I try to gain muscle and lose fat i dont have alot i'm a about maybe 10-12% 17 years heigh 5,8 (173 cm) 184
i want to lose some fat but still gain muscle i cant go heavy on both but i want a balance this is my eating habbits 1 day right here
Breakfast 6:30 3 small yogurts 7:00 Oatmeal around 150g with a spoon of honey or a banana or some rise
Lunch 11: Depends on what we eat at school but i usally eat a pound or so of fish and potatoes/ or rice
I want to eat a meal in between here but cant fit it in
15:20 Oatmeal 50-100gs
16:30 Stake with potatoes or homemade fries
18:00 some cerial dont like to eat to much before my workouts
19:00 jogging for 30 minutes then 40-50 minute of strength traing
20:20 Protein shake
20:40 What ever mom made but probely like half a pound of it
And thats itsorry for my english im really tired