Alright, for all my knowledge when it comes to creating and implementing a balanced diet; I don't know much about manipulating water weight beyond the basics. I tend to retain almost none by holding the salt, doing cardio, using the sauna regularly, drinking 2 gallons of water daily, and avoiding processed starchy carbs. Beyond that, I know there's gotta be ways to cut water and fast.
Here's my dilemma:
I went to the beach this weekend with some friends to let loose before this semester of grad school begins on Thursday. I ate, drank, and was merry for 3 days. A lot. It wasn't out of control, I fully intended on enjoying myself and accepted the standard 10 lbs. of water weight and moon face that comes with 3 days of fine dining and laziness.
So, I come back yesterday morning and receive a request to model for my friend's project. She's a graphic designer and many of the photos will be shirtless. Well, fvck. She wants to do it tomorrow evening and I owe her one.
In my experience, I find it takes 1-2 days for every "cheat day" to regain form. In the case of a 3-day weekend that was about 5k cals daily with plenty of salt and sugar, I was expecting about 5 days of clean diet/cardio to be fully fit again. I now have one. What can I do?!
I've started the day without any carbs, naturally, some egg whites and omega-3 eggs. I'm about to down 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar with a gallon of distilled water. Help me for once faggots!