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Thread: Critique my Fat Shredder Diet plz

  1. #1

    Critique my Fat Shredder Diet plz

    To cut down to 12-13% body fat.

    Age: 20
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 165 lbs
    bf: 18%

    Currently working out 5 days a week with am cardio on the same days.


    Meal 1 : 6-8 Egg whites 21/2/0 100 cal
    1/2 cup oatmeal 3/13/1 72 cal
    Meal 2 : 2 scoops whey protein 48/8/3 260 cal
    Tuna (3 oz) 22/0/1 100 cal
    1 tbsp Flax 0/0/14 120 cal
    Meal 3 : 1 cup deep green veggies (cooked with olive oil) 3/12/14 152 cal
    Lean Chicken Breast (Broiled skinless) (6oz) 40/0/4 216 cal
    Meal 4 (PWO Shake): 2 scoops whey 48/8/3 260 cal
    40g Dextrose 0/40/0 140 cal
    Meal 5 : 1/2 cup Brown rice 3/24/1 117 cal
    Lean Chicken Breast (Broiled skinless) (6oz) 40/0/4 216 cal
    Meal 6 (Before bed) : 1 cup 1% Cottage Cheese 28/6/2 160 cal
    1 tbsp Flax 0/0/14 120 cal

    TOTAL: 256/113/61 2033 cal

    Any criticism or feedback is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Any comments at all?

  3. #3
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    How much cardio? Also, 1/2 cup of oatmeal is 27g of carbs not 13.

  4. #4
    Ah my mistake. I'm doing 45 min cardio monday through friday on a treadmill at around 140 bmp heart rate

  5. #5
    Bump help plz

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ginzo112 View Post
    To cut down to 12-13% body fat.

    Age: 20
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 165 lbs
    bf: 18%

    Currently working out 5 days a week with am cardio on the same days.


    Meal 1 : 6-8 Egg whites 21/2/0 100 cal add 1 whole egg
    1/2 cup oatmeal 3/13/1 72 cal As fireguy said, fix this macro
    Meal 2 : 2 scoops whey protein 48/8/3 260 cal Remove - eat real food only here.
    Tuna (3 oz) 22/0/1 100 cal Double the portion
    1 tbsp Flax 0/0/14 120 cal
    Meal 3 : 1 cup deep green veggies (cooked with olive oil) 3/12/14 152 cal
    Lean Chicken Breast (Broiled skinless) (6oz) 40/0/4 216 cal Good pro/fat meal but I think you need carbs pre-workout. Add 1/2 cup oats for a complete Pro/Carb/Fat/Veggie power meal.
    Meal 4 (PWO Shake): 2 scoops whey 48/8/3 260 cal
    40g Dextrose 0/40/0 140 cal Replace with a low GI carb for cutting. 1 cup oats mixed right in would be ideal.
    Meal 5 : 1/2 cup Brown rice 3/24/1 117 cal Good meal but I don't see the time you're eating it. it should ideally be consumed only 45-60 minutes after your PWO shake. Add another small pro/fat meal between this and your last if you have to. Example: 3 oz. tuna, 1 tbspn. extra virgin olive oil.
    Lean Chicken Breast (Broiled skinless) (6oz) 40/0/4 216 cal
    Meal 6 (Before bed) : 1 cup 1% Cottage Cheese 28/6/2 160 cal
    1 tbsp Flax 0/0/14 120 cal Nice

    TOTAL: 256/113/61 2033 cal

    Any criticism or feedback is appreciated.
    I think you're good to go now. Decent diet but the pre/post-workout meals were insufficient for your goals.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the feedback but i was just wondering for meal 3 you told me to add carb, I thought we were supposed to separate carbs and fat in any one meal.

  8. #8
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    It's all about balance. Provided that the cals are in-check and your food choices are good, separating carb/fat meals is not in any way mandatory. I think it's actually beneficial to have a complete meal pre/post-workout. However, there are benefits to separating carb/fat meals at other times; mainly that it's easier to keep track of the numbers and that it allows our meals to always contain an energy source, even late in the day when we shouldn't be doing carbs, without going over maintenance/maintaining a deficit.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the response. I have another quick question. If I do add the whole egg, fix my oatmeal calorie macro, double my tuna protein, add 1 1/2 cup oats to the diet and possibly a 3 oz tuna with olive oil meal then I think I would be consuming maintenance ammount of calories. What do you recommend?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ginzo112 View Post
    Thanks for the response. I have another quick question. If I do add the whole egg, fix my oatmeal calorie macro, double my tuna protein, add 1 1/2 cup oats to the diet and possibly a 3 oz tuna with olive oil meal then I think I would be consuming maintenance ammount of calories. What do you recommend?
    Easy enough. Either don't add the small tuna meal, just space the others out differently, or ideally, adjust your portions accordingly. And remember, I removed that 260 calorie whey shake in your first tuna meal - it won't take much. Maybe just take the veggies/oil out of your pre-workout meal and go to pro/carb only and do .5 tblspn flax in the last one. Your fat intake will still be fine.

  11. #11
    kk thanks alot

  12. #12
    ill repost new diet once i get some time to make the adjustments

  13. #13
    Quick question tho, say I run out of flax oil, would olive oil be a good substitute? And also why the whole egg?

  14. #14
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ginzo112 View Post
    Quick question tho, say I run out of flax oil, would olive oil be a good substitute? And also why the whole egg?
    Flax is a source of Omega 3. You should try to get 6-8g of these daily. As long as you use fish oil, walnuts, etc - you don't need to use flax oil. In fact, I don't recommend it as a good fat source for bodybuilding. Almonds, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, macadamia nuts, macadamia nut oil, nut butters, extra virgin olive oil, avocodos, udo's oil, and many more are all fine!

    The whole egg because egg whites alone are an incomplete protein source.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post

    The whole egg because egg whites alone are an incomplete protein source.
    Damien, you know I love ya and we're in agreement about 99% of the time, but this statement is incorrect.

    A few months ago I posted the same thing and was corrected by one of the mods... it might have even been Nark, I can't remember now. I'll try to find the thread and link it, but he listed all the aminos and egg whites are indeed complete.

    Having said that, I STILL agree with getting some yolks in there. They also contain protein as well as an abundance of nutrients. Think of this - the chicken itself comes from the yolk, not the white - so where do you think most of the nutrients are? The myth that egg cholesterol is an issue has been debunked. As for the fat, agreed - not the greatest source but a few whole eggs a day won't kill you.

  16. #16
    Meal 1 : 6 Egg whites 21/2/0 100 cal
    1/3 cup rolled oats 4/20/2 120 cal
    1 multi-Vitamin
    5 grams glutamine
    Meal 2 : Tuna (6 oz) 43/0/1 200 cal
    1/2 tbsp Olive Oil 0/0/7 60 cal
    Meal 3 : 1 cup Vegetables(cooked with olive oil) 3/12/14 152 cal
    Lean Chicken Breast (Broiled skinless) (6oz) 40/0/4 216 cal
    1/3 cup rolled oats 4/20/2 120 cal
    Meal 4 : 2 scoops whey 50/3/3 230 cal
    5 grams Glutamine
    2/3 cup rolled oats 8/40/4 240 cal
    Meal 5 : 1/2 cup Brown rice 3/24/1 117 cal
    Lean Chicken Breast (Broiled skinless) (6oz) 40/0/4 216 cal
    Meal 6 : 1 cup 1% Cottage Cheese 28/6/2 160 cal
    1 tbsp Olive Oil 0/0/14 120 cal
    5 grams L-Glutamine

    TOTAL: 244/127/58 2051 cal
    Last edited by Ginzo112; 07-14-2010 at 05:02 PM.

  17. #17
    Am i taking in too many carbs for it to be detrimental to fat loss?

  18. #18
    what do you do for cardio?

    do you do cardio everyday?

  19. #19
    45 min cardio monday through friday on a treadmill at around 140 bmp heart rate

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Personally, for your size I think you are eating too few Calories from Carbs but that's just my 2 cents. Too much protein for such a small frame at 18% BF. With all that cardio....I think your gonna burn yourself and your metabolism out.

    Maybe i'm just thinking of my body, but I wouldn't respond well to this limit and extensive cardio.
    Last edited by sean_holland; 07-14-2010 at 10:10 PM.

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