio during my lunch break and lifting after work. What should I eat b4/after cardio and lifting? I guess I am asking if I should restructure my meals based on when i work out?
    You said it wasn't necessary to seperate a pro/carb and pro/fat meal... why is that? I thought it was better...explain?
    What do you think about low fat mayo? Still no? lol...


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyMan04 View Post
    so take them out altogether correct?
    Not so fast. Where are these simple carbs coming from?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Not so fast. Where are these simple carbs coming from?
    well I get 70g simple carbs from Virtigo S2 in my PWO shake... so thats the main one really. And i add brown sugar to my Oatmeal...

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyMan04;512***2
    well I get 70g simple carbs from Virtigo S2 in my PWO shake... so thats the main one really. And i add brown sugar to my Oatmeal...
    And what is it in the form of? Sucrose? Fructose?

    let me elaborate a little, when you said simple carbs I assumed you just meant sugar. Simple carbs are beneficial post work out but what it is it in the form of? Complex carbs can be beneficial as well.
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 03-29-2010 at 07:44 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery;512***5
    And what is it in the form of? Sucrose? Fructose?

    let me elaborate a little, when you said simple carbs I assumed you just meant sugar. Simple carbs are beneficial post work out but what it is it in the form of?
    It is neither... i guess. It is from GenR Vitargo S2. The ingredient is Fractionated barley amylopectin. Contains gluten from barley.

    From the site: "Vitargo S2, is a patented, engineered starch, a sugar-free carbohydrate for fueling and recovery. Vitargo S2 is virtually bloat-proof, produces a 2x faster glycemic (blood sugar) rise, and promotes 1.7x faster muscle carbohydrate (glycogen) and performance recovery (no other starch product has this evidence, especially waxy maize)."

  18. #18
    Dump the supplement.

    maltodextrin is where its at when it comes to post workout carbs

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyMan04 View Post
    so take them out altogether correct?

    Great Post man thanks. Based on your input I will cut out the simple carbs (was using Virtigo S2 - expensive) after workout and based off RTR I will cut them out altogether(?).
    I will finish out my Turkey I bought and then start just cooking it all up and putting it in the fridge.

    What is this Ezekiel bread you speak of? and Why is it so great? Available in some grocer's freezers and all health food stores. It's an organic whole sprouted wheat bread brand. Lowest GI and very good stuff.

    Is Egg beaters ok? or not? I really never looked at the facts on the carton. Just a pasteurized egg product, I think it's perfectly fine.

    I have usually 2 workouts, cardio during my lunch break and lifting after work. What should I eat b4/after cardio and lifting? I guess I am asking if I should restructure my meals based on when i work out? [B]I'd try to do cardio session #1 on an empty stomach in the AM. Otherwise, just eat a good power meal before both, but not right before, allow 30 minutes or so.[B]

    You said it wasn't necessary to seperate a pro/carb and pro/fat meal... why is that? I thought it was better...explain? It's easier to track and also easier to not go over your tdee when you set fats aside for pro/fat only meals. Meals containing all 3 will be high calorie but not inherently bad.

    What do you think about low fat mayo? Still no? lol... Yeah, low-fat mayo is actually not too bad.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Thanks man. Ill relook my diet and add some different things/ take away and then repost in a few days.


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Dump the supplement.

    maltodextrin is where its at when it comes to post workout carbs
    Ok. Thanks RTR.


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