Hi all
The title of this post was " ste alth food" but for some reason the word "ste alth" gets cencored.
Anyway, I am still in the process of planning my first cycle. Been planning it for a year now!
I won't go into the cycle just yet, its just a simple test e only cycle. The problem I am having is nailing my diet.
Workouts are good but diet needs work.
My current diet is as follows -
Breakfast 7.30
- 6 Scrambled Eggs (2 yolks) scrammbled in 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 60g of oats with some skimmed milk plus water
- 1 a day Multi vitamin tab
- Met RX meal replacement shake
- can of tuna mixed with sweetcorn and peppers
- Optimum Nutrition 100 whey
- Optimum Nutrition 100 whey
- 1 Chicken Breast grilled
- Basmati rice
- Optimum Nutrition Casein
Now as you can obviously see is that there is too many shakes, not enough real food. Now the problem is where I work. We are only allowed one break, and thats for dinner. No tea/coffee or smoking breaks. A lot of the people there snack on junk food, sweets etc. Now when I am on test e I know to get the best results I need to up the food intake.
So the question is can anyone suggest any "ste alth foods" that I could eat while at work. Obviously I can't start to eat a steak out of my desk drawer, its going to be too suspicious. So what foods would be good, right amount of carbs/fats/protein.
Like I said it can't be something thats going to take too long to eat, I risk getting caught, it has to be something I can eat in 5-10 mins. The only thing I can think of is protein bars, but again that is not real food, but I may not have any choice.
Thanks for all your help