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Thread: How to eat chicken

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    How to eat chicken

    I'm going to start my diet very soon, My goal is to gain weight from a lean muscle mass.

    do you think that i should always eat my chicken grilled or boiled ?? or i can cook it in other ways ?

    Like for example here where do i live we add onion, garlic, tomato and spices while we are cooking chicken after that we add water to make something like a sauce. is that ok ?

  2. #2
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    cook it in as many ways as you want, just stay away from deep frying.

  3. #3
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    ^^^x2. As long as you're cooking it in a healthy manner, the method really doesn't make a difference. It all comes down to preference and taste at that point.

  4. #4
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    try this..... you must be able to cook the chicken perfectly, because the difference between dry and moist will be a big difference in taste. everything in this world has been done, but i came up with this myself, and im sure someone has done it somewhere else and loves it too, and its very good when cooked perfectly. it CAN NOT be dry in the least bit.

    broil your chicken breast under a piece of reynolds wrap to keep the moisture from evaporating. lightly season with all-seasons salt. the salt sets off the real flavor in the end..... kinda like chocolate tastes terrible without salt. most people dont know if chocolate is made without salt, it tastes terrible.

    after the chicken has most of its pink cooked out, remove the reynolds wrap and brush/slather 100 percent pure honey over the chicken breast, and then have busted and ground almonds (l like mine to be the size of pretzel stick salt / rock salt) sprinkled over the honey. and finish broiling until the almonds are browned. you dont need the reynolds wrap at this point. 3 or 4 minutes and your chicken should still be thoroughly juicy still.

    if the chicken comes out dry, it will not taste remotely the same. not even near. i like to drizzle a little honey on the plate before i set my chicken on it. if im already as lean as i want to be, i can treat myself to ground up candied almonds as a replacement.

    i just thought i would offer that, because eating the same chicken every day, the body really will get tired of it. i love cookin. so i get things just the way i want them. maybe your interested to try it, you cant have too many chicken recipes.

  5. #5
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    i just put some pepper on it and stick it on my George Foreman, taste doesnt really concern me lol

  6. #6
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    Wow superbird i do the same exact thing exept i use bbq sauce and no almonds.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitbulllock View Post
    Wow superbird i do the same exact thing exept i use bbq sauce and no almonds.
    sometimes i do the exact same thing and dont even use chicken, or honey, or almonds.

  8. #8
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    I did this today and my chicken came out dry this time, i hate it when that happens. I had to take it down with a lot of cristal light.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitbulllock View Post
    I did this today and my chicken came out dry this time, i hate it when that happens. I had to take it down with a lot of cristal light.
    man, you dont know how many cans of raspberry crystal lite mixers i have here. my store orders them to replace my use in particularly i think.

    so you sealed your chicken under reynolds wrap and it still went dry? i think you lost ten minutes on the internet somewhere while cooking. your not baking it like that are you? by the time baking cooks to middle its already lost so much moisture. my brother made that mistake for the longest time. i finally had to show him how to do it. if you have to, pour a little water before you seal it, so nothing evaporates.

    the difference between dry and juicy chicken is like bologna and steak. we all know that

    heres a tip: i use a two piece grease pan, so there is a huge well pan below the chicken pan. another perfectionist method is to fill that well with water, and seal the reynolds wrap around the top of the pan. so now your fully hydrated, and your chicken will not go dry. super moist every time.

  10. #10
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    yah it looked a little under cooked so opend up the foil and let it bake. The problem is that i let it bake for like 15min.
    Last edited by bodybuilder; 09-07-2010 at 02:18 AM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitbulllock View Post
    yah it looked a little under cooked so opend up the foil and let it bake. The problem is that i let it bake for like 15min.
    ah, bingo. ive done it, my brother done it. till you get it down like james brown.

    just reseal it, and continue. dont open and bake it. if you do, it has to be so brief. direct heat destroys.
    Last edited by SuperBird; 09-07-2010 at 02:34 AM.

  12. #12
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    marinate chicken tenders in pesto, mustard, salt, pepper, and a few dashes of soy sause (overnight). Never dry and tastes brilliant...fry in olive oil and you've got yourself a great meal. I eat this cold with salad or hot with mayo.

  13. #13
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    If you've never used a crock pot, I highly reccomend can sit for hours and will be as tender as can be once you pull it out...pretty awesome.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by oker View Post
    marinate chicken tenders in pesto, mustard, salt, pepper, and a few dashes of soy sause (overnight). Never dry and tastes brilliant...fry in olive oil and you've got yourself a great meal. I eat this cold with salad or hot with mayo.
    ive used all that except for the pesto. but always lots of soy or teryaki

    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    If you've never used a crock pot, I highly reccomend can sit for hours and will be as tender as can be once you pull it out...pretty awesome.
    i love crockpot cookin. mass everything. but i have to have a change regularly. i cant do chicken breast with honey and almonds in a crockpot.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperBird View Post
    ive used all that except for the pesto. but always lots of soy or teryaki

    i love crockpot cookin. mass everything. but i have to have a change regularly. i cant do chicken breast with honey and almonds in a crockpot.

    I'm trying that!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    I'm trying that!
    hahaha. let me know. i just gotta know.

    if you can figure that one out you are the crock master.

  17. #17
    Chicken cooked in a crock pot is awesome!!!!......
    I like chicken breast in the crockpot done with Spicy Mustard and Tomato Sause.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. #18
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Try cooking a load of chicken breasts in ur crock pot with a cheap jar of curry sauce

    if your worried about eating the curry sauce, simply dont eat it, it will have already given the chicken good flavor and kept it moist

  19. #19
    Season the chicken with salt and pepper, and then seal it in a very hot pan with butter or olive oil in the pan for two minutes on each side. After this put the chicken into a preheated over at 180 degrees Celsius for 13 minutes (that is in the oven at work, depends on the size of the chicken breast and your over in particular) or until cooked through. After a while you should know how long it will take in your particular oven. People often overcook chicken due to the risks of undercooked chicken, so finding the perfect time in your particular over should help you have delicous chicken

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