So my first diet got some critique which was fully understandable, however, I have spend some time perfecting my new diet which should not have as many mistakes.
Link to first and failed diet

I took
gbrice's advice which means that each meal I consume it's a must that there are a source of protein + complex carbs / fats. I have also added a banana to my PWO meal with my shake.
I also included more fish foods, such as sardines and tuna.
The macros are also more balanced: 40 / 40 / 20
Meal 1:
3 whole eggs- to many whole eggs drop one ad some whites
140g oatmeal
60g protein shake
Meal 2: (relatively big meal)
125g tuna
150g whole wheat bread
1 banana
120g sardines-drop the banana and only use one of the protein sources this meal is protein over kill
Meal 3:
6 egg whites
100g brown rise
Meal 4: Preworkout
100g brown pasta
125g tuna
140g avocado-move this to meal 6
Meal 5: PWO
1 banana
60g protein shake
Meal 6:
140g chicken
150g vegatables
Meal 7:
500g cottage cheese-add a tbsp of natty pb here to slow absorption threw the night
1000g of milk is put on oatmeal and the rest is consumed throughout the day.
4100 calories
400g protein / 413g carbs / 97g fat
I don't know if I should add some complex carbs to meal 6 or not?
I'd like someone to look at my diet once again. I would be very appreciative!