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Thread: Diet Critque

  1. #1

    Diet Critque

    Stats: 20 years old
    Age: 20
    Height 6'2
    Weight: 250
    BodyFat Percentage: 20%+

    Can someone critque this diet for me? Ive been cutting out the one scoop of oatmeal, post workout, so that will lower the total calories a bit more. But other then that, what do you all think?

    Food Cals: Fat: (g) Carb: (g) Protein: (g)
    Meal 1 - 12:30pm
    nature's own 12-grain bread 2 slices 180 2 40 10
    eb cage free eggs 2 eggs 210 12 0 18
    liquid egg white 3/4 cup 75 0 3 18
    shredded cheddar cheese 1 oz 110 9 1 7
    total: 575 23 44 53

    Meal 2 - 3:00pm
    chicken breast 8 oz 240 3 0 48
    veggies unknown 13 0 1 2
    total: 253 3 1 50

    Pre Workout - 4:30pm
    oatmeal 1/2 cup 150 3 27 5
    all natural apple sauce 1/2 cup 50 0 12 0
    ground flax seed 2 tbsp 80 5 5 3
    total: 280 8 44 8

    Workout - 5:15pm-6:45pm

    Post Workout - 7:00pm
    optimum nutrition pro complex2 scoop 270 1 5 60
    oatmeal 1 cup 300 6 54 10
    fresh ground peanut butter 1 tbsp 100 8 3 4
    skim plus milk (for shake) 16 oz 220 0 34 22
    total: 890 15 96 96

    Meal 3 - 10:00pm
    chicken breast 8 oz 240 3 0 48
    veggies unknown 13 0 1 2
    total: 253 3 1 50

    Meal 4 - 1:00am
    optimum nutrition pro complex2 scoops 270 1 5 60
    skim plus milk (for shake) 8 oz 110 0 17 11
    total: 380 1 22 71

    Grand Total: 2631 53 208 328
    Macro calorie totals: 2621 477 832 1312
    Macro calorie percentages: 18.20% 31.74% 50.06%
    Last edited by omgjimmyfricke; 07-05-2010 at 09:13 PM.

  2. #2
    heres an attachment
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	diet.JPG 
Views:	170 
Size:	80.6 KB 
ID:	108359  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    How's your cardio? 20%+ BF is high. Need more cardio to drop your BF%. So really, you are lugging around 50+ lbs of fat.

  4. #4
    honestly i dont think im 20%+ but i could be wrong, as Ive never got it checked. Im down from 275ish and feel like id be looking really solid at like 215ish but idk. Imo i have a very large frame. Should prob get a pic up!

    Ive been doing PWO cardio, LISS, for 20-30 mins. I was doing morning cardio but i started working at 830 in the morning and morning cardio kills me.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Keep up the cardio and add 5 mins per week till you reach 35mins post workout, then add in morning cardio at 25mins each morning

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