after am hiit style cardio on empty stomach how long should i wait to eat or drink shake and what is the best thing for me to have.
after am hiit style cardio on empty stomach how long should i wait to eat or drink shake and what is the best thing for me to have.
When I do am cardio only on an empty stomach, I try to wait 1.5 - 2 hours before eating. I usually go with a lean protein and complex carb. You could pound a protein shake pretty soon (30 mins?) after the workout just to get some protein in your system after sleeping all night - will help with catabolism. It's the carbs you have to watch out for.
Do you wait and 1.5-2 hours to maximize fat loss? are you starving while you wait?
I eat immediately afterwards, proteins, carbs and some fats.
Yes, I was waiting time to maximize the benefits of the cardio on an empty stomach. I was under the impression that eating right away, especially carbs, would halt or hinder the progress. Yes, pretty effing hungry during that time!
Obviously if FG is eating immediately afterwards, this isn't necessary. FG, can you shed some light on why eating immediately afterwards is ok, and/or why there is no benefit to waiting? I'm not questioning your methods at all, just looking to learn.
I am bulking and i do cardio on empty stomach 3x a week, do you think that i need to wait 1.5 to 2 hours to eat?
Let's wait for Fireguy to answer this one. If he's eating right afterwards, then the answer is probably no. Look at his avatar - when he tells me something, I go with it!
I'm just interested in hearing about the science behind this....
Usually upto 2 hours....
If i do cardio in the morning, I always have my regular breakfast or a protein shake within 45mins.
i like cardio before i go to sleep so i can burn off all the crap i ingested during the day but to answer your question after a run i have protein and glutamine
The "Afterburn" theory has a lot of people thinking they should keep fasting after cardio. Research shows eating protein and fats do not slow this process down but comsuming carbs will, to what extent is debatable. Even with carbs post cardio you will still get the "Afterburn" effect just not as much as without. For me, I will sacrifice the little extra fat burn as I would rather refill glycogen stores. This is also what works "for me", I do 2 fairly intense cardio sessions daily anywhere from 60-120 minutes total per day. I also ingest quite a bit of carbs. I am currently 5 weeks out from my next show and still eating over 350grams of carbs a day. Even at this amount I am having to schedule refeed or extra high calorie days to keep the weight from coming off too quick. My point is you really need to find what works for you. I am not a fan of keto for a variety of reasons. But all aspects of dieting and cardio are intertwined. You cant really address one without knowing the exact details of the other. If I were not doing as much cardio or on a different type diet I may skip carbs post cardio but would at least hit some protein and fats.
Thanks for the explanation Fireguy, informative as always. This makes alot of sense to me, and knowing my body i'll continue to skip carbs after cardio but will slam some protein and maybe a handful of almonds to get some food in there. Regular protein/carb meal will come 1.5-2 hours later as i've been doing.
350g carbs/day and you still need to do a refeed or you're losing weight? Poor you, lol!
PS - lookin really sexy in your new avy, lol =)
The Avy is of MrsFire, its a 1 day deal only! Yeah, even at 350grams of carbs I was dropping 3-5lbs per week. Currently sitting @ 204lbs and low 7's in BF. I will get contest pics up after my two shows next month.
Oops! I kind of figured that was MrsFire after I posted... she IS looking lovely though!
I envy you man... 350g carbs/day and dropping 3-5lbs per week!!! You must have an insane metabolism.... while I have the metabolism of a glacier...
204 @ 7% is SICK man.... i'm sure you're going to have great shows next month. Looking forward to the new pics!
OP, sorry for the hijack.
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