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Thread: Looking for a diet.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    north east (usa)

    Looking for a diet.

    I'm looking for a diet that some one else has used in the past.

    10/15% BF
    Training for 15 yrs

    I'm looking to take in about 3500 clean calories a day. Shakes are a must for me because I work about 50 to 60 hrs a week and I work shift work.
    About to start a cycle in oct. and want to clean my diet up. I do alot of cardio (boxing/mma) about two days a week and each session last over and hour of hard sparing and drills, and I run atleast two mile before I lift weights. Some days I will lift weights prior to boxing/bjj I try to adjust my diet on days I train hard and add a few more protien shakes into the days food intake but I know the days I box and do bjj I am burning atleast 900 extra calories on those days. Im not looking for some one to develope a diet for me, Im just looking for a diet that some one has used in te past that they can pass along to me and I can adjust to my needs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    If you're simply looking to copy somebody else's diet, why not do a bit of research right within this section? There are hundreds of diets posted that have been revised and cleaned up to be great diets, all at your fingertips.

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