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Thread: Toxicity of whey - thinking about dumping it as my primary liquid protein

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada

    Toxicity of whey - thinking about dumping it as my primary liquid protein

    I've been reading about the toxicity of most whey powders, including heavy metal content (arsenic, cadmium...), whey coming from sick corn fed cows treated with bovine growth hormone, the neurotoxicity of artificial sweetners like aspartame and sucralose, etc.

    A youtube search for whey toxicity brings up a lot of results including:

    I am not saying whey is bad, I am saying most commercial powders containing whey are bad, and the quality of the whey itself is shit.

    There are alternatives like this:, but they are expensive.

    So I've been thinking of dumping whey powder as my primary liquid protein source and replacing with liquid egg whites. I would still use one of the natural organic isolate whey powders available for intra/PWO but this would be the only time.

    Am I too paranoid here? Has anyone else dropped whey as their primary liquid protein source? How did it impact your appearance/progress?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Let me ask you this.....

    Do you think the chickens the eggs come from might have the same issues as the whey that comes from the cows??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Let me ask you this.....

    Do you think the chickens the eggs come from might have the same issues as the whey that comes from the cows??
    Probably not

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    So it is t whey that is the problem by what they put on it. I think anyone who buys commercial protein powders without sponsership is a tad silly.

    If you buy pure whey what us he proble
    Especially if it is the additives and not whey itself that is a problem.

    Natural unflavoured whey add raw cacao and Stevie extract, problem solved?!?

    Sorry for typing hate this touchphone

    You realized that it is what is added but then you said you would drop it?
    Last edited by n00bs; 07-03-2010 at 10:36 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    So it is t whey that is the problem by what they put on it. I think anyone who buys commercial protein powders without sponsership is a tad silly.

    If you buy pure whey what us he proble
    Especially if it is the additives and not whey itself that is a problem.

    Natural unflavoured whey add raw cacao and Stevie extract, problem solved?!?

    Sorry for typing hate this touchphone

    You realized that it is what is added but then you said you would drop it?
    Yeah, sorry I should have clarified. Thinking about dropping the big commercial protien powders. I'd still use natural unsweetened (preferably from organic grass fed cows) whey intra and PWO. Will not use Muscle Milk, Syntha-6, etc.... between meals anymore. Opting for liquid egg whites instead

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    i use the natural ON protein powder, wonder how much of a difference it makes.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polska View Post
    Yeah, sorry I should have clarified. Thinking about dropping the big commercial protien powders. I'd still use natural unsweetened (preferably from organic grass fed cows) whey intra and PWO. Will not use Muscle Milk, Syntha-6, etc.... between meals anymore. Opting for liquid egg whites instead
    Liquid egg whites will be pasturised so all valuble enzymes destroyed.. Also i doubt you will find organic carton egg whites if this is what you are tlaking about..

    Stick with natural unflavoured why its all you have to do... Only thing added will be soy lecithin. And lecithin is something we want to increase in our diets anyway.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I use milk protein and raw whole eggs (organic, free range).

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I use milk protein and raw whole eggs (organic, free range).
    Swifto any concerns about salmonella from the raw eggs?

  10. #10
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    Aug 2009
    I've used Optimum Nutrition Natural Whey in the past (no additives) and I generally think "ON" is a trustworthy brand, but I am sceptical about most other vendors.

    Like somebody said here, Chicken are produced just the same as cows and if whey from cows is bad, then eggs from Chicken are bad too. Just going for eggs over whey doesn't do any good in this regard. You'd have to go for organic eggs or you might as well stay on your current powder...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Polska View Post
    Swifto any concerns about salmonella from the raw eggs?
    Nope, none at all.

    Been eating probably 4-6 whole raw eggs for 3 years now in various shakes.

    And... There isnt a great concern in bioavailability IMHO. The yolk contains a few enzymes that help digest the white. White raw alone and not pasterized, ok, you may have problems with BV, but not whole raw eggs.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Are you breaking a whole egg into your shake?

    I know in my native country, they test eggs for salmonella so there must be some concerns, no?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Polska View Post
    Swifto any concerns about salmonella from the raw eggs?
    My feeling on salmonella is you are about as likely to get salmonella from the eggs as you are to win the lotto.

    I too eat around 6 raw eggs a day and have never been sick once

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