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Thread: Building a good maintenance diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Building a good maintenance diet

    2 initial questions

    I have a good cutting diet and I understand it fairly well which is important imo. (Thanks MG1228)
    So do I build a good maint diet from that or start from scratch?

    I would like to cycle as soon as I reach my bf goal. Do I need to do a maintenance diet for a while or should I go right from cutting to bulking?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    If you like your cutting diet, I would build from that foundation. That's what I did. No point in starting over - the foods you're eating shouldn't change for the most part, because i'm assuming you want to continue to eat clean. All that really needs to change are the macros to make up the additional calories.

    You mentioned bulking - some people eat at maintenance which would probably be more of a body recomp rather than bulk. Slower, but in the end I think the results will be better. Personally, I added 500 calories on to my TDEE - we'll see where that takes me.

  3. #3
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    No your incorrect. What I WANT to eat is all the crap I can find! LOL seriously if only peanut butter cups were good for you!

    Okay... yeah I want to stay clean. I was thinking that the same diet while increasing macros was the way to go... Thanks for the input. That is likely what I will do.

    Yeah 500 on top should be a solid gain. That is what I want to add to mine. Judging by your avatar... I would say we both wiegh about the same. We have very similar builds. (maybe I will just steal your avatar instead of taking my own pic... no one will know right lol.

  4. #4
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    LoL I hear you bro... I had a horrid weekend full of eating crap - and now that i'm 'bulking', I need to be more careful then ever before!

    What are your stats? If you wanna steal an avatar, at least steal one that's gonna make you look good, lol!

    PS - MG is the man, he got me off the ground too. Twist helped me out alot as well early on... haven't seen him on lately.

  5. #5
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    Yeah MG is def the Man. He toughed it out to get me up and running.

    How long have you been bulking now? Your on cycle now right? (i just assume bulking and cycling are hand and hand) Is it your first cycle?

  6. #6
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    14% - 15% (guesstimate)

    Yea, we're probably very similar.

    Just started the 'bulk', and cycle this week. This is my first cycle. I realize the BF is a bit high to cycle, but i'm not getting any younger and felt I did the research, put a ton of time and effort into my training, etc. It's just that I came from such a bad place (255lbs, grossly out of shape) that after 2 years I now look like a regular guy =(

  7. #7
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    LoL I hear you bro... I had a horrid weekend full of eating crap - and now that i'm 'bulking', I need to be more careful then ever before!

    What are your stats? If you wanna steal an avatar, at least steal one that's gonna make you look good, lol!

    PS - MG is the man, he got me off the ground too. Twist helped me out alot as well early on... haven't seen him on lately.
    Off subject but , Agreed, I think wen ur bulking you need to keep the diet especially clean.

    When your n calorific surplus your body is in gain weight mode, eat shit and you mite just gain shit! Thats my theory that keeps me out of the buiscuit isle at the supermarket LOL

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Off subject but , Agreed, I think wen ur bulking you need to keep the diet especially clean.

    When your n calorific surplus your body is in gain weight mode, eat shit and you mite just gain shit! Thats my theory that keeps me out of the buiscuit isle at the supermarket LOL
    Yep, i'm with you 100% on this! Now I need to DO it instead of preaching it!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Off subject but , Agreed, I think wen ur bulking you need to keep the diet especially clean.

    When your n calorific surplus your body is in gain weight mode, eat shit and you mite just gain shit! Thats my theory that keeps me out of the buiscuit isle at the supermarket LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Yep, i'm with you 100% on this! Now I need to DO it instead of preaching it!
    Your dong fine Bro. Let yesterday be yesterday and just keep up the good work today.

    You poke a lot of fun at yourself (saying you don't have much muscle etc)... I do to... It's carry over from being heavy. Bro you look good. Don't worry about it. Just stay on target and you will be fine. Def keep me posted on your first cycle. I am very interested to hear how things are working out. you may just talk me into running a little early to.
    BTW... you said you look like a regular guy now... No way... look around ... Today "regular" IS heavy. Does that make you feel better? It should - your beating the odds - above the norm.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by First6 View Post
    Your dong fine Bro. Let yesterday be yesterday and just keep up the good work today.

    You poke a lot of fun at yourself (saying you don't have much muscle etc)... I do to... It's carry over from being heavy. Bro you look good. Don't worry about it. Just stay on target and you will be fine. Def keep me posted on your first cycle. I am very interested to hear how things are working out. you may just talk me into running a little early to.
    BTW... you said you look like a regular guy now... No way... look around ... Today "regular" IS heavy. Does that make you feel better? It should - your beating the odds - above the norm.
    Thanks for the kind words bro. I do poke alot of fun at myself, and some of it does have to do with having been heavy - i.e. always referring to myself as the fat guy, etc. That said, I do try and stay realistic. I see too many kids running around thinking they look great, and alot of them look like they've never seen the inside of a gym. I don't want to come off that way, because I know I have alot of work to do.

    If you check under the anabolic forum, I have a sort of log posted where i'll update regarding my cycle. I'm hoping the dbol will take effect within the next few days - trying to withold premature judgement on whether it's bunk gear...

    Thanks again bro, I appreciate your feedback. Do you have any pics posted up?

  11. #11
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    Okay yeah I found your thread. Added some comments. I have not run a cycle yet but I have been HRT for years so I know about that part of it. I'll help any way I can.

    No. I am way to self concious for pics. I need to get over it already. Maybe soon.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by First6 View Post
    Okay yeah I found your thread. Added some comments. I have not run a cycle yet but I have been HRT for years so I know about that part of it. I'll help any way I can.

    No. I am way to self concious for pics. I need to get over it already. Maybe soon.
    Thanks man, i'll head over to the post now.

    Too self conscious, really? C'mon! If I can do it, you can! You might even find it motivational. Nobody on this board is going to knock you, that's for sure. The regulars are all very supportive and encouraging!

  13. #13
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    Yeah I know. It's just tough to overcome. I'll have to do it.
    I just need to find a pic of a really fat guy to post right beside mine so mine looks all that much better. LOL

  14. #14
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    LoL, anxiously awaiting!

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