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Thread: Diet Help - Help Appreciated

  1. #1

    Diet Help - Help Appreciated

    Hey guys I put together this diet to try and lose some fat. I just came of a stupid PH cycle and gained some good strength, and some good size, but put on fat too in the process because my diet was shitty. (I know bad mistake.) So now I am trying to trim the fat, and get more diet conscious in the process.

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 172lbs (In the morning after I have peed)
    Training: Off and on for 4 years now, but the past 7 months 100% dedicated.
    BF%: Approx 15% I believe.
    Goal: Lose fat, maintain as much muscle as possible.
    EDIT: I calculated BMR to be approx 1863.36 cals. Using the Harris Benedict Equation: I calculated my daily needs as approx 3000 cals, so I figured approx 2500 would be a good place to start.


    1 cup Quaker Quick Oats
    1 Shake

    35/58.5/7 = 427 cals

    2 slices Whole Wheat Bread
    1 can Tuna
    1/2 cup Lettuce

    43.3/25/3.1 = 310 cals

    12:30PM: Pre-WorkOUT
    1 shake

    24/4/1.5 = 130 cals

    2:00PM: PWO
    1 shake
    1 banana

    25/31/2 = 235 cals

    6oz chicken breast
    1 cup broccoli

    52.7/5.8/13.4 = 362 cals

    6oz chicken breast
    1 cup brown rice

    55.3/44.4/14 = 547 cals

    3 eggs
    1/2 cup green pepper
    1/2 tomato

    20.1/8.3/20.6 = 293 cals

    1 casein shake

    24/3/1 = 120 cals

    All and all this adds up to:

    2424 cals, 280/180/63.5 @ 48% protein/29% carbs/23% fat

    Let me know what you guys think, any help is appreciated!
    Last edited by noMuscles; 07-19-2010 at 05:06 PM. Reason: BMR, AGE, Harris Benedict Equation

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by noMuscles View Post
    Hey guys I put together this diet to try and lose some fat. I just came of a stupid PH cycle and gained some good strength, and some good size, but put on fat too in the process because my diet was shitty. (I know bad mistake.) So now I am trying to trim the fat, and get more diet conscious in the process.

    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 172lbs (In the morning after I have peed)
    Training: Off and on for 4 years now, but the past 7 months 100% dedicated.
    BF%: Approx 15% I believe.
    Goal: Lose fat, maintain as much muscle as possible.
    EDIT: I calculated BMR to be approx 3000 cals, so I figured approx 2500 would be a good place to start.


    1 cup Quaker Quick Oats
    1 Shake

    35/58.5/7 = 427 cals

    Fine to keep the shake here for some fast protein after sleeping, make it whey. However, add 2 whole eggs and 4 whites

    2 slices Whole Wheat Bread
    1 can Tuna
    1/2 cup Lettuce

    43.3/25/3.1 = 310 cals

    Make sure it's a good green leaf lettuce, not iceburg

    12:30PM: Pre-WorkOUT
    1 shake

    24/4/1.5 = 130 cals

    No! Real food here. 20-40g lean protein, and a complex carb (brown rice, sweet potato/yam, quinoa, lentils/beans, more oats, etc)

    2:00PM: PWO
    1 shake
    1 banana

    25/31/2 = 235 cals

    I'd personally drop the banana and add a complex carb here. Oats in the shake is easiest. Make sure the shake is whey

    6oz chicken breast
    1 cup broccoli

    52.7/5.8/13.4 = 362 cals

    Add a complex carb

    6oz chicken breast
    1 cup brown rice

    55.3/44.4/14 = 547 cals

    I'd dro pthe rice, add it to the previous meal instead, and do the broccoli here and add a tbsp of olive oil to it

    3 eggs
    1/2 cup green pepper
    1/2 tomato

    20.1/8.3/20.6 = 293 cals

    C'mon, this isn't a meal! This would be a great place to do some lean steak or salmon. You can keep an egg or two if you want. Drop the pepper and tomato, replace with fiberous veggies (broccoli, asparagus, spinach, etc)

    1 casein shake

    24/3/1 = 120 cals

    Add 1tbsp natty PB

    All and all this adds up to:

    2424 cals, 280/180/63.5 @ 48% protein/29% carbs/23% fat

    Let me know what you guys think, any help is appreciated!
    Suggestions above in bold

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Suggestions above in bold
    Thanks for the suggestions, I was wondering though, do you think adding all those things will make the calories too high?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    It definitely will, but you can play with the portions/macros to make it fit as best as possible into your daily target macros/calories. It definitely takes alot of tweaking and revising, but in the end you'll sit back and be happy when you're looking at a near perfect diet!

  5. #5
    Good call. Thanks for the help, I will try to rework and then post again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sounds good, looking forward to seeing it!

  7. #7

    Would it be okay to use powdered egg whites, as the whites that you mentioned? I could mix them into the morning shake, something along the lines of:

  8. #8
    Here is my second shot at this diet:

    9:30AM - MEAL 1
    1 Scoop Whey
    1 Whole Egg
    3 Egg Whites
    1/2 Cup Oats

    53.7 / 31.7 / 11 @ 441 cals

    12:15PM PRE (MEAL 2)
    2 Slices Whole Wheat Bread
    1/2 Cup Spinach
    1 Can Tuna

    43.4 / 24.8 / 3.1 @ 310 cals

    1:00PM WORK OUT

    2:30PM POST (SHAKE)
    2 Scoop Whey
    1/2 Cup Oats

    53.5 / 35.3 / 5.7 @ 408 cals

    3:15PM MEAL 3
    4oz Chicken Breast
    3/4 Cup Brown Rice

    37.3 / 33.3 / 10.1 @ 383 cals

    5:30PM MEAL 4
    4oz Chicken Breast
    1 Cup Broccoli
    1 TBSP Olive Oil

    36 / 5.8 / 22.6 @ 371 cals

    8:00PM MEAL 5
    8oz 90/10 Ground Beef
    1 Cup Broccoli

    48.5 / 5.8 / 22.3 @ 410 cals

    1 Scoop Casein
    1 TBSP Natty PB

    27.5 / 6 / 9 @ 215 cals

    For a grand total of:

    300.7 / 146.6 / 84.1 @ 2559 cals; 48%P:23%C:29%F

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by noMuscles View Post

    Would it be okay to use powdered egg whites, as the whites that you mentioned? I could mix them into the morning shake, something along the lines of:
    Honestly i'm not familiar with them, but IMO there's nothing like real food, and I would find it hard to believe that powdered egg whites will do the same for you as real eggs.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by noMuscles View Post
    Here is my second shot at this diet:

    9:30AM - MEAL 1
    1 Scoop Whey
    1 Whole Egg
    3 Egg Whites
    1/2 Cup Oats

    53.7 / 31.7 / 11 @ 441 cals

    Maybe 2 whole and 4 whites, but much better

    12:15PM PRE (MEAL 2)
    2 Slices Whole Wheat Bread
    1/2 Cup Spinach
    1 Can Tuna

    43.4 / 24.8 / 3.1 @ 310 cals

    Good but still try for a better carb source than bread

    1:00PM WORK OUT

    2:30PM POST (SHAKE)
    2 Scoop Whey
    1/2 Cup Oats

    53.5 / 35.3 / 5.7 @ 408 cals

    3:15PM MEAL 3
    4oz Chicken Breast
    3/4 Cup Brown Rice

    37.3 / 33.3 / 10.1 @ 383 cals

    Great! Is it 3/4 before it's cooked, or measured dry at 3/4?

    5:30PM MEAL 4
    4oz Chicken Breast
    1 Cup Broccoli
    1 TBSP Olive Oil

    36 / 5.8 / 22.6 @ 371 cals

    Great meal!

    8:00PM MEAL 5
    8oz 90/10 Ground Beef
    1 Cup Broccoli

    48.5 / 5.8 / 22.3 @ 410 cals

    Try for at least 93/7 ground beef here

    1 Scoop Casein
    1 TBSP Natty PB

    27.5 / 6 / 9 @ 215 cals

    For a grand total of:

    300.7 / 146.6 / 84.1 @ 2559 cals; 48%P:23%C:29%F
    Much much better bro, just a few more suggestions in bold. It's getting there, you're well on your way to a very nice clean diet!

  11. #11
    About the bread, the reason I am using it is so that I can have a sandwich with the tuna. I think this will help me consume it easier since tuna is not my favorite and I don't plan on putting any condiments on. Since it's just in that one meal is it okay to keep the bread? Should I try to elect for something like a whole wheat wrap instead?

    And the rice is after it's cooked.

  12. #12
    Also, another question for you, since it's almost impossible for me to keep the calories low enough with this many meals (and you think it's best for me to add that extra egg in), what if I axed 1 meal and did like this:

    9:30PM - m1

    12:30PM - m2

    1:00PM - WORKOUT

    2:30PM - SHAKE

    3:15PM - M3

    6:15PM - M4

    9:15PM - CASEIN + PB

    Thoughts? I think this would help me through in the extra egg, and give me added flexibility to my meals since I am not trying to cram so few calories into so many meals.
    Last edited by noMuscles; 07-20-2010 at 11:57 AM.

  13. #13

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by noMuscles View Post
    About the bread, the reason I am using it is so that I can have a sandwich with the tuna. I think this will help me consume it easier since tuna is not my favorite and I don't plan on putting any condiments on. Since it's just in that one meal is it okay to keep the bread? Should I try to elect for something like a whole wheat wrap instead?

    And the rice is after it's cooked.
    No worries, keep the bread!

    Rice - double check your macros. Brown rice is usually around 30g of carbs for 1 cup cooked (1/2 cup dry).

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by noMuscles View Post
    Also, another question for you, since it's almost impossible for me to keep the calories low enough with this many meals (and you think it's best for me to add that extra egg in), what if I axed 1 meal and did like this:

    9:30PM - m1

    12:30PM - m2

    1:00PM - WORKOUT

    2:30PM - SHAKE

    3:15PM - M3

    6:15PM - M4

    9:15PM - CASEIN + PB

    Thoughts? I think this would help me through in the extra egg, and give me added flexibility to my meals since I am not trying to cram so few calories into so many meals.
    I'd rather see you get 6-7 whole food meals rather than an extra egg. The egg won't make or break your diet, I was just trying to get you some more really good quality protein in the am.

    Are you worried about going OVER calories, or you don't have enough calories to fill up 6-7 meals?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I'd rather see you get 6-7 whole food meals rather than an extra egg. The egg won't make or break your diet, I was just trying to get you some more really good quality protein in the am.

    Are you worried about going OVER calories, or you don't have enough calories to fill up 6-7 meals?
    Worried about too many calories. Also this presents a problem when I want to drop off approx 500 more in about a month or so after I start, because where will that 500 be subtracted from when my meals are so small as it is anyways?

  17. #17

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by noMuscles View Post
    Worried about too many calories. Also this presents a problem when I want to drop off approx 500 more in about a month or so after I start, because where will that 500 be subtracted from when my meals are so small as it is anyways?
    Why do you plan on dropping another 500 min a month? That would put you around 2000 calories - 1000 behind your estimated TDEE - too low!

    As for the meals and working out macros - the most important thing is that you're eating every 2-3 hours, not necessarily how many meals. We tell people 6-8 meals because that's how many can be fit in a typical persons schedule, based on 2-3 hours apart.

    So your issue is by adding food, you're worried about going over your calories, and if you were to drop a meal or two you could get all the food in? Maybe i'm missing something here, but the total is the total - whether you eat 2500 calories all in one meal, or over the course of 8 meals, it's still 2500 calories. If you need to drop food, just reduce macros across the board so you're not starving yourself at any point. That's what I do when I change calories - I'll add a couple grams of protein to each meal - x8 = 16g protein = 60 more calories. Same with carbs. Exact same science when reducing calories. Can you work it out that way?

  19. #19
    Ahhh, good call I didn't think to try it that way. I will work those eggs in, double check my rice!

    Thanks again for all the help!

  20. #20
    Starting this up tomorrow. Thanks again everyone!

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