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Thread: ******* Food

  1. #1

    ******* Food

    Hi all

    The title of this post was " ste alth food" but for some reason the word "ste alth" gets cencored.

    Anyway, I am still in the process of planning my first cycle. Been planning it for a year now!

    I won't go into the cycle just yet, its just a simple test e only cycle. The problem I am having is nailing my diet.

    Workouts are good but diet needs work.

    My current diet is as follows -

    Breakfast 7.30

    - 6 Scrambled Eggs (2 yolks) scrammbled in 2 tablespoons of olive oil
    - 60g of oats with some skimmed milk plus water
    - 1 a day Multi vitamin tab


    - Met RX meal replacement shake


    - can of tuna mixed with sweetcorn and peppers


    - Optimum Nutrition 100 whey




    - Optimum Nutrition 100 whey


    - 1 Chicken Breast grilled
    - Basmati rice


    - Optimum Nutrition Casein


    Now as you can obviously see is that there is too many shakes, not enough real food. Now the problem is where I work. We are only allowed one break, and thats for dinner. No tea/coffee or smoking breaks. A lot of the people there snack on junk food, sweets etc. Now when I am on test e I know to get the best results I need to up the food intake.

    So the question is can anyone suggest any "ste alth foods" that I could eat while at work. Obviously I can't start to eat a steak out of my desk drawer, its going to be too suspicious. So what foods would be good, right amount of carbs/fats/protein.

    Like I said it can't be something thats going to take too long to eat, I risk getting caught, it has to be something I can eat in 5-10 mins. The only thing I can think of is protein bars, but again that is not real food, but I may not have any choice.

    Thanks for all your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    it is not ideal but I grab some beef jerky when in a bind. U can find low sodium stuff too. Turkey Jerky, Buffalo, Elk....u name it. I actually just bought a bunch of Buffalo Jerky today at Cabela' is awesome. Low fat and carbs, high protien. Only drawback is the sodium.

    What about hard boiled eggs?

  3. #3
    Not enough food man, the only food you have in there is a chicken breast, 1 serving rice, can of tuna, oats, and eggs, I bet all of those foods combined is only about 1000 calories, and the rest is just shakes which 4/day is way too many. Remember, supplements are to SUPPLEMENT the diet, not replace half of it or 3/4 of it. If time is an issue one thing I have found that works well is to do your protein shake, but eat some sort of rice or potatoes with it, I feel like it helps slow the digestion of the protein down a little and you can actually call that a meal. I do this about twice/day, the rest whole foods.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Make multiple pieces of Chicken Breast and keep them in a zippy in the fridge at work, pull them out and presto....protein.

    Can o Tuna and a Can Opener....not fork needed, just a sink to drain the can and clean fingers.

    Get yourself some decent bread, the best complex carb bread you can find, and some natural Peanut Butter....


    If you have space to carry around that much powder, find the space for the real food. Those Protein Shakes get absorbed to fast to be eating all the time.

    I suggest maybe finding out your labor board laws in your state/province/country. No breaks is against the law here in Canada.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the advice guys, I'll try mixng various clean foods and see what I come up with, for example, eggs mixed with oats cooked and kept in a sealed container.

    I am in the UK as far as I know the law here allows you to have a 30 min lunch break, anyting more than that including breaks are up to your employer, maybe I'll move to Canada as the UK is really in the shits, financial crisis and all. The whole country is ready, bent over, cheeks spread, ready to take it in the ass coz the people we trusted to run the country fu*ked up now the people have to get screwed to pay for it. Don't you just love politicians.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Move here to Alberta.....75K a year to start in the Oil Field. No exp necessary. Sure you work 12hrs a day, 7 days a week, but u get a full week off once a month, the camps pay for your room, they have a onsite cook that makes all your meals, whatever you want as much as you want, and most of the camps have good gyms.

    Free Protein, Free Gym, Free Room, and 75K a year. But its cold!

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