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Thread: Is my diet ok???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Is my diet ok???

    Hey guys thought I'd post my diet and see what input I could get. My goal is a lean bulk.

    Stats are

    Meal 1 8.30am
    3 eggs plus 3 whites
    90g oats
    5g glutamine
    Multi vit
    Vit C
    P45 c65 f17 cals 593

    Meal 2 10.45am
    50g whey and 50g blended oats
    5g creatine
    P42 c30 f0 cals 288

    Meal 3 1pm
    2 wheat rolls with turkey or steak
    Plus salad
    P65 c65 f19 cals 691

    Meal 4 3.30pm
    200g tuna with
    beans or vita wheats(multi grain crisp bread)
    P40 c30 f15 cals 415

    Meal 5 5.45pm
    2 boiled eggs on 2 pieces of rye bread
    P20 c30 f12 cals 308

    Train at 6.30

    Meal 6 7.45pm post workout shake
    50g whey
    40g Maltidextrin
    5g creatine
    P40 c40 f0 cals 320

    Meal 7 9pm
    300-400g chicken breast
    200-300g sweet potato
    Massive salad
    P70 c45 f25 cals

    Meal 8 11pm
    Carrots or celery dipped in cottage cheese
    Calcium casienate shake
    5g glutamine
    P45 c10 f2 cals 238

    protein 367g
    carbs 315
    Fat 90g
    Cals 3538

    I have a question.. Is creatine and glutamine counted as protein? I'm curious as they are amino's. I haven't included them into my macros.

    Any suggestions would me much appreciated
    Last edited by boxa06; 05-16-2010 at 01:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Hey guys thought I'd post my diet and see what input I could get. My goal is a lean bulk.

    Stats are

    Meal 1 8.30am
    3 eggs plus 3 whites
    90g oats
    5g glutamine
    Multi vit
    Vit C
    P45 c65 f17 cals 593

    This is just me, but i'd make it 2 eggs and 4-6 whites. Not a big deal though

    Meal 2 10.45am
    50g whey and 50g blended oats
    5g creatine
    P42 c30 f0 cals 288

    Drop the whey and go with a whole/real food protein source here.

    Meal 3 1pm
    2 wheat rolls with turkey or steak
    Plus salad
    P65 c65 f19 cals 691

    Drop the rolls here and go with a better carb source. Brown rice, sweet potato, yam, oats, etc.

    Meal 4 3.30pm
    200g tuna with
    beans or vita wheats(multi grain crisp bread)
    P40 c30 f15 cals 415

    What kind of beans? I'd stick with beans or another source and drop the vita wheats

    Meal 5 5.45pm
    2 boiled eggs on 2 pieces of rye bread
    P20 c30 f12 cals 308

    Not a good meal IMO. Go with a lean protein source - chicken breast, fish, etc. Drop the rye and do a good complex carb here to fuel your workout

    Train at 6.30

    Meal 6 7.45pm post workout shake
    50g whey
    40g Maltidextrin
    5g creatine
    P40 c40 f0 cals 320

    I'd add oats to this shake

    Meal 7 9pm
    300-400g chicken breast
    200-300g sweet potato
    Massive salad
    P70 c45 f25 cals

    I'd drop the carbs at this point and do protein/fat meals throughout the rest of the night.

    Meal 8 11pm
    Carrots or celery dipped in cottage cheese
    Calcium casienate shake
    5g glutamine
    P45 c10 f2 cals 238

    Drop the carrots - all sugar. Celery in cottage cheese is ok, but you need some fat in this meal. Add 1-2tbsp of natty PB.

    protein 367g
    carbs 315
    Fat 90g
    Cals 3538

    I have a question.. Is creatine and glutamine counted as protein? I'm curious as they are amino's. I haven't included them into my macros.

    Any suggestions would me much appreciated
    Suggestions above in bold. All in all your diet is pretty decent IMO. I just think you could make a few wiser food choices and add/subtract certain macros at certain meals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    thanks for the advice gbrice75! i understand all of the changes you've made except the oats in the pwo shake.. why oats? i thought multidextrin or sucrose was best for an insulin spike pwo. oats have a med gi and would not raise sugar levels as high or as fast.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    thanks for the advice gbrice75! i understand all of the changes you've made except the oats in the pwo shake.. why oats? i thought multidextrin or sucrose was best for an insulin spike pwo. oats have a med gi and would not raise sugar levels as high or as fast.
    Alot of people seem to have moved on from the high GI insulin spike PWO. I'm not saying it's wrong, it just doesn't seem to be the trend anymore.

    Alot if not most people on this board are now doing complex carbs PWO, which is why I suggested the oats. I just mix them dry in my shake, sip, chew, shake, sip, chew, shake, etc. I actually enjoy chewing them up!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Thanks for the tip and thanks for looking over my diet gbrice75. I've already made changes from meal 1-4 from today and will work on the 2nd half of the day in the next few days. I'll post my edited diet up in a few weeks and it hopefully will look better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Sounds good, l look forward to seeing it!

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