I was just wondering if being hungry can be taken as any kind of sign that a diet (specifically daily caloric intake) is on point or needs adjustment. Let me explain...
I just upped my calories by 1000/day in hopes of finally adding some lean mass. I eat literally every 3 hours, and am finding that right around feeding time I feel hungry. Not starving, just hungry - definitely time for a meal. I think this is a good thing, and can be looked at in 2 different ways, or both together:
1) my body is simply adjusted to the times throughout the day that I eat, and therefore it's a 'mental clock' signaling that it's time for a meal, or
2) My body is truly metabolizing food at this pace, even with the additional 1000 calories/day, and is telling me when it's hungry.
I would be very happy if number 2 is true, because I was worried about the additional calories possibly being too many (I'm not 100% positive on my TDEE) too quick and that I would start storing bodyfat. If i'm hungry every 3 hours, I can't imagine my body storing fat to the point that it will be super noticeable. Is my logic flawed here? What do you think? If this is true, should I consider upping calories even more? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.