What supplement can I use to increase my appetite?
30yrs old, 9 stone, 5ft7", muscular build. Not sure body fat but it must be low. I have a 6 pack if that gives you an idea.
What supplement can I use to increase my appetite?
30yrs old, 9 stone, 5ft7", muscular build. Not sure body fat but it must be low. I have a 6 pack if that gives you an idea.
I don't know about supplements that increase appetite. Are you having a problem eating enough food?
cannabis sativa
not sure about over the counter supplements but ghrp-6 (a growth hormone releasing research peptide) makes you ravenous
I wouldn't rely on supplements to boost your appetite. Try a different approach to your diet. Eat smaller meals throughout the day.
perfect timing for this thread. everyday i have a great diet, good healthy hunger, and can force feed easily. now i dont know if appetite is a side effect of prami and ipt141 but i upped my doses as of three days ago and no other adjustments. my appetite has crashed. today even a glass of any drink filled me up. i could only find room for two small meals. something killed it. someone mentioned that B12 will set it back in but i dont know. ive never used that. it has nothing to do with meal distribution, i had my meals distributed every two to three hours. for years. i lost three good days of protein saturation. i have to figure this out.
GHRP-6 def helps
Ive found Green Tea extract also ramps my metabolism up and makes me hungrier
and people dont forget... good ole fashioned CARDIO!!!
even just a day or 2 of 15-30 mins post workout and im famished afterwards. my pwo meal doesnt stop from 6-10pm on those days
Valid points. That peptide is something to look out for, along with cardiovascular training.
I have tried forcefeeding and it just dries up my throat and makes me wrench. If I train well I find im hungry all the time. I just have to sort out my diet and the way I eat I think. I think i need to incorporate a lot more protien and better quality meats.
ghrp6 huh. i think i'll pick this up. if it works that well, then its good to just keep on hand in case it happens again.
and im not talking standard force feeding, if i try to put another bite in i cant breath. i think my neck will literally refuse it.
and watch out for that stretching the intestines out, thats not a pretty site when you have a huge ass gut with six pack. when your shirt is on, you look fat, but when the shirt comes off you have this strange Bill Dundee barrel stomach six pack abs.
You can try eating alot of small meals, computers geeking so sorry if I dont quote the one person I seen. I've tried a lot of "theories" that people say. One thing I have noticed that I still do, I have a high metabolism so it is hard for me to keep on weight. Go to GNC if theres one around you, and buy something that increases your energy. Then take that after your meals. I've put on an kept on weight. Surprisingly kept my weight stable doing this method. The doctor even said with this method my body is still in great health, got a routine check up just to see how my body was doing, was having some chest problems, but nothing to worry about.
I think GHRP-6 or B12 are the way forward for me. Not sure which one to go for but GHRP-6 seems to have more other advantages so am swaying in that direction. I think ill start a GHRP-6 VS B12 for appetite thread.
Why not both? B12 isn't going to make you ravenous like GHRP-6 will but it's certainly not a bad shot to add into your mix
I have just found out these can only be purchased for injections and thats not my thing. im not into needles but dont mind oral steroids. is there anything oral someone can recommend?
in that case, it's weed or force feed.
good luck bro
I've always read smoking increases estrogen. You guys smoke and still make good gains?
Some people are allergic to it though I think. The Chinese use it a lot in their cooking to enhance flavor, that is why people say, "Problem with Chinese food it that you'll be hungry again in an hour."
when i did a cycle of androsterone i aint like a mad man but i dont know if you wanna go that route
I have found an appetite increaser which should suit me fine without pins.
The product is called Periactin and is actually a antihistamine used medically to also increase appetite.
Any skinny guys should do some research on Periactin as it seems that other people in forums are taking one pill a day and eating like crazy and putting on like 4-7 lbs a week just from food intake. Apparently it inhibits the chemicals in your body that make u think your full up. Some posts i have read say that people are eating and their bellies are stuffed full but there mind is telling them their still hungry and you just eat and eat. One of the side effects is drowsiness but apparently the body learns to cope with this after a few weeks. You sleep heavy on it too which has got the be great for muscle building. Im purchasing today and will let you know how i get on.
no offence but its a mental thing
force urself
u dont need supplements to control your diet!
Ok an update for you all. I have the Periactin and have been taking 1 4mg pill a day. Its been 1 week and iv put on 3lbs. Thats the most iv ever put on before. As as iv been training its nearly all in lean gains so im so happy with this stuff. This is the best. Iv struggled all my life to eat more and this is the business. I never have a good breakfast but am regularly eating a large bowl of oats with nuts and 2 eggs which is great for me. Im really happy with this stuff as you can see. Its really does work! 3lbs in 1 week for me seems like a miracle , trust me. If your skinny and have trouble with eating or appetite get it asap.
so you have to have a prescription?
and.... i know you say it helps you eat more, but i want to hear you say your appetite went through the roof all day. thats my kind of product if so.
although i really dont need it. i think just to have it on hand if it works well could be beneficial. in asia, its chicken, pork and rice..... and protein shakes. hahah. so the body starts rejecting redundancy.
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