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Thread: my diet ok?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    my diet ok?

    hey I'm just gonna write out my diet any help would be awesome thanks, I'm 6'1, 190-195lbs, 24 years old and been working out 3 years
    meal 1
    1 slice whole wheat toast then prework supp , assault, then gym

    meal 2
    post workout shake, mass gainer with about 600 calories

    meal 3
    30 -60 mins later, 2 eggs 2 or 3 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal with blueberries, sometimes i throw some sort of veg in eggs, peppers or green onions

    meal 4
    multigrain cheerios with cottage cheese, yogurt and milk

    meal 5
    2 tuna sandwiches on whole wheat with avacodo and spinach

    meal 4
    chicken breast asparagus and brown rice

    meal 5
    extra lean ground beef a yam and broccli

    meal 6 plain tuna and pistachios

    meal 7 cottage cheese, 1/2 cup

    my goals are to be bigger and stronger while improving tone, is there anything i should change? thanks \
    and also my job i pick orders all day, i burn tons of calories at work,
    Last edited by frsttmer; 05-11-2010 at 06:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Poopooing on your parade
    Post everything with macros (how many grams of protein, fat, and carbs, and total cals in each meal)

    Have you found your BMR/TDEE yet?

    Do you know your BF%

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Post everything with macros (how many grams of protein, fat, and carbs, and total cals in each meal)

    meal 1
    slice of toast with butter
    250 cal
    5g protein
    28 carbs

    meal 2 (post workout)
    mass impact weight gain i take 3 to 4 scoops, suppose to be 5
    816 cal
    32g pro
    162g carbs
    4g fat

    meal 3
    2 whole eggs, 2 -4 egg whites, oatmeal
    390 cal
    34g pro
    53g carb
    17g fat

    meal 4
    bread and tuna
    560 cal
    46g pro
    88g carbs
    4 g fat ( not sure about avacodo details , i know its high in mono fat and i have a few spinach leafs on each

    meal 5
    rice (chicken asparagus)
    180 cal
    carb 38g
    fat 1g
    pro 4 (chicken breast i'm assuming is 30g protien? so around 120 cals not sure if theres any carbs or fat, and i dont know asparagus macros

    meal 6
    extra lean ground beef, yam broccli
    i think 410 cals
    30 g pro
    10g fat (and again not sure on yam or broccli)
    50g carb
    meal 7
    pistachio, tuna
    430 cals
    41g pro
    13g carb
    25g fat

    meal 8
    cottage cheese
    100 cal
    14g pro
    10 carbs
    0 fat

    daily total ( might have messed up calculations abit but im pretty sure this is accurate)
    3391 cals ( added 135 for fat from avocodo,, estimate)
    195g pro
    73g fat (added 15g , avacodo)
    354 carbs

    what is BMR/TDEE?
    and not to sure of my body fat but i have a accu measure device and when i pinch it on my love handle area its at 11% , i can see the top part of abs but not the bottom 2

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    i think i found the bmr thing its 1996. and I think i should aim for 3444- 3779 calories.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    also i work afternoon shift and if i dont eat carbs at the second last meal (last break) i find im starving when i get home

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    so Im reading up and stuff and i see i should prob aim for closer to 300 gs of protein, maybe i'll add some more whey shakes after smaller protein meals

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Somewhere, Ga
    I would do a shake before bed with milk. That'll help get your numbers up, and the casein in milk will stay with you throughout the night.

    Remember, more whole food the better, I wouldnt do anymore than 3 shakes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by GotBoost? View Post
    I would do a shake before bed with milk. That'll help get your numbers up, and the casein in milk will stay with you throughout the night.
    I would not do the milk before bed; too much sugar.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by frsttmer View Post
    Post everything with macros (how many grams of protein, fat, and carbs, and total cals in each meal)

    meal 1
    slice of toast with butter
    250 cal
    5g protein
    28 carbs

    This is your pre-workout meal? This is crap! Drop this, do 1/2 cup oats, 2 eggs and 6 egg whites.

    meal 2 (post workout)
    mass impact weight gain i take 3 to 4 scoops, suppose to be 5
    816 cal
    32g pro
    162g carbs
    4g fat

    I don't like these weight gainer shakes. Wanna gain weight? Eat real food, and lots of it. Drop this meal, do 2 scoops of whey protein, and 1 cup of oats. Don't worry about less calories in this meal; you'll get more throughout the day

    meal 3
    2 whole eggs, 2 -4 egg whites, oatmeal
    390 cal
    34g pro
    53g carb
    17g fat

    I wouldn't do the eggs here, especially since they are now in meal 1. Go for 6-8oz of chicken breast (or any lean meat or fish) and 1 cup (cooked) brown rice, or a sweet potato or yam

    meal 4
    bread and tuna
    560 cal
    46g pro
    88g carbs
    4 g fat ( not sure about avacodo details , i know its high in mono fat and i have a few spinach leafs on each

    Are you mixing the tuna with mayo? What kind of bread is this?

    meal 5
    rice (chicken asparagus)
    180 cal
    carb 38g
    fat 1g
    pro 4 (chicken breast i'm assuming is 30g protien? so around 120 cals not sure if theres any carbs or fat, and i dont know asparagus macros

    What kind of rice?

    meal 6
    extra lean ground beef, yam broccli
    i think 410 cals
    30 g pro
    10g fat (and again not sure on yam or broccli)
    50g carb

    You might consider dropping the yam - what time of day is this? I would drop carbs during your last 3 meals and stick with protein/fat meals

    meal 7
    pistachio, tuna
    430 cals
    41g pro
    13g carb
    25g fat

    Fine, but again - any mayo with the tuna? Get some veggies in here too, some spinach maybe

    meal 8
    cottage cheese
    100 cal
    14g pro
    10 carbs
    0 fat

    Add 2tbsp of natty peanut butter, or a serving of almonds. You can also swap out the cottage cheese for a casein shake - do NOT use milk like somebody above suggested, too much sugar.

    daily total ( might have messed up calculations abit but im pretty sure this is accurate)
    3391 cals ( added 135 for fat from avocodo,, estimate)
    195g pro
    73g fat (added 15g , avacodo)
    354 carbs

    what is BMR/TDEE?
    and not to sure of my body fat but i have a accu measure device and when i pinch it on my love handle area its at 11% , i can see the top part of abs but not the bottom 2
    I made some suggestions above in bold; BMR = Basic Metabolic Rate - This is the amount of calories your body burns when you're doing NOTHING - just existing. TDEE = total daily energy expenditure - your maintenace calories - calories you need to eat to neither gain or lose weight.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2010
    I spread the avacodo on whole wheat bread, always brown rice ,
    I work afternoon shift and I pick orders, should i still not have carbs after first break? Would protein and fat be enough?

    How long should I wait after my breakfast before, I can go to the gym, now that I look at that, I cant believe thats my first meal, I'm pumped now to workout not on an empty stomach.

    My TDEE is 3621 My Bmr is 2013 ,
    Thanks for all the tips, I'll put them to use. are pistacios ok to eat? Im not a fan of almonds at all, I know there the really good one.

  11. #11
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    New Jersey
    Are you using mayo to mix in your tuna? If you're highly active in the evening, I suppose you can leave the yam in that meal. I would definitely leave carbs out of your last 2 meals however.

    Try and eat your first meal (pre-workout) 1 - 1.5 hours before your workout so you're nice and fueled up to hit it hard.

    I believe pistachios are ok, but make sure you are getting them raw/natural (not salted, etc). Pretty much any nut is ok so long as it's raw/natural.

  12. #12
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    nope no mayo, I use the avacodo as my mayo.
    I just ate breakfast and i feel way better now, I cant believe I was working out on a piece of toast lol.

    Before I had a day job and started early so I would eat apeice of toast and a whey shake with bannana and pinapple juice, then i started working on the afternoon shift and somehow ended up eating toast.... never again

    I'm gonna change it up and get the carbs out of last 2 meals....... thanks again!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Ok does this look better??

    Meal 1 ( Pre workout)
    2 eggs 6 egg whites ½ cup oatmeal (blueberries optional)

    Meal 2
    post workout, Scoop of whey protein, 1 cup oatmeal

    Meal 2
    chicken breast, broccoli and brown rice or yam

    Meal 3
    Cereal, ½ cup cottage cheese, ½ cup yogurt, small amount of milk

    Meal 4
    Two tuna sandwiches, mix with mayo, (use sparingly) or 1 whole avocado as mayo, with some spinach leafs as well

    Meal 5
    Extra lean ground beef, yam, asparagus

    Meal 6
    Can of tuna ( plain) serving of pistachios

    Meal 7
    Can of salmon mixed with spinach leafs

    Meal 8
    ½ cup cottage cheese with nuts or 2 tbsp of natty pb. or casein shake
    Last edited by frsttmer; 05-12-2010 at 10:11 AM.

  14. #14
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by frsttmer View Post
    Ok does this look better??

    Meal 1 ( Pre workout)
    2 eggs 6 egg whites ½ cup oatmeal (blueberries optional)

    Meal 2
    post workout, Scoop of whey protein, 1 cup oatmeal

    Meal 2
    chicken breast, broccoli and brown rice or yam

    Meal 3
    Cereal, ½ cup cottage cheese, ½ cup yogurt, small amount of milk

    Drop this meal, nothing good here!

    Meal 4
    Two tuna sandwiches, mix with mayo, (use sparingly) or 1 whole avocado as mayo, with some spinach leafs as well

    Meal 5
    Extra lean ground beef, yam, asparagus

    Meal 6
    Can of tuna ( plain) serving of pistachios

    Meal 7
    Can of salmon mixed with spinach leafs

    Meal 8
    ½ cup cottage cheese with nuts or 2 tbsp of natty pb. or casein shake
    Looking much better - i'd still want to see the updated diet with all macros so we can be sure calories/macros are in check. Also, you have 2 meals listed as meal 2 - I assume that's a typo, if so are you getting in 9 meals a day?

    You should drop meal 3 all together though, which will get you back down to 8 meals/day. Just my .02

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    lol oops..
    Last edited by frsttmer; 05-12-2010 at 11:32 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    lol oops....... Now that I think about it I dont really feel that well after that meal. I'll drop it and figure out my macros and post again

    I had an amazing workout today, so much better with a good meal going through me, felt stronger for sure and faster recovery between sets.

    Should I only have 7 meals on non lifting days to lower calories or keep them the same?

  17. #17
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by frsttmer View Post
    lol oops....... Now that I think about it I dont really feel that well after that meal. I'll drop it and figure out my macros and post again

    I had an amazing workout today, so much better with a good meal going through me, felt stronger for sure and faster recovery between sets.

    Should I only have 7 meals on non lifting days to lower calories or keep them the same?
    Yep, you had some fuel to burn so you had a good workout! I worked out on an empty stomach for a year and wish I had never done that.

    I have 1 less meal on non-workout days, but only because I get up later, so there's less time in the day. As long as you're eating every 2.5 - 3 hours, just get in as many meals as you can within the timeframe. If that's still 7 meals, just adjust your macros (DEFINITELY less carbs IMO) to bring the calories down.

  18. #18
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    So last night my enegry levels were completly fine with only carbs on first break, slept great last night and had crazy dreams, maybe from more growth hormone secreting??
    Would you suggest cardio on empty stomach or protein shake or should I stick with a meal. I'm gonna figure the macros out tommrow( I dont work fri) and get this down real tight.

  19. #19
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by frsttmer View Post
    So last night my enegry levels were completly fine with only carbs on first break, slept great last night and had crazy dreams, maybe from more growth hormone secreting??
    Would you suggest cardio on empty stomach or protein shake or should I stick with a meal. I'm gonna figure the macros out tommrow( I dont work fri) and get this down real tight.
    Not sure about the dreams, but hopefully they were crazy good?

    Excellent question about the cardio. ALOT of people on this board suggest cardio on an empty stomach; for me personally, the jury is still out on this. Is it better for fat loss? Probably - it would only make sense. However, is that benefit worth the fact that you will absolutely be burning muscle too? I can't imagine how one wouldn't be catabolic after sleeping all night, waking up, not eating, and doing cardio.

    Personally, i've been eating a meal before cardio but no carbs. Protein shake and 3 whole eggs. I don't know if this is ideal, I definitely need some help on this one too. I'd love to hear from the vets, along with something to back up why they think their suggestion is the way to go.
    Last edited by gbrice75; 05-14-2010 at 01:32 PM.

  20. #20
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    Jan 2010
    Ya my dreams were good ones, very vivid, gotta be lack of carbs... alright I found out all the macros wrote them down then transferred to computer so hopefully I didnt screw any up bu here it is...

    Meal 1 (pre workout) Scrambled eggs and oatmeal
    2 Eggs
    Calories- 140
    Protein- 12g
    Fat -10g
    Carbohydrates- 2
    6 Egg whites
    Calories- 100
    Protein- 42g
    Fat- 0g
    Carbohydrates- 2g
    ½ Cup oatmeal
    Calories- 140
    Protein- 6g
    Fat- 0g
    Carbohydrates- 24g
    TOTAL - Calories-380 Protein-33g Fat-10g Carbohydrates- 28g

    Meal 2 (post workout)
    1 Cup oatmeal
    Calories- 280
    Protein- 12g
    Fat- 5g
    Carbohydrates- 48g
    2 Scoops whey protein
    Calories- 170
    Protein- 33
    Fat- 5
    Carbohydrates- 5g
    TOTAL - Calories-450 Protein-45g Fat-10g Carbohydrates-53g

    Meal 3 2 Tuna sandwiches ( with avocado and spinach )
    Calories- 480
    Protein- 16
    Fat- 8
    Carbohydrates- 84
    Tuna (1 can)
    Calories- 120
    Protein- 30
    Fat- 1
    Carbohydrates- 0
    Baby spinach (2.5 cups)
    Calories- 13
    Protein- 2
    Fat- 0
    Carbohydrates- 2
    1 Whole avocado (spread on bread)
    Calories- 234
    Protein- 3g
    Fat- 21g
    Carbohydrates -12g
    TOTAL - Calories-847 Protein- 51g Fat-30g Carbohydrates- 98

    Meal 4 Chicken, brown rice, asparagus
    6oz chicken breast
    Calories- 276g
    Protein- 54g
    Fat- 6g
    Carbohydrates- 0g
    1 Cup brown rice (cooked)
    Calories- 216g
    Protein- 5g
    Fat- 2g
    Carbohydrates- 45g
    ½ Cup asparagus
    Calories- 20g
    Protein- 2g
    Fat- 0g
    Carbohydrates- 4g
    TOTAL - Calories-512 Protein-61 Fat-16g Carbohydrates-49g

    Meal 5 Extra lean ground beef, yam and broccoli
    ½ lb extra lean ground beef
    Calories- 354
    Protein- 44g
    Carbohydrates- 0g
    ½ Cup yam
    Calories- 158g
    Protein- 2g
    Fat- 0g
    Carbohydrates- 37g
    1 Cup of Broccoli
    Calories- 32
    Protein- 3
    Fat- 0
    Carbohydrates- 6
    TOTAL - Calories- 544 Protein-49g Fat-19g Carbohydrates-43

    Meal 6 Tuna and almonds
    1 Can of tuna
    Calories- 120g
    Protein- 30g
    Fat- 1g
    Carbohydrates- 10g
    1/3 Cup of almonds
    Calories- 290g
    Protein- 11g
    Fat- 25g
    Carbohydrates- 10g
    TOTAL - Calories-410 Protein- 41g Fat- 26g Carbohydrates-20g

    Meal 7 Salmon and baby spinach
    ½ Fillet salmon
    Calories- 184g
    Protein- 32g
    Fat- 5g
    Carbohydrates- 0g
    2.5 Cups of baby spinach
    Calories- 13g
    Protein- 2g
    Fat- 0g
    Carbohydrates- 2g
    TOTAL - Calories-197 Protein-34g Fat-5 Carbohydrates-2g

    Meal 8 Cottage cheese and peanut butter
    ½ Cup cottage cheese
    Calories- 100g
    Protein- 14g
    Fat- 0g
    Carbohydrates- 10g
    2 Tbsp natural peanut butter
    Calories- 200g
    Protein- 8g
    Fat- 16g
    Carbohydrates- 5g
    TOTAL - Calories-300 Protein-22g Fat- 8g Carbohydrates-15g

    Calories- 3640
    Protein- 363 37%
    Fat- 124 30%
    Carbohydrates- 308 33%
    Last edited by frsttmer; 05-18-2010 at 09:21 AM. Reason: errors(screwed numbers up, had 15gs for 6 egg whites) percentages off a bit

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Poopooing on your parade
    I do AM cardio with nothing but 50g whey protein in my stomach, and I am gaining weight, and dropping bf at the same time...

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