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Thread: Lean mass diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Lean mass diet

    Hey guys can you please rate my diet and see if there are any holes..
    Im 91kg and bf is around 16%. Looking to drop a little body fat and continue to build lean muscle.

    1. 2 whole eggs 4 whites, 1 cup oats , 20g protein shake (53 protein 70 carbs 19 fat 721 cal

    TRAIN - sip on BCAA drink

    PWO - 40g protein shake , 60grams Maxy wayze (carbs/dextrose) [B](40grams protein 60grams carbs 300 cal)[B]

    2. 200g chicken breast , 300g sweet potato 46 protein 42carbs 2 fat 407 cal

    3. 200g Lean meat , half cup basmati rice uncooked 46 protein 42carbs 2 fat 407 cal

    4. 150g fish , 1cup veggies, 2 whole meal bread 30 protein 26 carbs 15 fat 266 cal

    5. 150g lean meat , 1 cup vegies 1 serving almonds 44 protein 27 fat 208cal

    6. 150g chicken breast , 1 tbs flaxseed oil 44 pro 18g fat 280cal

    30g Protien shake before bed.
    150g cottege cheese 30g protein 11g fat 280cal

    326 protein 240 cabrs 88 fat 2943 cal
    Last edited by McFly; 08-25-2010 at 10:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Diet actually looks pretty solid, but we'd need to see macros for each meal as well as time of day to be certain. I'd try and get another serving or 2 of veggies in meal 2 and/or 3. Also, make sure shake before bed is casein, and consider adding a tbsp of natty PB to slow absorption. Only thing I see lacking is EFA's - do you supplement fish oil caps or anything?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Done the macros

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by McFly View Post
    Hey guys can you please rate my diet and see if there are any holes..
    Im 91kg and bf is around 16%. Looking to drop a little body fat and continue to build lean muscle.

    1. 2 whole eggs 4 whites, 1 cup oats , 20g protein shake (53 protein 70 carbs 19 fat 721 cal

    Great meal!

    TRAIN - sip on BCAA drink

    PWO - 40g protein shake , 60grams Maxy wayze (carbs/dextrose) [B](40grams protein 60grams carbs 300 cal)[B]

    2. 200g chicken breast , 300g sweet potato 46 protein 42carbs 2 fat 407 cal


    3. 200g Lean meat , half cup basmati rice uncooked 46 protein 42carbs 2 fat 407 cal

    4. 150g fish , 1cup veggies 26 protein 15 fat 123 cal

    Maybe one more carb meal here? Still early enough in the day I take it?

    5. 150g lean meat , 1 cup vegies 1 serving almonds 44 protein 27 fat 208

    6. 150g chicken breast , 1 serving of almonds 44 pro 27fat 208cal

    Maybe a different fat source than almonds this time. tbsp of olive oil, or some fish oil caps

    30g Protien shake before bed. 30g protein 120cal

    Casein protein, and i'd add a tbsp of natty PB

    326 protein 213 cabrs 78 fat 2411 cal
    Not much I would change about your diet, it's very good as-is. A few suggestions above in bold, but overall it's a nice diet that you should see good results on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    It's quite a big issue for such an otherwise nice diet to not be using a slower absorbing protein before bed. Gotta do a pro/fat meal with red meat, cottage cheese, or casein. What's your cardio schedule like?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    It's quite a big issue for such an otherwise nice diet to not be using a slower absorbing protein before bed. Gotta do a pro/fat meal with red meat, cottage cheese, or casein. What's your cardio schedule like?
    I started that diet 2 weeks ago with no cardio and dropped some fat but put on 1kg.
    I'm now going to do cardio two times a week after workout for 20 mins. Then il alter it to 3 days in another 2 weeks ect

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    ok guys iv added in 1 more carb meal with just 2 thin slices or wholemeal bread, and also added in the cottege cheese and flaxseed oil.
    Will make a workout log soon!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Diet is going great, sitting on 91kg and dropping bodyfat. Had my cheat meal yesterday wich consisted of a double whopper burger and a souvlaki. I made sure I had a low carb the day before but this bloated me like a mofo. Did 45min cardio on empty stomach this morning and feeling good

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