Hi well im a ectomorph so it's clear that im aiming to gain weight; I eat 7 times a day with an estimate of 4000 calories where 50% is carb 30-40% prot and the rest fat, im really strict and constant with that.
But my problem is that ive noticed that every time i have a meal and i get stuffed i get sleepy,lazy,weak and slow pritty much like a toy with low battery's,many of you might think this is good since you'll be sleeping alot but atleast a person like me has to go college and i cant be feelin lazy or sleepy in class or while studying. I sleep pritty good (from 10pm-5am + 2-3 hours after im back from college) and in weekend i sleep from (11pm-9 or even 11 and still i feel this way those days!)
I researched and was told its a normal issue that After a big meal your blood supply goes to your digestive tract to help you digest faster which results in less blood flow to your other systems and as a result you get tired.

If true and this is something normal hopefully someone reading this might know how to not have this happening,idk maybe different way of eating or so (btw i eat decent amount of sugar)

Some will say to just stp being lazy and to just do stuff,but it's not the same, it wont be as efective as in a nrmal way,(pritty much like a soccer player breaking a leg or screwing a tendon,no matter if he trys hard he will never be the same)