A lot of you might know I had major surgery april 1st... I started training at 1.5 months post surgery as rehab, started training bb style kinda 2 months and started not giving shiit about pain at 3 months post surgery to really get the muscle memory going..

anyways, I havent gained all my size, but Im starting to see improvements finally... weird this is that im gaining back some inches in all body parts but losing weight...

every day when I wake up i take a piss and weigh myself.. same place, same time, no food, no fluids and I also measure my stomach..

this is my cal of day and weight

sunday 2450 cal

monday 2550 cal = 157 pounds

tuesday 2600 cal = 157 pounds

wednesday 2650 cal = 156 pounds

thursday 2750 cal = 156 pounds

friday im going to eat 2850 cal = this morning my weight was 155 pounds..

im getting bigger but my weight is going down

normal? should I just continue increasing cal every 2 days to see whats up?

my diet doesnt need to be in check, Ive revised it many times.. Im just adding extra brown rice and oatmeal for the cal every few days..