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Thread: cutting diet

  1. #1

    cutting diet

    hey everyone lookin for some advice on my diet
    I'm 5'11 170 and about 11% bf but I want to be down closer to 8%

    right now I'm doing

    mon+tue - 50% protein 30%fat 20%carb-around 2200 cal
    wed - 40%protein 40%carb 20% fat-around 2400 cal
    thur-sat 50% protein 30%fat 20%carb-around 2200 cal
    sund-40%protein 40%carb 20% fat-around 2400 cal

    I lift at least 5 times a week and do a low intensity cardio for about 20-30 min about 3 times a week after my lifts so basically I'm just wondering if I'm off at all with this? I've already cut a bit like this just want to make sure I'm doin it a productive way for the least possible muscle loss.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    You should post up your diet so we can see what all those percentages of macros consist of. If you're not eating the right foods, your macro split won't make much of a difference IMO.

  3. #3

    150g strawberries - pr-1g carb-12g fat-.5g 50calories
    whey protein isolate- pr-54g carb-1g fat-0g 222calories
    1/3 cup oats- pr-3.6g carb-18.3g fat-1.8 gr 102 cal

    post workout:9:00

    standard whey- pr-42g carb-8g fat-4g 240 cal

    dry roasted peanuts no salt- carb-18g pro-18g fat-39g 453 cal


    celery- pr-2g carb-7g fat-.5g 40 cal
    salad- pr-1.7g carb-5.1g fat-0 26 cal
    tuna- pr-34g fat-7.2g 212 cal


    baby carrots - pr-2g carb-25g fat-.4g 107 cal
    6 egg whites- pr-22g carb-1g fat-0g 92 cal
    whole wheat tortilla- pr-4g carb-19g fat-3g 110 cal
    canned chicken breast - pr-46 gr carb-0g fat 2g 210cal


    tuna-pr-37g carb-0g fat 8g 230cal
    avacado- pr-1g carb-3g fat-6g 64 cal

    total= 2158 cal

    this was my eating schedule for yesterday and I switch it up everyday just try to stick to some basic guidlines by recording everything I eat on a calorie counting website

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