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Thread: DIET soda

  1. #1
    GS4's Avatar
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    DIET soda

    I cant enough of this stuff, I try to drink as muxh water as possible, but I like me some diet coke to say the least I have about 3-4 a day, I read a few articles about it, but theres a lot of contradiction about this topic. Im on a clean bulk diet, so im trying to stay away from sugars amd sweets at the moment.
    Last edited by GS4; 05-29-2010 at 03:59 PM.

  2. #2
    mikeyc is offline New Member
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    I came to this forum about to ask the same question. The extent of my knowledge is that in the UK diet coke is made with aspartame which I have heard (dubious) decreases fat metabolism. I drink tons of the stuff myself regardless, especially after a really dry meal of tuna or something and I need to get the taste out of my mouth.

    When I visited the US I remember it being made with sucralose instead, apparently that's meant to be better for you in some way because it does not metabolise into phenylalanine.

  3. #3
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    well here is the thing if you were doing a cutter, personally I try avoid as much as I can from any soda and that includes sugar free ones.

    Now cause you are doing a clean bulk, a sugar free soda once a day or once every second day, I dont see a problem getting little bit of enjoyment.

    But consuming 3-4 a day, first of all cant be good for you for health reasons, not just on the results aspect of things.

    As when your doing a cutter, consuming 3-4 sugar free soda will reduce and alter your results can be counter productive.

    Do I have studies umm no but I can tell you from experience, when im cutting and cancel my sugar free soda, made a huge difference to my results..

  4. #4
    YoungGunsNY's Avatar
    YoungGunsNY is offline Associate Member
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    Diet soda replaces carbs with chemicals that I heard could be carcinogenic after consuming for a long period of time. Now I'm not sure about this so don't quote me or anything, but that very well could've just been a rumor.

    Anyway, I stay away from diet soda and get my sweet fix from crystal light, mainly because diet soda has over 200mg per can and more per bottle. I cook with seasonings that have NO sodium, so why would I take in something that has a decent amount of sodium when crystal light is 5 calories and no sodium.

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