So I got my fat caliper and I don't like what it reads. Supreriliac skinfold measurement shows me somewhere a bit over 20% at 238-242lbs. Man my metabolism sucks. I don't even eat that much or that dirty, and my brothers eat crap all the time, candy, fast food, etc, and they don't even work out! I tested my brother at 12%. I haven't done much cardio in the last few months, but I always worked out 4-5/wk. Just have a terrible endomorphic metabolism that sucks ass.
I know my bf % is really too high to take steroids, but the right side of my back is f'd up and having my muscles stronger seems to hold me together better. When I diet and get weak I feel like everything falls out of alignment. I was trying to diet with ECA and 40min cardio/day, and just f'd my back up and got weak as hell. I had my calories at 2700-3000/day and I feel like I just burnt up muscle.
So I said screw the ECA, I'll just take no stimulants.
Now I'm taking Test E 500mg/Deca 200mg for 8 weeks, then deloading, then reloading with Test E 750mg-1g/Deca 400mg for 8 weeks, then deload.
I know these AS aren't optimal for weight loss, but I already ordered them, and I don't want to use Winstrol and get jacked up joints. I guess there's Masteron, Primobolin, Anavar, Trenbolone...
I just figure if I use a 40/40/20 diet at about 3,000 cal/day (this is actually 500 below my TDEE based on my weight), and 30 min cardio 7x/wk, I should put on muscle and burn off fat?
I will eat only clean, whole foods. Mostly tuna and oatmeal for every meal, eggs, steak, chicken, peanut butter, olive oil, whey protein... And that's about it, with a ton of water. Oh and 220 cals of orange juice post workout. 6 500 calorie meals.
Problem is a pound of muscle has much less calories than a pound of fat, so it's real easy to burn off your muscle overtraining with no calories.
Fasted cardio is something I've yet to do. If you do it in the morning on an empty stomach but put some carbs/protein in you right after, it shouldn't burn off muscle?
Anyway, I'm sure I'll get a bunch of replies saying I shouldn't be taking AS and I'm a f'n idiot, and a fatass.Problem is, you might be right. Oh well.