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Thread: Tweek Diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Tweek Diet

    I could use a bit more help.

    Current Schedule:

    4:30am Gym for work out (schedule dictated) - also Bike to work twice a week 15 mile round trip (casual pace)
    45 min weights
    Protien Shake
    30 - 45 Min Cardio

    6:00 Brkfst
    1 cup egg whites
    1 cup Carrots (I just like Carrots)

    9:30 Snack
    1 Cup Cottage Cheese

    12:00 Lunch
    8 - 10 oz Chick Breast
    8 - 10 oz Brocolli or cauliflower

    3:00 Snack
    5 - 6 oz Tuna

    5:30 Dinner
    8 - 10 oz Chick Breast
    8 - 10 oz Brocolli or cauliflower

    Pretty boring but i have lost 90lbs Feb 09 @ 285lbs now 195lbs.

    I dont mind the boring my cheat day makes it all worth it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I'm assuming you are cutting, but people still aren't gonna know what to think until you give the protein/carb/fat for each meal and your daily totals.

    One thing is for will be asked to replace the carrots with a less sugary vegetable.

    Oh and...congrats on losing the 90 lbs dude! Got any pics to inspire people with?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Ya i know the Carrots could be replaced. Call it a guilty pleasure i can live with. It could be worse i guess

    this is the daily intake Protiens - 270g (high i know) Fats - 25g Carbs 50g

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

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