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Thread: Article - Fat Loss Aids

  1. #1
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    Article - Fat Loss Aids

    Taken from another site which will remain unnamed here. Let me know what you think about T3 possibly NOT being a worry even when not on AAS (in regards to claims that it will torch LBM), and also the use of glucose disposal agents for fat loss.

    Glucose Disposal Agents

    Glucose disposal agents do not play a direct role in fat loss, but act as an awesome aid in a fat loss diet. Many have probably heard or used some of the OTC (over the counter) glucose disposal agents such as, vanadyl sulfate with chromium, and ALA. Yes, these are all pretty decent glucose disposal agents due to the fact that they mimic and support the effects of insulin in the body, but they are not the best. My personal favorite is Glucophage, or by the trade name Metformin.

    This drug heightens the body's sensitivity to insulin, and is currently used to treat type 2 diabetes. For fat loss purposes Metformin is used in ketogenic diets to rapidly drop blood sugar to quickly induce ketosis. For a mixed ratio diet, Metformin would be used with carb meals insuring that the carbohydrates go to muscle tissue over fat, this is a great addition to a high sugar post workout meal.

    Additionally, due to the fact that it controls insulin levels in the body, it also greatly reduces hunger in between meals. Metformin is very beneficial in that it heightens insulin sensitivity, which is very good due to the fact that most Americans are insulin insensitive. This over production of insulin which insulin insensitivity causes can lead to weight gain and also various other health problems. Now, the best way to use Metformin would be to take 2000-3000mg divided up with meals. On a moderate carb diet, you could split up the dose and take it only with your carb meals.

    If you follow a CKD (cyclic ketogenic diet) type diet, the best way to use it would be with your weekend carb up, which would follow the same schedule as above. Metformin is not needed during the week, but if you like the appetite suppressing effects that it gives you, you can also use it during the week. Another thing you can do on a CKD is to have a small amount of fast acting carbs (around 40-50g) after your workout with Metformin. This will not cause you to drop out of ketosis due to the fact that the Metformin will quickly shuttle the carbohydrates into the muscle cells while still running on ketones.

    Metabolic Stimulaters

    This is a given, I mean really, who uses a fat loss diet with out incorporating a thermo like ECA? Not too many people do, with all the fat loss ECA stacks on the market these days. Now don't get me wrong I think ECA is very good for fat loss, but the "optimal" fat loss combo would have to be T-3 (mostly known as Cytomel and Cynomel) and Clenbuterol. Yes, these two drugs are illegal, but not too hard to find with a little research. T-3 is a great drug whether you are natural or not, you just have to adjust your dosage accordingly and also supplement your diet with high levels of protein.

    Don't get me wrong, this drug is extremely powerful, I mean its straight thyroid (you can feel it pretty quickly) and also dangerous when not used correctly, let me repeat that, very dangerous! T-3 greatly enhances your metabolic rate which slows down as your body fat and calories get lower, which means you don't have to drop calories extremely low towards the end of your diet. It also works synergistically with Clenbuterol, and keeps the effect of the drug longer.

    Everyone thinks that you have to be on gear to use T-3 due to the "wasting effects", this is bunk. If you use a suitable dosage which (for a natural) would be somewhere between 50mcg-100mcg in divided dosages, and someone on gear could use upwards of 150mcg or more depending on bodyweight.

    On T-3 you CANNOT develop the more is better mentality due to the fact that number one, you will burn up all your muscle tissue, and number two, you could potentially screw up your metabolism for the rest of your life, I think number two catches peoples attention. Also every one talks about the "T-3 crash" when you discontinue using it, this is also false due to the fact that most of the people who talk about this normally go back to a bulking diet after the finish, of course your going to gain fat back if you do that!

    The best way to come off would be to taper down and when coming of (due to the sluggishness of your metabolism) resume you diet plan for 4-6 weeks after, then start to slowly add calories back in until you are at your normal level. To cycle T-3, I would start with 25mg for the first week, 50mcg the second, 75mcg the third, (you could go up to 100mcg if you feel your body needs it) then stay at that dose for 2 weeks, then taper down by 25mcg per week until you are off. Again this is a dangerous drug when not used correctly, and you have to know your body very well (diet wise) to avoid muscle loss, which could occur.

    Clenbuterol is similar to the effects of Ephedrine, but I feel they are much better and also it is less harsh (side effects). The proper way to use this is 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off (ECA would be used on the off weeks). Dosages range from 60mcg per day to 180mcg per day, but again this is very individual due to the fact that people experience side effects at different dosages. Clenbuterol's effects are very profound on body composition, users commonly report overall fat loss and a hardening to the physique very quickly. I feel this drug works very well in two-week intervals. Again like T-3, I would start off at 60mcg per day and taper up by 20mcg per day until you are at your desired dosage, I really don't feel you have to taper off of this drug, but some do. Also if you are not a first time user you can start off at the dosage you normally use and run that through out, but if not taper up to find out the effects it has on your body.

    Also, take your daily dosages before 3-4 due to the fact that it could cause some insomnia in some people when taken later. Another drug I would use (only on the weeks with the Clen) is Yohimbine HCL. This enhances the overall effects of Clen and T-3 by allowing the effects to last longer, and it also suppresses your appetite very well. The only downside to Yohimbine is that it is an anti diuretic and will make you hold some water while using it, but I feel it is worth it. Dosages are usually around 2-3 5mg tabs spread out with the Clen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    100mcg/ED of T3 will definitely results in muscle loss without AAS, at least in my experience.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Elk Grove, CA
    I have always wanted to try T3 but I am pretty nervous about screwing myself up. I had a thyroid hormone test done a few months back and it turned out fine. I just have a hard time dropping weight, even with Clen. Is T3 really that dangerous or is it safe when used properly?

    Also, is the info even correct? I thought that Clen and Ephedrine are both Beta antagonists and stimulate the same receptors. Wouldn't taking it on off weeks keep receptors from Up Regulating?
    Last edited by Failure; 09-09-2010 at 03:13 PM.

  4. #4
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    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Failure View Post
    I have always wanted to try T3 but I am pretty nervous about screwing myself up. I had a thyroid hormone test done a few months back and it turned out fine. I just have a hard time dropping weight, even with Clen. Is T3 really that dangerous or is it safe when used properly?

    Also, is the info even correct? I thought that Clen and Ephedrine are both Beta antagonists and stimulate the same receptors. Wouldn't taking it on off weeks keep receptors from Up Regulating?
    Honestly I would say if you don't have your diet in check, using clen and/or T3 would be a waste of time, effort and money. You need to have the fundamentals in order first.

    As for receptor sensitivity, the article I posted above may be old and at this point is kind of invalid in terms of the clen cycling; with the use of ketotifen, you can stay on clen indefinitely (although I still would take 2 weeks off after a month just to give my heart and BP a break). No need to cycle 2 on 2 off anymore.

  5. #5
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    If I am running 750 mg test e, 50mg tren a and 100mg winstrol ed, will u experience muscle and strength loss running t3 only as high as 75mcg??? Will u still be full in the gym? As have vascularity and a pump? And notice Fat loss?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    If I am running 750 mg test e, 50mg tren a and 100mg winstrol ed, will u experience muscle and strength loss running t3 only as high as 75mcg??? Will u still be full in the gym? As have vascularity and a pump? And notice Fat loss?
    I don't think you'll experience muscle or strength loss if you run T3 on that cycle, provided your getting sufficient calories to maintain or grow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    So it doesnt really say how long you would do the T3, great article though Gbrice!!

  8. #8
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    i dont think ill use it

    cos im running a 500 calorie deficit atm

    however i think im still able to build a bit of lean muscle due to tren and winstrol.

    yet still experience fat loss..

    with t3 no chance of muscle gain right?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post

    i dont think ill use it

    cos im running a 500 calorie deficit atm

    however i think im still able to build a bit of lean muscle due to tren and winstrol.

    yet still experience fat loss..

    with t3 no chance of muscle gain right?
    I'm just wondering why you're running such a high dosage of test e on a cutting cycle?

    If you were to run T3 on that cycle, i'd probably up calories by 500 to eat at maintenance and just do cardio. At least that way you'll ensure you're getting enough calories to maintain LBM, plus the gear - I really don't think you'd lose muscle.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I'm just wondering why you're running such a high dosage of test e on a cutting cycle?

    If you were to run T3 on that cycle, i'd probably up calories by 500 to eat at maintenance and just do cardio. At least that way you'll ensure you're getting enough calories to maintain LBM, plus the gear - I really don't think you'd lose muscle.
    I agree, there is no need for so much test on a cutting cycle. Plenty of people do well with lower dosages (around 300-500 mg/week).

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjax03 View Post
    I agree, there is no need for so much test on a cutting cycle. Plenty of people do well with lower dosages (around 300-500 mg/week).
    Definitely. Alot of people go with 500 on a BULKING cycle!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Nice read gbrice, altho I don't think ima jack w my thyroid. I'm pretty shure I'd screw up. Lol!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I found this piece of an article about lowering blood sugar for keto diets and thought it would be a good addition to this, hope you dont mind Gbrice!

    "A safer (and legal) way to accomplish the same thing is to use Leucine for the same purpose as insulin. Leucine is a ketogenic amino acid. It leads to a large (but within your own natural limits) insulin spike. If you don't consume any carbs 1 hour prior and up to 2 hours after ingesting leucine, your blood glucose will lower significantly, helping you reach ketosis faster.

    You can do this on your carb-up day, which would look like this:

    Morning (1-2 meals): carbs from fruit to fill liver glycogen first
    Between 11 am and 2 pm (2 meals): carbs from starchy sources (rice, yams, potatoes, etc.)
    Mid-afternoon meal (around 3-4 pm): last carb meal of the day... high glycemic carbs

    And from 4 pm you only have protein and fat along with ingesting 5-10g of leucine every 2 hours (5 pm, 7 pm, 9 pm, 11 pm for example). The key is no carbs after 3-4 pm.

    This will help you get into ketosis much faster and it will be both easier and more effective to diet down while in a low carb state.

    Note that this method can be further enhanced by using supplements that enhance insulin sensitivity (R-ALA, fenugreek, fish oil, etc.), the first two ingredients being found in Biotest's Receptor Max and the third in Biotest's Flameout. " end quote

  14. #14
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    basically because i experienced a very rapid weight loss so i kept my dosage high to ensure muscle mass was kept

    and sure enough gbrice

    I lost 27kg of fat and water in the space of 12 weeks and only 2.8kg of that was muscle mass.

    So basically i was very very very very very happy with results haha

    those are confirmed by dexa scans

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