I could use a bit more help.
Current Schedule:
4:30am Gym for work out (schedule dictated) - also Bike to work twice a week 15 mile round trip (casual pace)
45 min weights
Protien Shake
30 - 45 Min Cardio
6:00 Brkfst
1 cup egg whites
1 cup Carrots (I just like Carrots)
9:30 Snack
1 Cup Cottage Cheese
12:00 Lunch
8 - 10 oz Chick Breast
8 - 10 oz Brocolli or cauliflower
3:00 Snack
5 - 6 oz Tuna
5:30 Dinner
8 - 10 oz Chick Breast
8 - 10 oz Brocolli or cauliflower
Pretty boring but i have lost 90lbs Feb 09 @ 285lbs now 195lbs.
I dont mind the boring my cheat day makes it all worth it.