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Thread: Would appreciate Help A>S>A>P on this

  1. #1

    Talking Would appreciate Help A>S>A>P on this

    I am an athlete at the D-1 level I play defensive end I am 6'5 280 lbs at 21% bf and am a freshman I need to be at 260 by our first game in september and around 12-14% bodyfat. We have crazy workouts over summer for off season I bench 425 and squat 495 I do not want to lose strength but keep it if not get stronger. I will be taking clenbuteral, anavar and test and hgh. I'm not very good with diets as i am not super educated in them, can anyone help me out with this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Duke City
    Since you are a D1 athlete I assume you have read and understand the drug testing polices the NCAA has in place. Granted only 18 football athletes will be tested once each year from a D1 program but you run the risk of being caught and suspended or worse having your scholorship revoked. Even if you take a short esther or oral you cannot predict when the tests will run. Your a big athlete with some obvious potential. Get with your strength coach and do what you are doing, tweak your diet. Hold on the chems. JMO. Help from other members will arrive but you have to post your current diet with times/foods/macros for serious responses.

    Last edited by ocnorb40; 05-01-2010 at 10:17 AM.

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