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  1. #1
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Add suggestions for this diet

    1st meal 730am
    1/2 cup of oats and protein shake or 6eggs 4 white 2 whole, 3 pieces of multi-grain toast
    2nd meal 10am
    2 cans of breast chicken or tuna + banana or peanut butter sandwich
    3rd meal 11:30am
    bowl of rice and chicken with maybe some green beans or broccoli
    4th meal -2:30-3pm
    1 chicken sandwich
    5th meal 5:15
    protein shake and NO explode +banana
    530 TRAIN
    6th meal 7pm
    protein shake with milk
    7th meal 730pm
    steak or chicken breast with rice or pasta or sweet potato w/veg
    8th meal before bed 930
    low fat yogurt

  2. #2
    boxa06's Avatar
    boxa06 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    1st meal 730am
    1/2 cup of oats and protein shake or 6eggs 4 white 2 whole, 3 pieces of multi-grain toast Go with eggs and oats for this meal
    2nd meal 10am
    2 cans of breast chicken or tuna + banana or peanut butter sandwich Chicken or tuna is good but have it with a whole grain source of carb instead of the banana. Maybe have it in 1 or 2 sandwhiches
    3rd meal 11:30am
    bowl of rice and chicken with maybe some green beans or broccoli This is good make sure it's wholemeal (brown) rice
    4th meal -2:30-3pm
    1 chicken sandwichShould have a larger meal here and drop the shake pre workout in meal 5. Go for something similar to meal 3
    5th meal 5:15
    protein shake and NO explode +banana
    530 TRAIN
    6th meal 7pm
    protein shake with milk drop the milk and add maltidextrin or sucrose to shake for insulin spike
    7th meal 730pm
    steak or chicken breast with rice or pasta or sweet potato w/veg
    8th meal before bed 930
    low fat yogurt get a casien bedtime shake
    Suggestions are in bold.. You should calculate your bmr and tdee. Then go through your diet and workout your macros. That'll give you a more acurate diet for your goals weather is bulking or cutting.

  3. #3
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    okay thanks man for such a quick reply, do you have a link to a good calculator to work out macro's, im trying to lean bulk,
    im not sure about the sandwiches for my second meal, i usually feel to bloated if i do any other suggestions on that?
    i will deff change my pre-workout meal, i havnt herd much about maltidextrin so will research.
    so the casien shake aswell as the yougurt?

  4. #4
    boxa06's Avatar
    boxa06 is offline Productive Member
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    No probs man I'll pm you the site I use to work out my macros..

    Instead of sanwhiches get some wholegrain crisp breads to snack on with the tuna or chicken. Thats what I have as a snack and doest bloat as much as bread.

    Yea drop the yougurt and if you want to up the calories before bed get some natural peanut butter or almonds to have with the shake. That plus the casien will give you a long lasting source of amino's and energy while you sleep.

  5. #5
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sunny Australia!
    thanks alot man, i appreciate your advice!

  6. #6
    boxa06's Avatar
    boxa06 is offline Productive Member
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    No worries good luck with your goals man

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