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Thread: KETO Diet

  1. #1
    ramacher's Avatar
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    KETO Diet

    Hey I am 6'2" 285 24 percent body fat at 22 years old. My fat is way to high in my opinion to start any AAS. But anyways I have been consuming 180-220 grams of protein daily on workout days, and now I have had a trainer write me a keto diet plan that calls for 2300 calories (375 grams Protein, 75 grams fat, 40 grams carbs) could I still gain some muscle and lose fat at the same time, considering I was gaining lean muscle while not eating that much protein for growth? And what is a good estimate of fat to lose daily or weekly (however you look at it)?

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramacher View Post
    Hey I am 6'2" 285 24 percent body fat at 22 years old. My fat is way to high in my opinion to start any AAS. But anyways I have been consuming 180-220 grams of protein daily on workout days, and now I have had a trainer write me a keto diet plan that calls for 2300 calories (375 grams Protein, 75 grams fat, 40 grams carbs) could I still gain some muscle and lose fat at the same time, considering I was gaining lean muscle while not eating that much protein for growth? And what is a good estimate of fat to lose daily or weekly (however you look at it)?
    Firstly, that is NOT a good keto diet IMO. Protein is way too high, fat is way too low, and carbs are too high, at least for the 'introduction' phase. A typical keto diet would have protein/fat at 50/50 or even 40/60 with carbs only being taken indirectly (whey shakes, nuts, veggies, etc). You won't even get into ketosis at 40g carbs/day - most people can't go past 20g or so. I hope this trainer is doing charity and not actually taking money for this advice!

    Having said that, this macro ratio might work well for you (protein is too high no matter what IMO), but it's not a keto diet. It's a VERY low carb diet, but fat should be adjusted accordingly to meet your energy needs.

    Back to keto diets - in my experience, they're not great for making gains. There are certainly people who have had the opposite experience, and this board has many keto enthusiasts. Even more, there are books written specifically about keto diets and making gains. For me, I just felt weak and irritable and never was really about to 'breakthrough' to that smooth sailing that's promised with these diets.
    Last edited by gbrice75; 08-20-2010 at 09:23 PM.

  3. #3
    ramacher's Avatar
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    Here is my KETO revised with actual totals

    Keto Diet Plan

    Breakfast (WAKE UP) – 5 OZ. CHICKEN [150 Calories/33 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    6 FARM FRESH EGGS [310 Calories/28 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    ¼ AVOCADO [80 Calories/1 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs]
    Totals: (540 Calories/62 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs)

    SNACK (12:30 AM) – 1 SCOOP OF PRE-WRKOUT BUZZERK (50 Calories/0 grams Protein/14 grams Carbs]
    8 OZ. WATER (0 Calories/0 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs)
    Totals: (50 Calories/0 grams Protein/14 grams Carbs)

    SNACK (2:30 PM) – 2 SCOOPS OF PROTEIN POWDER [240 Calories/48 grams Protein/6 grams Carbs]
    2 CUPS OF RAW MILK (220 Calories/18 grams Protein/24 grams Carbs)
    Totals: (460 Calories/66 grams Protein/30 grams Carbs)

    SNACK (4:30 PM) – 10 OZ. CHICKEN BREAST [310 Calories/66 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    3 OZ. OF RAW VEGETABLES [50 Calories/9 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs
    Totals: (410 Calories/70 grams Protein/4 grams Carb)

    LUNCH (6:30 PM) – 10 OZ. TURKEY BREAST [280 Calories/55 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    15 RAW ALMONDS [100 Calories/4 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs]
    1 TBSP. OF OLIVE OIL [120 Calories/0 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    Totals: (500 Calories/59 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs)

    DINNER (9:00 PM) – 10 OZ. POULTRY/FISH/BEEF [580 Calories/53 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    3 OZ. OF STEAMED VEGGIES [60 Calories/7 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    Totals: (285 Calories/60 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs)

    Total Calories/Protein/Carbs:
    (2,600 Calories/317 grams Protein/56 grams Carbs)

  4. #4
    ramacher's Avatar
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    Dont know what the totals for fat would be

  5. #5
    Failure's Avatar
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    What steamed veggies are you eating? Brocolli has about 6 grams of Carbs for 3oz. Every egg should be counted as 1g carb. Drop the milk and sub heavy cream and water. Drop the buzzerk.
    Last edited by Failure; 08-21-2010 at 08:22 PM.

  6. #6
    ramacher's Avatar
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    I really need the raw milk (i skim off all the fat)

    Keto Diet Plan

    Breakfast (WAKE UP) – 5 OZ. CHICKEN [150 Calories/33 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    6 FARM FRESH EGGS [310 Calories/28 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    ¼ AVOCADO [80 Calories/1 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs]
    Totals: (540 Calories/62 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs)

    SNACK (2:30 PM) – 2 SCOOPS OF PROTEIN POWDER [240 Calories/48 grams Protein/6 grams Carbs]
    2 CUPS OF RAW MILK (220 Calories/18 grams Protein/24 grams Carbs)
    Totals: (460 Calories/66 grams Protein/30 grams Carbs)

    SNACK (4:30 PM) – 10 OZ. CHICKEN BREAST [310 Calories/66 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    3 OZ. OF RAW VEGETABLES [50 Calories/9 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    1 TBSP. OF OLIVE OIL [120 Calories/0 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    Totals: (530 Calories/70 grams Protein/4 grams Carb)

    LUNCH (6:30 PM) – 10 OZ. TURKEY BREAST [280 Calories/55 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    15 RAW ALMONDS [100 Calories/4 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs[]
    Totals: (380 Calories/59 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs)

    DINNER (9:00 PM) – 10 OZ. POULTRY/FISH/BEEF [580 Calories/53 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    3 OZ. OF STEAMED VEGGIES [60 Calories/7 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
    Totals: (285 Calories/60 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs)

    Total Calories/Protein/Carbs:
    (2,500 Calories/317 grams Protein/44 grams Carbs)

  7. #7
    Failure's Avatar
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    Why are you skimming off fat on a Keto diet? It is your source of energy. Why do you need milk in a whey shake? Water is fine and if you really want the dairy taste use heavy whipping cream.
    Last edited by Failure; 08-21-2010 at 11:38 PM.

  8. #8
    ramacher's Avatar
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    I have done research that out of the 18 grams of protein in milk, 4 grams is actual natural whey protein and the rest is cassein, which continues to repair for hours. And add one scoop of Optimium Nutrition whey protein, you got a great after workout protein shake.

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