I'm 30 years old, 185 weight, about 13%Bf and I have been STUCK at that % for a long time. I just started my first AAS cycle which is 2 weeks dbol 12 weeks test e and I'm on week 6. I have gained about 18 lb so far, stayed about the same % and am feeling great. After my cycle I am really going to be focused on cutting the fat and being under 10% or having decent abs.
My question is will my diet below allow me to do this or does it need to be tweaked more.
Meal 1 Oatmeal (with a little brown sugar, sometimes stevia instead)
Protein Shake (3-4 scoops myoplex) 400-500 cals
Wrap with carrots/pickel
Body for Life meal (a meal from his book generally a lean 50/50 carb/protein
A little bit of left overs from dinner
Protein shake before bed (3-4 scoops myoplex) 400-500 cals
Saturday is my cheat day, I generally don't go crazy but a typical day may be: Ham egg cheese bagel, home Grilled burger with cheese and a few chips, small serving of apps and steak dinner on the town.
Sunday is typically a body for life cooking day. Start the day with oatmeal, turkey burger for lunch, and healthy cooked chicken fajitas for dinner.
I do booze it up a bit on the weekends with captain diets.
Keeping in mind that I'm not trying to be a pro body builder, I just want to get under that 10% mark. Do I need to be more strict and if so where would you recommend I start?