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Thread: Fruit?

  1. #1
    makelovenotwar21's Avatar
    makelovenotwar21 is offline Associate Member
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    I know fruit contains fructose which is a simple sugar but I also noticed that most fruits are low on the glycemic index scale. I suppose this is because of the fibre?

    So is it possibly a myth that low gi fruits are worse for cutting than so called superior complex carbs such as brown rice, oats, and yams if they are in fact lower than the complex carbs on the glycemic index scale? Or is it the simply the sugars that make them more prone to be stored as fat?

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    It think it has more to do with the fact that fructose mostly restores liver glycogen and not much else, so it's not usually preferred over a complex carb.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    As brice says, fructose requires processing in the liver, if live is already 'topped up' it will convert the fructose to TG's ( basically fat in blood stream ) and stored

  4. #4
    Harry Manback's Avatar
    Harry Manback is offline Junior Member
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    As its called, natures candy. Yes its natural, but if on a super strict diet, should be treated as candy.

  5. #5
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    A good rule of thumb is eat fruit:

    - In the AM with breakfast and PWO as if it were a supplement but never in place of starchy complex carbs like oats.
    - When it's a lower-sugar, low GI fruit choices such as cherries, berries, bananas, peaches, apples.
    - When you're sweet tooth becomes unbearable and you're eying man-made sweets. If you're at a restaurant and your parter is having a dessert and you're expected to as well; an espresso and a fresh fruit plate is a harmless order in the grand scheme - as long as your diet is in-check the rest of the day, of course.

    Also, remember that it's more about calories in vs. out whenever it comes to eating things that may not be our best option on a BB diet. Is Watermelon a high GI carb? Is it loaded with sugar? Sure, yes. It's also 300 calories for all you can possibly stuff in your stomach, if that. You simply won't get fat eating fruit as part of a balanced diet.

    Now, you should not eat fruit:

    - When you're on a strict cutting diet. Even PWO it isn't advisable; we want to keep sugar as low as possible to ensure the body burns fat whenever possible in addition to our caloric deficit.
    - When you're doing a ketogenic diet re-feed. You will replenish only liver glycogen and make ketosis harder to reestablish.
    - When it's dried. Even organic dried fruit uses some sort of sweetener. Moreover, it's drained of its water and a small handfull will yield several servings and 50g of sugar!

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    A good rule of thumb is eat fruit:

    - In the AM with breakfast and PWO as if it were a supplement but never in place of starchy complex carbs like oats.
    - When it's a lower-sugar, low GI fruit choices such as cherries, berries, bananas, peaches, apples.
    - When you're sweet tooth becomes unbearable and you're eying man-made sweets. If you're at a restaurant and your parter is having a dessert and you're expected to as well; an espresso and a fresh fruit plate is a harmless order in the grand scheme - as long as your diet is in-check the rest of the day, of course.

    Also, remember that it's more about calories in vs. out whenever it comes to eating things that may not be our best option on a BB diet. Is Watermelon a high GI carb? Is it loaded with sugar? Sure, yes. It's also 300 calories for all you can possibly stuff in your stomach, if that. You simply won't get fat eating fruit as part of a balanced diet.

    Now, you should not eat fruit:

    - When you're on a strict cutting diet. Even PWO it isn't advisable; we want to keep sugar as low as possible to ensure the body burns fat whenever possible in addition to our caloric deficit.
    - When you're doing a ketogenic diet re-feed. You will replenish only liver glycogen and make ketosis harder to reestablish.
    - When it's dried. Even organic dried fruit uses some sort of sweetener. Moreover, it's drained of its water and a small handfull will yield several servings and 50g of sugar!
    Perfectly put!

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