hey guys after 5 years of training now and never taking a whole lot of notice to nutrition its now my goal to turn things round and start doing the right things i have spent hours upon hours learning about nutrition reading threads on this site,google and secret of the pros i have a few questions for u guys and ask for your opinions
1st what are some post workout simple carbs to take without having to buy a truck load of supplements what are some cheaper alternatives for post workout carbs other than buying dextrose
2nd whey isolate or whey whey concentrate i know isolate is a bit faster acting so great for first up protein shake upon rising and post workout my question is whey consentrate just as effective rather then spending the extra cash on whey isolate
3rd slow absorbing protein like whey casein at night or once again cheaper alternatives
take into consideration buy me spending money on protein such as whey isolate and whey casein multivitamins creatine dextrose thats all gonna add up and blow my budget a tad to much so i was hoping just to buy some whey con multivitamins and creatine what do u think about this guys or would u rather go all out and buy all the different sups