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Thread: Rate my Diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Rate my Diet

    Age: 18
    BF: 12
    Weight: 160 (I got small bones)
    Height: 6,0
    Goals: Recover from surgery, lose fat, steady bulk for 1 year.

    I had surgery couple months back, havent been able to lift like before but improving every day.... I lost 16 pounds after surgery, so since Im now able to lift more Im planning on starting to increase calories and really pay attention to diet...

    you can see pics in my other thread..

    Heres my diet and supps...

    Taking gaspari myofusion for whey and casein blend, orange triad multi vitamin and joint support, optimum fish oil, green magnitude creatine, intrabolic intra workout supp.... also planning on running on empty stomach 3 times per week, taking 1 scoop of myofusion with water before running

    8:00 AM: 4 egg whites. 1 cup skim milk. 1 cup oatmeal. 3 Orange Triad.

    10:30 AM: 100g chicken breast. Veggies. 1 teaspoon olive oil. 2 Fish oil.

    1:00 PM: 100g chicken breast. Veggies 1 teaspoon olive oil. 2 Fish oil.

    3:30 PM: 120g chicken breast. 1.25 cup brown rice.

    4:00 PM: Green Magnitude

    4:50 PM: Workout: Intrabolic

    6:00 PM: 1.5 scoops myofusion. 1.75 cups oatmeal.

    8:00 PM: 100g chicken breast. Veggies. 1 teaspoon olive oil. 2 Fish oil.

    10:00 PM: 4 egg whites. 1 cup skim milk. .5 spoon peanut butter. 3 orange triad

    12:00 PM: 1 cup skim milk. 75 scoop myofusion. 2 egg whites. .5spoon peanut butter

    243 carbs /286 protein /63 fat
    2800 calories

    Ill be increasing calories every 1-2 weeks
    Last edited by SEAviator; 06-20-2010 at 07:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Need to see macros at each meal in order to help/critique

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I'd give it a 5/10 if that's what you're looking for when you say "rate".

    Your diet and timing of carb meals seems well thought out but it's lacking.

    A 10/10 diet, for me, contains a variety of lean animal protein and other sources scattered throughout the day based on rate of digestion (casein or beef before bed, for example). It would also contain minimal dairy/sugar, minimally processed carb sources, many different sources of poly/monounsaturated fat, BCAAs consumed in-between meals and during exercise, and plenty of omega 3/6/9 EFAs in pill form to supplement meals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Need to see macros at each meal in order to help/critique
    I believe each meal had macros

    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    I'd give it a 5/10 if that's what you're looking for when you say "rate".

    Your diet and timing of carb meals seems well thought out but it's lacking.

    A 10/10 diet, for me, contains a variety of lean animal protein I tried to fix that, added fish and beef and other sources scattered throughout the day based on rate of digestion (casein or beef before bed, for example) is the milk and PB enough to slow down rate of digestion. It would also contain minimal dairy/sugar only 2 cups. waking up and before sleep for casein, minimally processed carb sources just oatmeal and brown rice, many different sources of poly/monounsaturated fat olive oil fish oil peanut butter, BCAAs consumed in-between meals and during exercise even though I see the benefits, I think it will be waste for ME, and plenty of omega 3/6/9 EFAs in pill form to supplement meals 6 pills a day, done my research to get my amount.

    Weight 157
    Height 6,0
    BF 12 I can see abs when flexed
    Experience Been lifting for 3 years, diet for 1-1.5, had surgery, lost almost all muscle
    Goals with this diet: to recover from surgery, im getting there, and lose fat while building muscle with muscle memory, its working so far,so when Im recovered ill be lean and ready for a long slow bulk

    Check Diet Please Macros included for each meal and food GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS PLEASE

    I added carbs and calories to the end result because I may use some lime juice or hot sauce to condiment foods, and the intrabolic and green mag have like 30 cal each. Time of meals vary depending at what time I wake up.

    9:30 AM: 6 egg whites (1/22/0). 1 cup skim milk (8/6/0). 0.5 cup oatmeal (25/6/2). 3 Orange Triad.

    12:00 PM: 120g tilapia (2/31/8). Veggies (2/1/0). 1 teaspoon olive oil (0/0/5). 2 Fish oil.

    2:30 PM: 120g chicken breast (0/37/4). 1 cup brown rice (44/5/6).

    3:00 PM: Green Magnitude

    3:15 PM: Workout: Intrabolic

    4:45 PM: 1.5 scoops myofusion (8/38/5). 1 cup oatmeal (51/12/5).

    7:00 PM: 100g chicken breast (0/31/4). Veggies (2/1/0). 2 teaspoon olive oil (0/0/9). 2 Fish oil.

    9:00 PM: 100g beef (0/30/10). Veggies (2/1/0). 1 teaspoon olive oil (0/0/5). 2 Fish oil.

    11:30 PM: 6 egg whites (1/22/0). 1 cup skim milk (8/6/0). 0.5 spoon peanut butter (3/2/3). 3 orange triad

    Last edited by SEAviator; 06-28-2010 at 09:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by SEAviator View Post
    I believe each meal had macros


    Weight 157
    Height 6,0
    BF 12 I can see abs when flexed
    Experience Been lifting for 3 years, diet for 1-1.5, had surgery, lost almost all muscle
    Goals with this diet: to recover from surgery, im getting there, and lose fat while building muscle with muscle memory, its working so far,so when Im recovered ill be lean and ready for a long slow bulk

    Check Diet Please Macros included for each meal and food GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS PLEASE

    I added carbs and calories to the end result because I may use some lime juice or hot sauce to condiment foods, and the intrabolic and green mag have like 30 cal each. Time of meals vary depending at what time I wake up.

    9:30 AM: 6 egg whites (1/22/0). 1 cup skim milk (8/6/0). 0.5 cup oatmeal (25/6/2). 3 Orange Triad.

    Drop the milk, add 1-2 whole eggs, and maybe 2 more whites. Possibly up oats to 1 cup

    12:00 PM: 120g tilapia (2/31/8). Veggies (2/1/0). 1 teaspoon olive oil (0/0/5). 2 Fish oil.

    Possibly think about dropping the olive oil and sticking with complex carbs this early in the day. Sweet potato, yam, brown rice, etc

    2:30 PM: 120g chicken breast (0/37/4). 1 cup brown rice (44/5/6).

    Great meal!

    3:00 PM: Green Magnitude

    No idea what this is

    3:15 PM: Workout: Intrabolic

    4:45 PM: 1.5 scoops myofusion (8/38/5). 1 cup oatmeal (51/12/5).

    Is this your PWO meal?

    7:00 PM: 100g chicken breast (0/31/4). Veggies (2/1/0). 2 teaspoon olive oil (0/0/9). 2 Fish oil.

    Great meal!

    9:00 PM: 100g beef (0/30/10). Veggies (2/1/0). 1 teaspoon olive oil (0/0/5). 2 Fish oil.

    11:30 PM: 6 egg whites (1/22/0). 1 cup skim milk (8/6/0). 0.5 spoon peanut butter (3/2/3). 3 orange triad

    Definitely drop the skim milk, too much sugar too late in the day. I wouldn't do the eggs here, they are processed too quickly. Swap for a casein shake, or go with some lean beef here


    Pretty decent diet IMO, but some suggestions above in bold

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Pretty decent diet IMO, but some suggestions above in bold
    thanks mate... Ill tweak it up a lil.... Ill try to get a casein.. what do you think of cottage cheese? Theres none in my country, but Im moving to the US in 1 month and was thinking on buying it there...

    as for the milk, Ive done my research here and I know why milk is not suggested, the amount of sugar and all... but why do they still suggest it in other places, saying milk has a lot of benefits, and its sugar is just a part of milk and practically harmless unless abused? Even for waking up? I really love milk, I used to take like 5 cups per day... really hard to have only 2...

    Im trying to lose a lil fat, thats why the 2nd meal has no carbs... should I still replace the olive oil with sweet potatoe or something? Or can I keep the salad, to keep my carbs in breakfast, pre and post workout?

    the chicken and brown rice is pre workout meal and whey and oatmeal is post workout... dont tell me to get some dextrose and maltodextrin here, I also done extensive research on carb absorption post workout and unless youre working out intensely 2 times per day, low GI carbs is completely fine post workout...

    green mag is a creatine

    I guess Ill put some lean beef or something in last meal while I try to get some casein

    anyways for last meal.. so milk is a no no? not even because of casein benefits? how about PB? cottage cheese for future? cant say no to CC

    I think ill not touch carb amount, which is already restricted to those 3 crucial times.. This amount is fine for now to shed a lil fat.. Ive been monitoring my weight and reflection

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by SEAviator View Post
    thanks mate... Ill tweak it up a lil.... Ill try to get a casein.. what do you think of cottage cheese? Theres none in my country, but Im moving to the US in 1 month and was thinking on buying it there...

    Cottage cheese is great before bed, so when you can get it, go with it!

    as for the milk, Ive done my research here and I know why milk is not suggested, the amount of sugar and all... but why do they still suggest it in other places, saying milk has a lot of benefits, and its sugar is just a part of milk and practically harmless unless abused? Even for waking up? I really love milk, I used to take like 5 cups per day... really hard to have only 2...

    Trust me, I love milk too. If you were bulking, i'd say no problem, have at it. Since you're trying to lose some fat, we want to keep sugars as low as possible. True that lactose isn't processed in the same way sucrose/fructose etc. are, but it's far from a complex carb and that's what we want. Do your best to keep away from it, for now

    Im trying to lose a lil fat, thats why the 2nd meal has no carbs... should I still replace the olive oil with sweet potatoe or something? Or can I keep the salad, to keep my carbs in breakfast, pre and post workout?

    You don't HAVE to have carbs in your 2nd meal, I personally just like to do carbs in the 1st half of my day, protein/fat meals 2nd half. If you want to keep it the way you have it now, that's fine

    the chicken and brown rice is pre workout meal and whey and oatmeal is post workout... dont tell me to get some dextrose and maltodextrin here, I also done extensive research on carb absorption post workout and unless youre working out intensely 2 times per day, low GI carbs is completely fine post workout...

    You won't hear me talking about dextrose/maltodextrin - I only do complex carbs including PWO, with the exception of a bit of skim milk

    green mag is a creatine

    I guess Ill put some lean beef or something in last meal while I try to get some casein

    Good idea

    anyways for last meal.. so milk is a no no? not even because of casein benefits? how about PB? cottage cheese for future? cant say no to CC

    I would not do the milk for my last meal. Of any meal of the day, I think this one is the worst for it, at least while trying to lose fat. Cottage cheese is fine, PB is fine as well

    I think ill not touch carb amount, which is already restricted to those 3 crucial times.. This amount is fine for now to shed a lil fat.. Ive been monitoring my weight and reflection
    Comments above in bold

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    thanks for all your help man....

    Ill improve my diet a lil and post back once I tried it for a couple days...

    again thanks for your help

    ps, do you think its fine if some days, for ex, instead of having the meat and salad I switch to meat and onions? or instead of oats in breakfast, I switch to whole wheat bread? I know its not optimal, but some days it would be kind of useful to mantain the sanity and avoid a cheat meal or bing... These foods would keep the overall macro fairly the same, maybe a lil lower

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by SEAviator View Post

    thanks for all your help man....

    Ill improve my diet a lil and post back once I tried it for a couple days...

    again thanks for your help

    ps, do you think its fine if some days, for ex, instead of having the meat and salad I switch to meat and onions? or instead of oats in breakfast, I switch to whole wheat bread? I know its not optimal, but some days it would be kind of useful to mantain the sanity and avoid a cheat meal or bing... These foods would keep the overall macro fairly the same, maybe a lil lower
    You're welcome!

    I definitely think it's ok - you said it yourself, it's not optimal, but sanity is a HUGE part of this, and at the end of the day an onion here and there, or wheat bread instead of oats is not going to make or break your diet. I say go for it!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Add epa/dha

    multi vit complex with active b complex twice daily..

    Add 1g vitamin c everyday until you reach bowel problems then drop back 1 gram that is your dosage.. Vitmain C is very vital for connective tissue support especially if you just had surgery.. Your daily requirement could be 30g currently healing.. I have someone on 35g daily with no bowel problems what so ever...

    100% asorbic acid powder is cheap as shit.

    Just rmember basics

    whole food

    fruit at breakfast

    vegies/salad every meal...

    No sugar or carbs before bed i used to be the 1kg cottage cheese man but GH responds to low blood sugar... so you are better off with some WPC small amount of casein added and some peanut butter..

    Best of luck on your recovery..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    thanks man...ยด

    I think my vitamin needs are met with orange triad.. taking 6 pills a day, it has vitamin B complex 500mcg 8333% for 6 pills I divide 3 in morning and 3 with last meal

    it also has glucosamine and chondritin, 2000mg, and MSM and Bromelain 1550mg for bones.. Ill never live without my joint complex.. and that helps with my chest bone as well, I think

    Orange Triad also has a digestion and immune complex, so I believe im right on with that..

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