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im 24 yrs old and currently in the army and trying to bulk up a bit. so my diet is as followed. current weight this am was 194lb and 12% BF. (5'9)
wake up (4:45am) shake - 1 scoop of whey, some peice of fruit. BCAA's, glutamine, arganine, bata-alanine. maybe take some yohimbine for a boost (tryin not to gain alot of fat on the bulk even tho its bound to happen) and pink magic.
I probably wouldn't do the fruit here - instead just do the cardio on an empty stomach with the exception of the shake and BCAA's
morning PT- i usually i try to keep it at a low intencity cardio or some HIIT.
brakefast (7:30-7:45) cup of egg whites and 1 whole egg. then usually 1 cup of oatmeal (a scoop of protein powder in it) or grits. and maybe a peice of fruit. animal paks
No need for the protein powder, just do 2 whole eggs and more whites if necessary to make up the protein
snake (10:00-10:15) a turkey or roast beef sandwich with a slice of fat free cheese on WW bread. and a shake. pink magic
I understand you may not have access to a variety of foods, but can you get something better than this? Sandwich + shake = substandard food for a bodybuilding diet, no gains. Replace this meal if possible with 6oz lean protein and a good complex carb
lunch (12:30-12:45) usually a piece of chicken brest or top round steak ( probably 8- 12 oz.)
with a sweet potatoe and some kind of greens weather it be asparigus or green beans. vit. A
Great meal! 12oz is ALOT - I wouldn't do more than 8oz
pre-workout shake ( 2:25-2:30) pretty much the same as the wake up shake ( only with creatine). vit. C, pink magic, animal pump or stack.
Bad idea for pre workout IMO. Do a lean protein and DEFINITELY add a complex carb to fuel your workout. You're relying on shakes WAY too much, you're not gonna see good gains that way
workout (2:50-4:20ish) 1 major muscle a day followed by a smaller one . water mix with pedalite
post-workout shake ( soon as im done w workout) 1 scoop of whey, creatine, half scoop of casein and soy protein. glutamine, BCAA's, virtago, and its mixed with skim milk usually. vit. C, E.
Great except i'd do straight whey here instead of whey/casein mix. I'd probably drop the milk and use water to keep sugar down
dinner ( 5:30-5:45) usally 12 oz of chicken breast with some bbq sauce, steak or turkey cutlet. with some type of green and either brown rice or sweet potatoe. green tea and pink magic
Again, 12oz is ALOT of protein in one sitting. Careful with the bbq sauce, usually loaded with sugar. Rest of the meal looks good
dinner 2 i guess you would call it (8:00-8:10) chicken breast with a salad usually or maybe tuna with some WW toast.
I wouldn't do any carbs at this point. Tuna is fine, maybe do tuna in olive oil and add some avacado or something like that. Eat it over a bed of greens
bedtime (10:00) either casein shake or some cottage cheese with alamonds. glutamine, arganine, ZMA
workout split is as followes
mon. chest and calves ( 20-25 sets for chest, 8 for calves)
tues. back and abs maybe traps (20-5 sets for back, abs very in sets, traps if i do them 4-6 sets)
wens. arms and forearms (12 sets for both bi and tri, 4 sets for forarms)
thur. shoulders and traps (20 for shoulders, 4-6 for traps)
fri. legs and calves (20-25 for legs that includes guads and hams together, 8 for calves)
sat. off or if i feel good- arms and forarms maybe abs too ( my arms are lagging behind so i try and hit them 2 a week, i mean my back is blowing up like crazy so i dont wana be unbalanced, you know?)
sun. off
my protein staples are, lean ground beef, eye of round steak, most types of fish, skinless chicken breast, turkey cutlets, tuna, whey, soy, casein.
my carbs are, oatmeal, grits, sweet potates, beans (kidney, black eye etc...) brown rice, WW bread and ezekial bread. greek and fat free yogart. (fruits and greens of course), virtago
my fats are, natural PB, almonds, walunts, soy nuts, olive oil, maybe some hummus.
my current supplements are- whey, soy, casien, creatine, glutamine, BCAA's, arganine, bata-alanine, yohimbine, vit. A,C,E, ZMA, pink magic, animal paks, animal stack and or pump. CLA and fish oil.
let me know what you guys think about this. ive been lifting for a long time now and have been in the may issue of muscle and fitness due to the fact that i used to be 247 and made it all the way down to 179 for the all army combatives tournament. im open for your guys comments? note that this maybe alot of food but i got to workouts a day (due to the fact im in the army haha). so i try and keep the calories high.