So ive been consuming this new diet for the past few days and i already feel the difference. I would feel sleepy through out the day and now that im eating more calories I dont get sleepy during the day or evening. Also id feel tired after 2 hours in the gym and now im eating sooner to training and i feel the extra energy.

Heres what ive been doing:

Meal 1: 7 30
1 scoop whey, 1 scoop casein, 1 small scoop peanut butter, 12oz water, 1 cups oats, 2 cups ice. The ice is basically to give it alittle more thickness, i cant stand that real liquid mixed with oats feel.

Meal 2 10 30
1 slice wheat bread, 2tbsp peanut butter, small amout jelly.
Ive been eating small before training because i still dont feel confident eating alot and not puking and so far this has been working.

Meal 3 1pm or 2pm
Protien shake 400 calories. Half scoop pro complex, 1 scoop muscle milk, 1/2 cup mixed berries, 12oz milk, 2cups ice. Ive still been getting this because of the convience.

Meal 4 3pm or 4pm
6oz chicken breast with sweet potato

Meal 5 6pm or 7pm
6oz chicken breast with sweet potato

Meal 6 Around 11
Cottage cheese or casein shake

Im 5'8 and 187lbs and im trying to get down to 165