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Thread: Help with getting into awesome condition

  1. #1

    Help with getting into awesome condition

    I was hoping some of the pro's on this topic could help me. I desperately want to drop my bf% to under 10%, and try to maintain as much muscle/strength as possible (who doesn't).

    25 yrs old
    Training for 12 years
    Activity level: VERY sedentary. The only activity I get right now is my workouts, which I will describe below.
    workout O
    I workout monday, wednesday, friday and saturday.

    weights: about 45-60 min, restintervals between sets about 1 min, 12 sets/bodypart to good failure.

    Cardio: 10-25 mins PWO @ a moderate intensity (130-140 bpm)
    I know I need work in this area, but to be honest I'm very confused as to what TYPE of cardio (i.e. intensity, duration) to do because of all the conflicting debates on this forum lol. HIIT? low intensity the whole time? High intensity the whole time? For how long? I desperately need a pro to help me structure my cardio routine.
    I can only get to workout ONCE/day @ 3:30 pm 4X/week, so this is the only time I can perform cardio as well.

    Meal 1: Cup Oatmeal (large flake) Cup egg whites, 1 scoop WP, 1 TBL spoon natural peanut butter = 65p/60c/8f (grams)

    Meal 2: 5 whole eggs deviled (tbl spoon non-fat mayo and mustard) stlick of low fat cheese = 35p/0c/30f

    Meal 3: (Pre WO) 2 scoops WP = 50p/0c/0f

    Meal 4: (PWO) 2 scoops WP, 1 cup grapes (to replenish glycogen) = 50p/30c/0f

    Meal 5: (1 hour later) 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta, 1 cup shrimp, 1/2 cup salsa, 1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese = 60p/50c/0f

    Meal 6: Either lean meat OR 2 scoops WP, 2 tbl spoons natural peanut butter OR some EFA, however much I need to get my daily fat intake to 80g

    I include one cheat day a week where I eat some pizza/ icecream/ milk etc

    = 300p/150c/80f
    = 2520 cals

    I haven't seen much progress with all of this in the past couple months, please help. I desperately want to have the bodybuilder look and be under 10%. I DEFINITELY have the dedication. I've worked out since I was 13, and have been a nazi with my diet since I was 17, I guess I just don't know what I'm doing, cause I should look awesome by now
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    Last edited by Archangel.; 05-06-2010 at 02:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    I was hoping some of the pro's on this topic could help me. I desperately want to drop my bf% to under 10%, and try to maintain as much muscle/strength as possible (who doesn't).

    25 yrs old
    Training for 12 years
    Activity level: VERY sedentary. The only activity I get right now is my workouts, which I will describe below.
    workout O
    I workout monday, wednesday, friday and saturday.

    weights: about 45-60 min, restintervals between sets about 1 min, 12 sets/bodypart to good failure.

    Cardio: 10-25 mins PWO @ a moderate intensity (130-140 bpm)
    I know I need work in this area, but to be honest I'm very confused as to what TYPE of cardio (i.e. intensity, duration) to do because of all the conflicting debates on this forum lol. HIIT? low intensity the whole time? High intensity the whole time? For how long? I desperately need a pro to help me structure my cardio routine.

    I went through this too - IMO the best thing you can do is keep a steady heart rate at around 130-140 - I like to accomplish this through intervals... but not necessarily high intensity. For me, on a treadmill for instance, I run at 6.5-7 for 2 minutes, walk at 4.0 for 1 minute, and repeat for a total of 30 minutes. You need to be doing at least 30 minutes.

    I can only get to workout ONCE/day @ 3:30 pm 4X/week, so this is the only time I can perform cardio as well.

    5x would be great, but I think at your current stats 4x a week is ok. If you notice you're putting on bodyfat, find a way to add in another day or increase your time to 45 minutes.

    Meal 1: Cup Oatmeal (large flake) Cup egg whites, 1 scoop WP, 1 TBL spoon natural peanut butter = 65p/60c/8f (grams) Drop the PB here, no need for the fat this early, especially with 60g carbs in the same meal. Add a whole egg if you want for a little bit of fat

    Meal 2: 5 whole eggs deviled (tbl spoon non-fat mayo and mustard) stlick of low fat cheese = 35p/0c/30f Drop the deviled eggs and go with a better meal - 6oz chicken breast or something similar. Drop the cheese and add either a serving of brown rice or a sweet potato/yam. Carbs are better earlier in the day IMO, reserve the fat meals for later in the day

    Meal 3: (Pre WO) 2 scoops WP = 50p/0c/0f Drop the whey - you're relying way too much on shakes for food which is your first big problem with the diet. More chicken breast here, or turkey, tuna, etc. A good protein source. Also add carbs here, you need to fuel your workout. Oats, Brown Rice, Sweet Potato, etc.

    Meal 4: (PWO) 2 scoops WP, 1 cup grapes (to replenish glycogen) = 50p/30c/0f Drop the grapes, add 1 cup oats to your shake

    Meal 5: (1 hour later) 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta, 1 cup shrimp, 1/2 cup salsa, 1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese = 60p/50c/0f I'd drop the carbs at this point and start going for protein/fat meals. Also, I see NO veggies in your diet. Add spinach, asparagus, broccoli - some kind of fiberous veggie. Cook in olive oil for your fat

    Meal 6: Either lean meat OR 2 scoops WP, 2 tbl spoons natural peanut butter OR some EFA, however much I need to get my daily fat intake to 80g is this right before bed? If you go with a shake, do casein instead of whey - much slower acting and will help fend of catabolism overnight. Keep the PB with the shake. If you're doing steak, drop the PB and stick with sirloin, london broil, something like that

    I include one cheat day a week where I eat some pizza/ icecream/ milk etc All day, or a meal or 2? If it's all day, i'd make this every other week. I hear you though, we all need to keep our sanity!

    = 300p/150c/80f
    = 2520 cals

    I haven't seen much progress with all of this in the past couple months, please help. I desperately want to have the bodybuilder look and be under 10%. I DEFINITELY have the dedication. I've worked out since I was 13, and have been a nazi with my diet since I was 17, I guess I just don't know what I'm doing, cause I should look awesome by now
    Firstly, THANK YOU for posting your diet properly (i.e. with macro info) so people can help you tweak it. I'm no pro, but will offer help where I can. I'm sure others will jump in and help take it a step further. See comments above in bold. PS - you're getting about 2500 calories/day - the one huge number we're missing is your TDEE - we need to know your maintenance calories. You may be undereating and that's why you're not growing. Right off the bat, I'd probably bring carbs up to about 300g and fat down to about 65g - this will bring you to roughly 3000 calories/day at a 40/40/20 split. Again, i'm assuming you're undereating and can use the 500 extra calories. Until we know you're TDEE, this is just a guess based on the fact that you're not seeing progress.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Also, any front shots? Legs?

  4. #4


    Thanks so much gbrice. You mentioned that I may not be eating enough cals to grow and that might be my problem. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough about my goals, but what I'm currently trying to do is actually reduce my bf% to under 10%, not so worried about putting on size, but both would be awesome! I don't have any current front/leg shots, sorry, but I will try to take some.

    Anyone else have any input?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    Thanks so much gbrice. You mentioned that I may not be eating enough cals to grow and that might be my problem. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough about my goals, but what I'm currently trying to do is actually reduce my bf% to under 10%, not so worried about putting on size, but both would be awesome! I don't have any current front/leg shots, sorry, but I will try to take some.

    Anyone else have any input?
    Got you, and you were plenty clear - i'm just a moron sometimes! In either case, you definitely need to figure out your TDEE. For all we know, 2500 is TOO much... it's all a guessing game until we know solid numbers.

    Since cutting and <10% bodyfat is your goal, you need to seriously up the game with your cardio - 45 mins per session, and try to get another day in someway somehow.

    I also think you should still make some of the changes I suggested - start eating real food and drop all the shakes. Separate your fat and carb meals - carbs earlier in the day (but of course pre/post workout), fat later in the day/evening. Drop the deviled eggs too bro, that is not muscle building food just because they're eggs. There are better sources of fat out there than mayo, which i'm sure you're well aware of. Eat some salmon - it's the perfect protein/fat meal.

    Add the fiberous veggies like i suggested - they are nowhere in your diet right now based on what you posted.

    GL bro, keep us posted!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    hmm.. i woulda said the same exact things gbrice said .. change your diet to how he edited it - look at the macros and adjust accordingly - I'm currently cutting at a 20% deficit in my TDEE for my caloric intake (TDEE = 3800, diet = 3100). Since your bf is 15..(if its accurate) use the katch mcardle formula and derive your TDEE from there. As GBRICE was recommending - 40/40/20 split is best

  7. #7
    OK, so my BMR is 1886.99 and my TDEE is 2264.388. So if I run a 10% deficit my cals would be 2037.9492
    Last edited by Archangel.; 05-07-2010 at 09:51 AM.

  8. #8
    Anyone else have any input?

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