I've been reading about the toxicity of most whey powders, including heavy metal content (arsenic, cadmium...), whey coming from sick corn fed cows treated with bovine growth hormone, the neurotoxicity of artificial sweetners like aspartame and sucralose, etc.
A youtube search for whey toxicity brings up a lot of results including:
I am not saying whey is bad, I am saying most commercial powders containing whey are bad, and the quality of the whey itself is shit.
There are alternatives like this: http://www.jayrobb.com/cat_proteinWheyChoc24.asp, but they are expensive.
So I've been thinking of dumping whey powder as my primary liquid protein source and replacing with liquid egg whites. I would still use one of the natural organic isolate whey powders available for intra/PWO but this would be the only time.
Am I too paranoid here? Has anyone else dropped whey as their primary liquid protein source? How did it impact your appearance/progress?