Originally Posted by
why the full fat milk?? loose that mate
add another 4 eggs to breakfast and two pieces of toast NO BUTTER,
loose the oats take the protein shake as a meal in it self and swap the potato for rice.
Agreed about the full fat milk, lose it and go with skim if you need to use milk at all (too much sugar, use as little as possible). I DISAGREE about adding toast - oats are a whole natural food, bread is not - oats are a much better complex carb source. Do not listen to this suggestion. I would not swap the potato for rice either - sweet potato is a lower GI carb
Take out one of the meat meals you dont need it.
Bad suggestion. Do the opposite - rely on shakes as LITTLE as possible, and get in as much REAL FOOD as possible
Also with your weight training are you weights increasing every 6-8 weeks? EG week 1 your deadlift 1 rep max might be 400pound at the end of 6-8 weeks you should be lifting 405-410 pounds?????
So first two meals like this
Meal 1)
6 whole boiled eggs or fried or poached on 2 toast
Nope - 2 whole eggs, 4-6 whites. Keep the protein shake to get a quick shot of protein. Drop the toast and keep the oats
Meal 2) Protein shake with fish oil tabs