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  1. #1
    GotBoost?'s Avatar
    GotBoost? is offline New Member
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    Staying On Track...

    I try to stay on track with my diet, but every now and then I venture off and eat some things i shouldn't.

    I actually feel a lil guilty about it. Its just when your 21 its hard sometimes to stay on track.

    I was just wondering what do ya'll guys do to help stay focused and not get off course?

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    I think it happens to the best of us bro.... I go off track too, but a bit too often. I TRY and look at it like hey, tomorrow is another day, it's never too late to just jump back on. Just don't beat yourself up to much.

  3. #3
    aer_vlad's Avatar
    aer_vlad is offline Junior Member
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    Staying on track is fairly simple - use goals and dates to help motivate you or even a spreadsheet once in awhile to calculate your total kcal intake/macros, etc. Much easier said then done though, as we all know.

    BUT! moderation is key, that is, it's okay to "cheat" here and there or enjoy yourself in social situations. Don't let your diet inhibit your lifestyle, rather, it should compliment it.

    Slow and steady is what you should aim for.

  4. #4
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    dieting and exercise are just like any other activity in your life. Your success in anything is determined by its importance to you, and your level of determination and focus in general. For me, i stay in shape for two reasons. One, I'm vain and probably look at myself in the mirror way too much, and two, my family is very unhealthy in their eating/exercise habits...when you see relative dropping like flies because of the way they live their lives, it motivates you to try and take care of yourself and them...

  5. #5
    GotBoost?'s Avatar
    GotBoost? is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys. That helps me alot. I try to only have 1-2 cheat meals a week. And even they aren't that bad!!

    And I think we all look in the mirror a lil too much!!

  6. #6
    rosscokid is offline New Member
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    Man, I got the same problem, im 23 and love the beer and the food. Since about 3 weeks prior to my cycle I stopped drinking and the next 12 weeks are all focus. I'm in the car ALOT for work, when i used to run out of my meals and was on the road longer then i thought I'd stop and get a burger or some pizza and be like well tomorrow i will do better repeat x 3943498747 Now if i get hungry or crave I pull into a deli and order like 10oz of shaved deli turkey and chow it. I am battling the same fight my dude but im finding a lot of motivation on here and in the mirror, all you can do is your best. Good luck

  7. #7
    GotBoost?'s Avatar
    GotBoost? is offline New Member
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    I know the feeling. Fast Food is so tempting, and, well Fast!! Its to easy to pull in and out!! Next thing you know its 2 big macs a day!!!

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    I used to LIVE off of fast food, 7 days a week. It was either pizza, McD's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, BK, Chinese Food.... on and on.

    I haven't had fast food in 1.5 years now (I HAVE had pizza and Chinese). If I can do that, anybody can.

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