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08-27-2010, 08:48 AM #1
My last ditch effort to reduce bodyfat
This is it for me guys. I'm giving myself until the end of December to reach a respectable 10% before I throw in the towel. I don't want to be a quitter, but if what i'm currently doing doesn't equate to reducing bodyfat, nothing will. I feel i'm doing everything right:
> 7 meals a day, 3 hours apart.
> relatively low calorie diet, eating a bit lower then maintenance
> good lean protein in every meal
> carbs in only my first 2 meals of the day (pre and PWO) - total daily carbs no more than 100g
> plenty of veggies
> EFA's and healthy fats with remainder of meals
> Workout routine in check
> Cardio - this is the X factor. Currently only lifting 3 days a week, cardio immediately after. So I CAN up cardio to 5 days/week, but that would mean i'd have to go to the gym just for cardio - something i'm not very keen on.
If I can't manage to reduce bodyfat, then I have to chalk it up to genetics and assume 15% is my set point. I hope I can prove myself wrong, because if I fail, I'm not sure what direction i'll go with this entire thing.
Genetics is no excuse. I have shit genetics for cutting, and I've done it naturally, man, so you can do it too.
Plan looks fine.
Definitely, definitely, do cardio at least 5x's a week if you want this.
If you don't want to go to the gym just to do cardio (I do it too, I know it sucks), then find other creative ways to get your cardio in: brisk walks around the neighborhood, bike rides, pick up basketball are somethings I do.
Good luck,'ll get there.
08-27-2010, 08:58 AM #3
Thanks for the encouragement bro! Do you really feel 2 extra days of cardio could make or break this 'plan'? I know i'm being a puss, I just HATE cardio!!! But I need to do what needs to be done.
I'm so pissed because I have a really nice treadmill in my house but it fvcking broke - otherwise i'd probably do cardio 7 days/week in the convenience of my own home. I will find a way though!
08-27-2010, 09:11 AM #4
Dont quit it now man!
Im around 15% BF and want to try and get to 10% before i start to gaon weight again..
I started a keto at the start of this week then fell ill yester day with a shitty cold, ive droppe the keto for now, just guna start doin carb cycling with high days at mtce cals..
Maybe you should reconsider ur aproach, maybe a different diet?
08-27-2010, 09:14 AM #5
Imo your not 15pc in your avi, how have you calculated this ?
Also why not lift and cardio 5 days a week each , either split up or one after the other, if one after the other take post work out shake here. Just my 2 cents
Last time I was cutting, I was doing cardio 6-7 days a week.
Sometimes twice a day. (30am and 30pm).
Yah, I think the extra cardio will make a difference.
08-27-2010, 09:19 AM #7
Thanks Base. I've done keto in the past but found it's not for me. I never really broke through that 'introductary' phase and always felt weak, and got really scrawny.
As for my diet approach, what i'm doing IS new, so I just need to give it a proper amount of time to see how it goes.
I look leaner in my avi due to the pose, but i'm def. no less then 15%. I have a good amount of fat around my lower waist, love handles and a fat arse!
As for 5 days a week, I just worked out a split routine that allows me to workout 3 days/week. I used to do 5, then worked it into 4, but the issue is I workout at 5:30am and with my life schedule, I was getting NO sleep (i'm talking 4-5 hours MAX). With this new split, i'm able to sleep in every other day (tues and thurs) and 2 days on the weekend. I started to feel like I was wasting my time, because if I can't sleep I won't grow - so what would be the point? So I made sleep a priority.
08-27-2010, 09:32 AM #8
man your in line with me. i have to work cardio 5 days at the least very hard to lean out the way i like. i use Lcarnatine, clen , winny. im gifted putting on mass, but not gifted at all at leaning out. i feel your pain in every sense. but it does get done. you find that avenue.
stick with it, you love this stuff. you dont have to be perfect to love bodybuilding.
me, when i look at others pictures, in my mind, everyone else ALWAYS looks better than me. i always feel like i'll never achieve everyone elses perfection. push through and just enjoy your sport, again, youll find that avenue that takes you where you want.
08-27-2010, 09:40 AM #9
Thanks Bird - clen is one element I plan to introduce shortly. I'm about to start my last week of PCT and wanted to have a completely 'clean' system before introducing another foreign substance.
See, at least you're gifted with putting on mass. I got the double wammy - i'm prone to being fat, AND have a terrible time with adding quality mass - I literally got the worst of both worlds! But, this is what I have to work with and nothing can change that.
Thanks for your encouragement; i've been noticing your posts and it's good to have another solid member here who contribues good info. =)
08-27-2010, 09:42 AM #10
I agree with this, especially since, if I remember correctly, you have tried to cut down in the past to 10% but were not successful. Some people may be able to cut down doing cardio three times a week, but I think for the majority of people, 5 days or more is ideal. It is a lot of effort, but well worth it when you are ripped.
08-27-2010, 09:51 AM #11
08-27-2010, 11:06 AM #12
Can you train in the evening ? What about cycle run to work ?
08-27-2010, 11:21 AM #13
08-27-2010, 11:24 AM #14
Gbrice i dont view you as a quitter.... your better then that, Stay thirsty and you will reach your goal
08-27-2010, 11:26 AM #15
08-27-2010, 11:26 AM #16
08-27-2010, 12:01 PM #17
Yeah diet is 90% - you know this better than anyone. Look at all you've achieved. That said, think about all the weight you've lost and what's left to drop. I'd say what, maybe... I dunno... Hmm... 10% to go? Do cardio every day. I do and that's why I broke through the same plateau you're struggling with. I have goo genes for building but am very prone to getting fat too.
D7M as always gave great advice. I usually go to the gym on my off-data to do cardio but some days I'm just not feeling it and I can't. I don't let that stop me. I ride my bike or go play a basketbal or soccer pick-up game. I also play in a hockey league. If anything, your diets have always been better than mine and more of a defiit: I just stay so damn active. Bite the bullet for 8-12 weeks and when you get there, your knowledge of diet will keep you there with no more cardio headache.
08-27-2010, 01:05 PM #18
Thank you bro, you know you've been a huge help to me throughout this 'struggle' lol. I know you guys are all right. My biggest problem is my lifestyle - 2 hours of driving to and from work, 9 hours of sitting on my ass (literally) - so i'm VERY inactive. I mean, other than the gym, I'm nearly immobile. I'm gonna need to find a way to increase my activity, weekends are one easy way.
08-27-2010, 01:18 PM #19
Forgive the spelling before, was on iPhone.
I can understand how a commute and desk job would make it much harder. Still, I think if you stick to this plan and just get in those extra 2 days of cardio, you'll get where you wanna be before December. Also, you could try combining cardio with your weights. That's why P90X is effective for those who follow it strictly - you combine a highly elevated heart rate with your resistance training. Maybe try getting in 100 crunches between upper body isolation movement sets and such. Just a thought to make it easier.
08-27-2010, 01:59 PM #20
So do you get a chance to do something at lunch break, if not, maybe you gotta look at the bigger picture, move home move jobs especially if its just gonna torture you, knowing that you cant reach your full potential. All the best.
08-27-2010, 02:06 PM #21
Definitely, I agree 100%. I've actually been reading through a few programs that take this kind of approach - basically the idea is to be sweating within 10 minutes of the workout and that doesn't stop until after you've left the gym. That will undoubtedly burn some extra calories!
For the past year, i've been taking a nap during my lunch break in an effort to get more sleep. I figure broken sleep is better then none at all.
08-27-2010, 03:58 PM #22
Step it up! I stop posting for a month and this guy is talking about quitting?
You can do this bro! You just gotta up that cardio, its a son of a bitch I know, I'm in the same boat with ya.....but if this shit was easy everyone would be jacked up. Look on the bright side, you are already in the top 5-7% of the population in physique, just stop comparing yourself to all the other people in the gym and look at all the losers on the street....and remember where you were a few years ago.
08-27-2010, 05:49 PM #23
08-27-2010, 05:58 PM #24
What? Man, you're one of the most helpful guys on this forum. You gotta stay!
No Pain, No Gain... well in your case no pain no LEAN! lol
Everyone hates cardio, but you gotta up it man. I'm doing cardio 8 x monday-Friday! I hate every min. of it. Switch it up so it doesn't get boring. walk/bike/stairs/elipticle. Keep it fresh so you stick to it.
Also if it's broke fix it! if something isn't working for you ask for help. Find alternatives!
Good Luck Buddy! everyone is here to support you bro.
08-28-2010, 07:51 AM #25
08-28-2010, 11:33 AM #26
Man i know your so dialled in with your diet, that your so dedicated to this sport, but somehow you gotta make more time to train, something has got to give, be more creative like dropping the car off 5 mile from work and cycling in from there, think outside the box, make it work for you.
08-28-2010, 01:05 PM #27
08-28-2010, 06:52 PM #28
That's when it's best to bike IMO; when it's nice and chilly. My friend and I love hitting a fat one in some under armor compression gear with layers and exploring construction sites with snow on the ground on our mountain bikes. As childish as this sounds, it's great fun! We always save the other half for when we get to the top of the man-made mountain of bulldozed dirt and look out at cookie cutter houses where the fatties are eating potato chips. Of course, then you risk life and limb riding off.
08-28-2010, 08:06 PM #29
7 meals 3 hours apart. Is this common? Could lack of quality sleep be holding you back? Just asking because I keep reading about how important sleep is. Either way good luck!
08-28-2010, 09:27 PM #30
08-28-2010, 11:46 PM #31
Your doing cardio after your weights? What about cardio first thing in morning on empty stomach? That always does the trick for me. Or are you saying because your treadmill is broken you don't want to make two trips to the gym?
08-29-2010, 12:05 PM #32
Eating many small meals throughout the day is common for people living a healthy lifestyle. Yes, lack of quality sleep can and IS holding me back - i've addressed that as best as possible by working my split into 3 days, allowing me 2 days during the week that I can sleep in.
08-29-2010, 12:07 PM #33
Yes, cardio after weights. The only time I can make it to the gym is first thing in the morning, and I don't want to lift on an empty stomach, so I do my weight training and then cardio. Even if I didn't mind lifting on an empty stomach, I wouldn't want to use up a bunch of energy doing cardio and then get under heavy weights - that's asking for trouble, and short changing oneself IMO.
The ideal way this would work out for me was if I could train later in the day, but that's not gonna happen any time soon, unfortunately.
08-29-2010, 12:30 PM #34
Come on now, you can't say quit when I am just getting started bro - lead the way!
08-29-2010, 05:08 PM #35
From what I understand is that the first 20 mins of cardio are non fat burning. So if you do 30 mins of cardio you really only burn fat for 10 mins. I heard 45 mins at the least and twice a day if possible.
08-29-2010, 05:45 PM #36
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