Age 24
Ht 74in
wt 225
BF 14%
Exp 6yrs
BMR 2240
TDEE 3472

Goals gain as much mass as possible without putting on additional fat.

Currently on week 2 of Test E/Dbol . Have to revamp the diet, I dislike the current one.

On non cardio days I take out the post cardio meal.

here it is, please offer any advise

Post Cardio Meal Cal Carb Pro Fat
2 scoops whey 481 58 54 3
1 med bagel
1 apple

Breakfast Cal Carb Pro Fat
8 egg white/2 whole eggs 658 38.6 57 32.3
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 tbsp peanut butter

Snack Cal Carb Pro Fat
3/4 cup tuna 434 9 36 27.5
2 cups greens
1/2 avocado
2 tbsp dressing

Lunch Cal Carb Pro Fat
9 oz chicken 406 10 78 6
1 cup broccoli

Snack Cal Carb Pro Fat
3/4 cup tuna 434 9 36 27.5
2 cups greens
1/2 avocado
2 tbsp dressing

Dinner Cal Carb Pro Fat
9 oz steak 448 6 79 12
8 asparagus spears

Bedtime Snack Cal Carb Pro Fat
1 cup cottage cheese 630 24 83 28
2 scoops whey
2 tbsp peanut butter

Pre Workout Meal Cal Carb Pro Fat
1/2 cup oatmeal 390 33 54 4.5
2 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal Cal Carb Pro Fat
2 scoops whey 324 27 48 2
1 apple

Cardio Days Cal Carb Pro Fat
Totals 4205 214.6 525 142.3
20% 50% 30%
Non Cardio Day Cal Carb Pro Fat
Totals 3724 156.6 471 139.8
17% 50% 33%