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Thread: Is my Keto diet F'd up?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans

    Is my Keto diet F'd up?

    I weight ~200 lbs and have been doing Keto for about 3 weeks now.

    Meal 1: 3 omega eggs, 4 whites, Fiber supplement 15(f) 37(p) 5(c)
    Meal 2: 6oz Chicken, 1 tbsp Hemp oil 14(f) 36(p) 0(c)
    Meal 3: Protein Powder, 1 tbsp Hemp oil 14(f) 50(p) 0(c)
    Meal 4: 6oz Tilapia, 1/2 tbsp of Hemp and Olive 14(f) 35(p) 0(c)
    Meal 5: 6oz Chkn, 1 tbsp Hemp oil, Fiber Supp 14(f) 35(p) 5(c)
    Meal 6: 8 oz Salmon, 1 tbsp Hemp, Spinach 22(f) 40(p) 9(c)

    Fat: 93(g) 837(Cal) Prot:233(g) 932(Cal) Carbs:20-25(g) 100(Cal)

    1870 total. I should be eating about 2300.

    1. So I'm eating way too little fat right? It should be about double?

    2. I read yesterday it should be .65:.35 Fat:Prot. Is that correct?

    3. Could I be eating too much EFA's? Should I eat some olive oil? Hemp oil has 2.3g (143%) Omega-3, 8.5g Omega-6 and 2g of Omega-9.

    4. I am not low on energy at all. Do you guys think I am going into Ketosis? Should I keep eating this way since I am not low on energy?
    Last edited by dominick2417; 09-06-2010 at 08:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    It's should be a 60% 30% 5% split or a 65%,35% split meals look good but your eating barley anything for a 200 lb man. Your fat intake is too low, protein seems fine,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I doubt you need to double your fat intake. What's your body fat?

    There are many, many way to run a keto. Not just one correct way.

    The best fat sources are from nut sources, though I laud you on your use of oils. Try:
    Avacado oil
    Almond oil
    Walnut oil
    Fish oil
    Extra virgin olive oil
    Pistachio oil
    Macadamia oil

    Being low on energy is not always an indication of being in ketosis. Besides, I wouldn't get hung up on being in ketosis. You don't have to be in ketosis 24/7 to loose fat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I still think his fat intake it to low. But he definitely doesn't need to double the fat intake

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans
    Quote Originally Posted by bigcwithane View Post
    I still think his fat intake it to low. But he definitely doesn't need to double the fat intake
    I probably need to add about 50-75 extra grams though right?

    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    I doubt you need to double your fat intake. What's your body fat?

    There are many, many way to run a keto. Not just one correct way.

    The best fat sources are from nut sources, though I laud you on your use of oils. Try:
    Avacado oil
    Almond oil
    Walnut oil
    Fish oil
    Extra virgin olive oil
    Pistachio oil
    Macadamia oil

    Being low on energy is not always an indication of being in ketosis. Besides, I wouldn't get hung up on being in ketosis. You don't have to be in ketosis 24/7 to loose fat
    I added some pics. I am not sure, but at the beginning of my diet about 2 months ago someone said it was around 28%. I am only flexing my bicep in the first picture, everything else is relaxed. Like I said, I have been doing Keto about three weeks from yesterday and lost about 7 pounds so far.

    I mentioned my energy because I am not low on energy. So the additional fat is not needed to power through my workouts or cardio.

    About the hemp oil, someone in another thread of mine said that Udo's Choice oil is about the best choice for your fat source. Since Udo's Choice is too damn expensive, I eat hemp oil because it has loads of EFA's like Udo's.

    Do I need to change the hemp oil to something you suggested? I do not eat Udo's Choice oil anymore, so hemp and omega eggs are my only sources of omega-3. Nowhere around my house sells Mac nut oil, not even Whole Foods. I think for a meal or two I may eat some PB along with my Hemp or Olive oil. I will do this unless someone says it is stupid, and it works out because I am addicted to PB.

    Is high fat required to go into Ketosis?

    Should I change up my cardio intensity or is low and slow good throughout? (I have 7.5 weeks left (Hopefully))
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    Last edited by dominick2417; 09-06-2010 at 10:14 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans
    Is my adjusted diet good? Any thoughts?

  7. #7
    im no expert on keto thats for sure, but i think the reasonyou raise your fatintake is becasue currently your body is using fat for fuel and solely fat. if you have low levels of fat than your going to be lower eneregy and less explosive work outs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Elk Grove, CA
    Go to Walgreens or any other drugstore and get Ketosis Strips, they are about $15/bottle. You will know when you are in Ketosis that way. Your fats are too low.

    After my cheat day I do high intesity cardio to get me back into Ketosis. When I am back in, I slow it down to low intensity. I believe it is higher fats the day after cheat day ends, if you do that sort of thing. But yeah, your fats are way too low. Also your cals seem too low to me as well. I need 2400 after 500 deficiency and I am really sedentary.

    If you are going Peanut Butter then do natural or Smart Beat with Omega 3's(taste like crap)

    Take a multivitamin.
    Last edited by Failure; 09-13-2010 at 01:45 AM.

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