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Thread: seriosuly need help with cutting diet and macro breakdown

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    seriosuly need help with cutting diet and macro breakdown

    Whats up guys, so i need to get some opinions on what my macro's should be for a given day. I have a desk job, i dont really do a lot of physical activity or walk around that much, so should i be taking in 30-40g carbs per meal to keep my fueled during the day. My BMR is 2,098, and my TDEE is 3,251. I work out 5 days a weeek, cardio for about an hour each day, burning on average 900-1100cals. I want to cut down, i am at 216lbs right now, i want to be 200lbs, and lean. I should be taking in about 2700cals cause i am cutting, given my TDEE right? how would you guys split up my macros, say 300g protein/200g carbs/70g fat??? does that sounds good? Only thing is that im worried about, i feel i am not loosing weight fast enough, am i maybe taking in to many carbs and my body just isnt burning them off and storing them as fat cause i am in a non-active state untill i hit the gym. When i am in there though, i work hard, sweating my ass off lifting and then doing cardio. What do you all think?? i was 214lbs end of last week into the weekend, today i am 216 wtf is going on?? i thought eating 7 meals a day was going to be helping me burn weight now put it on!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    i think that 300/200/70-80 is a good starting point--u are pretty active even though u have a desk job---

    the weightloss isnt gonna b fast (and u dont want it to b)

    youve prob been eating like this for what? a week? it takes time for ur body to adjust to eating like this--(i feel like i tell someone that 2X a day)

    start at ur 2700 and keep doin the cardio---dont miss sessions

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    hey mg, you know what irritating, i weighted myself after i left the gym when i got home, i burnt 1080cals, and i friggan weight more than i did this morning. It seems like i am gaining weight from eating so much, but at the same time, i know eating frequent small meals is good, it has that thermo genic effect. So you think that 200carbs is not to much even though i dont move a whole lot during the day cause of my job. i dont want it being converted into fat.......unless do you think i might be putting on muscle so i am gaining weight?? what do you think i should be loosing per week weight wise, cause this week it seems i am gaining, not loosing. I have been eating like this for ya, about a week now, how long does it take for me to actually start loosing weight just based on this diet??

    it would be a huge help if you could suggest some types of meals i could have that are high protein/medium carbs/fat nutrients. I cant seem to get my macros strait during the day,which i am sure is also friggan things up for me...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    new york
    I thought the same thing eating all these meals & lose weight cant be true.I weigh myself today & I lost 4 pounds in 2 wks.Just like to thank everyone on the forum with all the help.And thanks again mg1228 for all your help.
    Last edited by sanman; 04-01-2010 at 04:36 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    sanman, did you notice yourself gaining it first cause your body wasnt used to all the eating. I just know, that i was 214 last week, and i am 218 tonight after i weighed myself, i mean i am taking in 2700cals a day, 300g protein, 200gcarbs 60-70g fat, which is not bad. I working out hard 5 days a week, sometimes 6, cardio hardcore for an hour. I would expect myself to be not at 218 when i come home right after sweating it out. It is just discouraging. Can any of you tell me if it is normal to gain some weight in the process of getting your body used to eating like ALL DAY...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    new york
    I didnt see any weight gain at first.I always weight myself first thing in the morning because if I take my weight at night it is always slighty higher.Plus now I only go on the scale every 2 wks because you would drive yourself crazy if you weigh yourself anymore then that.As for knowing if its normal to gain weight first I really dont know the anwser I am new to this also.There are plenty of members that can anwser the question for you on here.Good luck with your diet!!!!

    Almost forgot to say I just started clen but dont think its affecting my weight loss yet because I just started.
    Last edited by sanman; 04-01-2010 at 06:31 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    ya, i weight myself every day, it is driving me nuts, i feel like i have to to see if i am making progress! lol....but anyone who is more senior and knows more than me, please let me know what you think

    macro breakdown: 2700cals/300g protein/200-220gcarbs/60-70gfat

    BMR-2021 TDEE:3251....-500 = 2751...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    bump, i need some more thoughts on this guys, as i am worried i am doing something wrong.....

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