I have a pretty good grasp of what is needed for a guy to gain or lose weight and what to eat to do it as cleanly as possible. Is there a significant difference in what to tell a woman who asks for advice on losing body fat? I would normally figure out the calorie need to maintain weight, have the person eat fewer calories (number varies depending on weight.), and start an aerobic routine. I would also explain which foods are Ok to eat as 'clean', and the times of the day to eat each type of food, (natural peanut butter, lean protein, oats, etc, as opposed to heavily processed stuff.) Do women require different macros than men? I typically like to go with 50/30/20 P/C/F or somewhere close to that for my own diet. Are there any other significant differences between a diet for a woman and one for a man? Does the BMI calculator in the How to Bulk thread work for both sexes?
Sorry if this post is retarded, but I was really curious.