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Thread: Best PWO Carb Source?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    West Virginia

    Best PWO Carb Source?

    Whole Foods - Simple Carbs (White Bread, Fruit, Etc.)
    Whole Foods - Complex Carbs (Mainly Oats)
    Supplements - Maltodextrin and/or Dextrose
    Supplements - Waxy Maize, Vitargo, Etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    I think it depends on your goal. If you're bulking and not worried much about bodyfat, Vitargo seems like a great option - we were just discussing this in another thread. I think any simple carb would do, fruit, etc but Bitargo is supposedly specifically engineered to be VERY fast.

    If you're cutting, i'd stick with complex carbs, I use oats and mix right into my shake.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by RyanAlmighty View Post
    Whole Foods - Simple Carbs (White Bread, Fruit, Etc.)
    Whole Foods - Complex Carbs (Mainly Oats)
    Supplements - Maltodextrin and/or Dextrose
    Supplements - Waxy Maize, Vitargo, Etc.
    Sorry - First time trying to post a poll

    Can someone with the authority please delete this thread?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by RyanAlmighty View Post
    Sorry - First time trying to post a poll

    Can someone with the authority please delete this thread?
    dont worry about it, it will be at the bottom of the pile soon, even the interesting ones are !!! lol, just kidding...

    What i would say is dont believe the myths people tell you about how waxy maize digests faster than maltodextrin or dextrose because its not true, studys have proven wazy maize to digest no faster than a piece of white bread... i think YOU should TRY all of the supps and foods you have listed, then you know what works for you....

    my personal favourite is bannana breakfast bady food by cow and gate, people laugh at me for it, but its full of brown rice and bannanas, and has no preserves or artificial flavours, and tastes lovely....
    Last edited by the big 1; 07-13-2010 at 02:20 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I've been getting good gains from maltodextrin/dextrose mix, the only bad part is that sometimes I have a huge energy crash a bit after. Which I assume is from taking in too much of the mix for the body part trained and with what intensity, so the left over sugar just gets burned up, gives me a rush then a crash. But if its in good proportion to the level of intensity I used I don't experience it. (That's my theory at least)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    how much does this maltodextrin/dextrose mix cost an is it a shake??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by andyt View Post
    how much does this maltodextrin/dextrose mix cost an is it a shake??
    The Carbo Gain that I use, which is just malo and has about 3 months of servings (training once a day, Mon-Fri) is about $29.99 at most health food stores. Just be sure to blend it with your Whey or it gets clumpy...

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