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  1. #1
    wack is offline New Member
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    I want the best cutting diet! Help me plz!

    Hi, i'm about to start cutting. So there is my stats;
    5pi8, 170lbs, BF 16-18%, training for 4yrs.

    I'm planning to do cardio at 5-6x/week and also train 5x/week (3series of 12rep, 4 exercises per muscles + abs/obliques)
    I'll most do the cardio with an empty stomach.

    BMR = 66 + (13.7 x 75) + (5 x 172) - (6.8 x 21) = 1745 x 1.55 = 2704
    1027 860 142

    So... for a good cutting i think i must drop about 500-700cals/day, so if i do a 2000 cals/day diet must be OK?

    Here what can look my diet, let me know what u think about it!

    2 Eggs whole cooked - 12fat, 2carb, 12pro
    Quick oat 1cup - 7fat, 81carb, 18pro
    Banana - 0fat, 27carb, 1pro

    Tuna can - 0fat, 0carb, 30pro

    Chicken breat 200g (7oz) - 15fat, 0carb, 58pro
    Rice (1/2 cup) - 0fat, 79carb, 7pro
    Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro

    *CARDIO - 3KM

    Beef steak 200g (9oz) - 18fat, 0carb, 68pro
    Potato 1 large (3" to 4-1/4" dia, raw) - 0fat, 33carb, 3pro
    Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro


    Milk 1%: 5fat, 12carb, 8pro

    TOTAL: 57fat, 248carb, 211pro

    513 + 992 + 844 = 2349cals

    If i want to drop more, i can take only 1/2 cup of oat for breakfast?
    My pro are low i think and carb too high, isn't it?
    57g of fat, is it too much?
    I also plan to take Clenbuterol in few week, 5-6x cardio + 5x training a week is it too much?
    What can i do for a real nice cutting?

    Give me ur opinion and dont hesitate to comment!

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by wack View Post
    Hi, i'm about to start cutting. So there is my stats;
    5pi8, 170lbs, BF 16-18%, training for 4yrs.

    I'm planning to do cardio at 5-6x/week and also train 5x/week (3series of 12rep, 4 exercises per muscles + abs/obliques)
    I'll most do the cardio with an empty stomach.

    BMR = 66 + (13.7 x 75) + (5 x 172) - (6.8 x 21) = 1745 x 1.55 = 2704
    1027 860 142

    So... for a good cutting i think i must drop about 500-700cals/day, so if i do a 2000 cals/day diet must be OK?

    If your TDEE is 2704, I would start with dropping only 500 calories/day, so that would put you at 2200/day. Try and start with a 40/40/20 split (protein/carbs/fat) and see how that works, then adjust from there

    Here what can look my diet, let me know what u think about it!

    2 Eggs whole cooked - 12fat, 2carb, 12pro
    Quick oat 1cup - 7fat, 81carb, 18pro
    Banana - 0fat, 27carb, 1pro

    Check your macros. 1 cup of oats is not 80carbs or 18protein - that'd be 10g protein and roughly 60g carbs. Also, drop the banana. Add 4-6 egg whites in addition to the 2 whole eggs

    Tuna can - 0fat, 0carb, 30pro

    Add complex carbs at this meal - sweet potato, yam, brown rice, oats, etc

    Chicken breat 200g (7oz) - 15fat, 0carb, 58pro
    Rice (1/2 cup) - 0fat, 79carb, 7pro
    Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro

    Again, check your macros. no way does 7oz of chicken breast have 58g protein (more like 42g) and 15g fat. 1/2 cup of rice would be roughly 30g, not 80g. What kind of rice is this - brown rice I hope. Otherwise it's a great meal!

    *CARDIO - 3KM

    Beef steak 200g (9oz) - 18fat, 0carb, 68pro
    Potato 1 large (3" to 4-1/4" dia, raw) - 0fat, 33carb, 3pro
    Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro

    Make this a sweet potato, and check protein macro on the beef


    Milk 1%: 5fat, 12carb, 8pro

    What's the point of the milk? Do you train at the very end of the night then go to bed?

    TOTAL: 57fat, 248carb, 211pro

    513 + 992 + 844 = 2349cals

    If i want to drop more, i can take only 1/2 cup of oat for breakfast?
    My pro are low i think and carb too high, isn't it?
    57g of fat, is it too much?
    I also plan to take Clenbuterol in few week, 5-6x cardio + 5x training a week is it too much?
    What can i do for a real nice cutting?

    Give me ur opinion and dont hesitate to comment!
    Some suggestions above in bold. I think your macros are way screwed up, and your meals are kind of sporatic. Please adjust and repost so we can critique further.

  3. #3
    wack is offline New Member
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    I took the macro from FITDAY. So i can't really tell u if there good or not for the chicken and beef but Oat is: 3fat, 27carb, 6pro for 1/3cup.
    Also, i'll maybe change the rice for spaghetti (with no sauce).

    For the milk, i train at 20h00 so yes i go to bed right after!

    And if the macros for chicken and beef are not good, diet must be around 2200cals?

  4. #4
    dj_pacman51's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wack View Post
    I took the macro from FITDAY. So i can't really tell u if there good or not for the chicken and beef but Oat is: 3fat, 27carb, 6pro for 1/3cup.
    Also, i'll maybe change the rice for spaghetti (with no sauce).

    For the milk, i train at 20h00 so yes i go to bed right after!

    And if the macros for chicken and beef are not good, diet must be around 2200cals?
    So you train then come home, drink some milk then go to bed?

  5. #5
    wack is offline New Member
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    Train at home, drink milk, shower then go bed! :d

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    I think the macros are def. off, or the data you input to fitday is off. I'd try another site, or better yet add them up yourself, manually. Yes, it takes alot of time, but it's worth it IMO.

    You sort of have an odd schedule, working out then coming right home and going to bed. You definitely need a meal after that workout though - at the very least, I would suggest adding 1 scoop of whey and 1 scoop of casein to your milk, and have a couple tbsp. of natty peanut butter. A bit of milk after your workout won't do jack for you.

  7. #7
    dj_pacman51's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I think the macros are def. off, or the data you input to fitday is off. I'd try another site, or better yet add them up yourself, manually. Yes, it takes alot of time, but it's worth it IMO.

    You sort of have an odd schedule, working out then coming right home and going to bed. You definitely need a meal after that workout though - at the very least, I would suggest adding 1 scoop of whey and 1 scoop of casein to your milk, and have a couple tbsp. of natty peanut butter. A bit of milk after your workout won't do jack for you.
    Agreed. I too work out late sometimes so what I do is I get out, take some whey protein, then an hour later i'll have 6oz of chicken and some broccolli. 2 hours later i'll have my casein and pb. Or if I work out really late then i'll set my alarm in the middle of the night and take my casein.

  8. #8
    wack is offline New Member
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    Ok! And is the diet ok if we forget the PWO ?
    I mean, for a cut, should i drop more calories or stay like that and see what happen ?

  9. #9
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    You currently have yourself at a 300 calorie deficit behind TDEE? I would say your definitely safe, and depending on your progress with fat loss, you can consider cutting back another 100-200.

  10. #10
    wack is offline New Member
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    When i'll take Clenbuterol , should i continue 6x cardio and 5x training or should i drop a lil bit?
    Did my heart will follow the beat?

  11. #11
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    I would continue the cardio and training - the point of the clen is to cut, right? So take full advantage and get that cardio in!

    Just monitor your heart rate, get a watch, it's a great investment.

  12. #12
    wack is offline New Member
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    I already got a watch, for a good cutting, what sould be the best and at how many HR?
    How i can find my benefic HR?
    Should i jog long time low HR or short time high HR?
    I was planning to run about 15-20min (3KM) and train 3series of 12rep, 4 exercises per muscles, is that OK?


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