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Thread: taking things serious now have a look guys and add your views

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    taking things serious now have a look guys and add your views

    hey guys after 5 years of training now and never taking a whole lot of notice to nutrition its now my goal to turn things round and start doing the right things i have spent hours upon hours learning about nutrition reading threads on this site,google and secret of the pros i have a few questions for u guys and ask for your opinions

    1st what are some post workout simple carbs to take without having to buy a truck load of supplements what are some cheaper alternatives for post workout carbs other than buying dextrose

    2nd whey isolate or whey whey concentrate i know isolate is a bit faster acting so great for first up protein shake upon rising and post workout my question is whey consentrate just as effective rather then spending the extra cash on whey isolate

    3rd slow absorbing protein like whey casein at night or once again cheaper alternatives

    take into consideration buy me spending money on protein such as whey isolate and whey casein multivitamins creatine dextrose thats all gonna add up and blow my budget a tad to much so i was hoping just to buy some whey con multivitamins and creatine what do u think about this guys or would u rather go all out and buy all the different sups

  2. #2
    #1- Instant flavored oats post workout, 2 packs

    #2- Get something like Optimum Nutrition or Dymatize Elite, cheap protein but its good!

    #3- Dont worry so much about Casein right now, you need to be getting most protein from food anyways.

    As for supplements, I would start off with these 4 things; #1- Multi Vitamins #2- Amino Acids #3- protein powder #4- glutamine, that shouldn;t break the bank and you could get all of that stuff for $60

  3. #3
    Well depends how you train and how simple you want to keep things and how much you really need to get from supplements. Eating quality food is usually the best choise and too much of protein shakes will only mess up your body

    What i would do for post workout drink.

    You only take that shake after workout so you propably won't be losing much money if you put some quality protein without fat in there that being isolate or some mixture which may contain also some of hyrdolysed protein and extra glutamin but all you really need is some quality protein there. 800g of pure 89g/100g with 0,8g of fat in there costs like below 20 euros and that should last long enough.

    Then now that you cannot buy that hmm, what was it called, well it was way better than malto for stomach aswell and now its sold only in small packs, well so its out.
    Mixture of maltodrextin and yes, i sure would add some dextrose there, that mixture with quality protein really goes straight into where its needed.

    Well what comes to other sups, sure you can get casein aswell if you aren't getting enough from real food and if its to save you money. Some powder form multivitamin is great addon to post workout shake which is about the only thing necessary. Creatine maybe if you aren't eating that much meat and your stomach can take it.

    You dont have to spent fortune on the really important stuff youre going to get most out which is the post workout shake.

    If you're sweating really much. This sounds awfull and tastes too but little seasalt will restore your mineral balance added there.

    As previous poster said, youll need quality protein, strong multivitamins, carbs which act fast and wont stress stomach + actually drive that protein into muscles and something to get your mineral balance fixed after workout which might be just sea salt. + quality food which wont mean expensive food. Creatine did mess up my stomach and yes got some extra strength from it along the bloat but wasn't really worth it. Really moderate amount is to be enough if you're to take it and just the cheap version will do. I would say i save money using supplements rather than lose it.
    Last edited by anabolix112; 07-01-2010 at 08:10 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    nice info

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    U dont get any cheaper than dextrose

    concentrate will be fine

    cottage cheese b4 bed

  6. #6
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by brent_brent View Post
    1st what are some post workout simple carbs to take without having to buy a truck load of supplements what are some cheaper alternatives for post workout carbs other than buying dextrose

    2nd whey isolate or whey whey concentrate i know isolate is a bit faster acting so great for first up protein shake upon rising and post workout my question is whey consentrate just as effective rather then spending the extra cash on whey isolate

    3rd slow absorbing protein like whey casein at night or once again cheaper alternatives
    1 - I know you said post work simple carbs, but you really need some pre workout complex carbs to start the day. Some old fashioned quaker oats, unsweetened does the trick. You can buy it bulk at costco for very little $/lb. Add some cinammon, pop in the micro for 3.5 min., add a little splenda and milk, and enjoy. I usually go 1/2 cup dry oats. I'll take a spoon of peanut butter now too. I usually follow that up in 15 minutes with 50 grams of protein powder (whey isolate). 15 minutes later I'm warming up. Here's the funny thing. I've got a squeeze bottle of honey I sip on before each set. Sounds silly I know, but it really seems to make a difference in my focus and intensity. After work out another scoop of protein powder and a banana. I'll probably eat yet another banana and a half scoop of protein powder in 90 minutes.

    2- Whey isolate at costco is something like $30 for 6 lbs. Best price I've seen. I usually go choco flavor for the heck of it. It's not sweetened with sugar, so good to go there.

    3- The body needs most it's protein for the day post workout 4 hours to repair damage and micro tears. Also, your system (gut) will process protein from food for at least four hours after a meal. If you eat a healthy supper with good protein, that should be sufficient to get you through the night. Other than that, if you are eating smaller, more frequent meals, you should be good to go.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    great work lads

  8. #8
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    yeah so i include carbs pre workout meal to use as fuel and post workout some protein powder mixed with dextrose to replenish glycogen what about my meal say 1 hour after training does that include carbs and protein source or just protein should i really be eating starchy carbs post workout fibrous carbs as they can be had anytime

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    any1 ?????

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by brent_brent View Post
    yeah so i include carbs pre workout meal to use as fuel and post workout some protein powder mixed with dextrose to replenish glycogen what about my meal say 1 hour after training does that include carbs and protein source or just protein should i really be eating starchy carbs post workout fibrous carbs as they can be had anytime
    Regular but propably bit larger meal that can consist of some simple carbs and longer lasting ones with fibres yes + protein ofcourse. You'll body will need extra feeding after good workout even with post work out drink taken.
    Its not short process for body to heal damages and build the muscles even bigger and stronger to be able to survive when that crazy guy does that again.
    Metabolism and ability to use nutrients will be higher long after workout which you sure notice when having trained legs properly after you don't feel like puking with broken vein in your other eye which tends to happen if training with someone as crazy in that mood.

    When i have gotten older and when i used to train (starting again in matter of days now that all personal stuff is cleared from way to do it properly from beginning) i didn't stick to certain patterns anymore which were necessary and some of those still are. I'd rather listened what my body wanted and responded to it. Sometimes i wasn't able to eat for 2 hours after post workout shake, sometimes i was mad hungry right after getting home from gym. Well that depends on many factors, what you have eaten before and how is that being digested, what were your stored carb supplies in your muscles and in liver and how much you managed to deplete them, then again how your stomach works, if i have higher fat % i cannot eat that much but frequently tho. Pretty much what im saying its not that much of a supplements etc. doing what is being said in magazines or pros making their living to promote sales of this and that. Most important is to listen to your body, give it enough rest and nutrients rather than overtrain but concentrate on workouts you do, think what went good, try different techniques, dont waste that much time on one muscle group, rather get most out of it by overcoming your mind.

    Nutrients. Well pretty bad example but well, in prison they do like 4 meals a day, not isolates and so on. People would say fix your nutrition before taking your cycle which some don't even do and if so not very large variety of substances but its something they look forward to. Big part of keeping yourself together. You'll have to keep your mind into what you're doing and pushing those few clean reps more that you can but most wont bother like old friend of mine who sticked around for two or so months training with me. He was doing the different sets pretty much in good form but cause of long arms we made few corrections and there was no injury risk. I always kept asking why did you stop in the middle of set, im standing here just to help you get the last reps done without losing balance (eg risk of injury).

    Basic food, post workout shake is luxus that we have which helps plus training consumes vitamines and salts/minerals + youll need mostly complex carbs and in situations when more carbs than you can digest in that form add some more simple. Avoid too much shakes. Switch your protein and carb intake, don't let your body get used to anything plus eat good fats, from capsules even if you dont want death breath or have possibility of eating loads of fish without getting polluted. And most important. Drink water.
    Listen to your body, give it a rest and don't make too strict eating/training plan. Take some break when needed, take it easy when feeling that you aren't propably upto that training but not willing to take break either.
    Do cardio, it will help you get more out of workouts and have beneficial effect of getting the nutrients in, oxygen intake will get better which has many positive effects on healing process. Getting lactate acid to muscles when going to burn is also increasing fex. HSP etc. and so on and so on...

    My point propably being just KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid which i now say to myself because when we listen to our body and are open and decide to do something we can).

    So forget about that text in between. Its only some smarta*ss half scientific pieces of theories that i wont even myself sign, we are humans and shouldn't stress too much.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    hahahah thanks mate

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