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alright iv decided to change my workout time to early morning tell me what you guys think of this bulk diet
6:00 am (preworkout)1 scoop whey protein,1/4 cup pasturized egg whites,cup of oats,1/2 banana all blended together and then 1 whole egg
calories/carbs/protein/ 660/69/38 The banana won't kill you but you'd be better off adding another serving of oats instead. I'd also rather see 2 more whole eggs and another 1/2 cup of egg whites instead of that whey.
7:00am workout
8:15 post workout... serving cell tech.. then 2 scoops whey 1/2 banana, and 1/2 cup oats blended together... 760/117/49 117g of carbs is excessive in one meal, even PWO. I'd simply have 1 cup oats, 2 scoops whey, and 2 tbspn. natty PB as the PWO cocktail.
9:30 3 scrambled eggs and 2 slices wheat toast.. 200/22/20 Pretty weak as a PPWO meal. I'd look to do a heartier protein source, and 40-50g of a better complex carb. Example: 6 oz. lean ground beef, 1 cup brown rice.
11:30 8oz chicken breast,cup of brown rice, cup of brocoli w/evoo 600/68/40 Nice. Limit this meal to 15g of fat.
2:30 8oz chicken breast, cup of brown rice 500/68/40 Nice
5:30 can of tuna, 2 slices wheat 160/22/21 If you like wheat, look into ezekiel bread or other brands available at health food stores.
7:30 8oz ribeye with salad w/evoo 500/0/45 Unless you're on a keto diet, the ribeye is a bit much. Probably has an entire day's worth of saturated fat. I'd stick to a lean steak here.
9:30 Bedtime casein shake in milk with 3/4 cup of cottage cheese in peaches
500/65/46 I would not eat simple sugar via peaches and milk right before bed. Trust me, 2 scoops of casein with 2 tbspn. natty PB is tasty enough and will yield the best results.
total for the day 300g protein, 400g carbs, 3880 calories